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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Not to be rude, but i think that would go over as well as trying to clog a shot gun with your finger to protect yourself. Just thinking about that sounds like i'd be a stalker or something. "oh yeah, let me give you my phone number and you can call me sometime" Sorry, but i deffintly think that would be one of the things NOT to do. If they ask, i will just tell them the truth.


    We met over common interest. As time went on i began to become fond of her, as she did me.


    blah blah blah .... BANG! :D


    I think you have the best suggestion yet, telling the truth and letting them get over it. :D Good Luck and have fun...

  2. Then i guess all you can do is meet them, and see what they are like at first then work from there. No point worrying about something thats might not even happen. If they don't like you, just be polite and find out why, maybe its just something silly, like you wear a hat inside there house and they don't like that, or something, who knows!But they'll live... :D

  3. What should i do, if attempt after attempt after attempt (endless amount scenario) they still dont like me? Im sorry I just have a fear of bad inlaws :D....


    I guess you won't have to put up with in-laws then. If they ain't going to like you, really its there bad luck, cause if there daughter likes you enough. She won't be so worried about what they think and continue to like you.


    If her parents are loving of there daughter, they should respect her wishes, as long as she ain't 12 or something... If she says she has found someone who she likes and can live the rest of her life with, they should be able to deal with it, they were young once too...

  4. common.. a guy cook dinner for u? pffff :D


    I cook dinner, im male. Im not just a computer nerd. lol :( It works well cause i can find so many recipies online and use them.


    Then again, maybe im just weird. On the other hand, how many more male chefs are there then females though? and they cok for all sorts.


    It depeds on the person, like me, i do it to stay outta the dog house. :D

  5. I can't believe you really have to ask that question. Let me put it in simple terms. This really hot guy, is he going to be someone who will treat you as well as you should be treated, cared for, give you massages (My Speciality), cook you dinner, say goodnight sweetheart?, Or be the tyical HOT guy and get rid of you after the PROM after party and go fins another chick and add you to the list of gurls?As for this shy cutie, how shy is he, if he isn't so shy around you, least he will make you feel good, i could tell from your post you like him, you wrote more about him and felt alil more compelled to say good stuff bout him, then just said the other guy was hot.I guess the answer to your question only lies within your heart, who do you love, and i mean truely want to be with for the rest of your life?, and im sure you have your answer.

  6. I take it she then doesn't respond to sentences like 'I do not like you anymore, can you just leave me alone, i don't want to be friends either. So don't call me or text me.'? I mean there is also the factor she could be doing it to 'piss you off' or get back at you, cause to me if she is starting to miss you, then she must have had major feelings for you, then you say she took it 'Very Well' at the time?? That doesn't make sense for a female.... Maybe a female can verify that one. ;)Maybe you may have to not be so nice to her, i know its not easy trying to be nice, but get a point across too. Maybe you need to be so blunt as to say 'Leave me alone, don't call' and hang up on her?Again, every time you talk back to her, she feels there is still a connection there, even if it is only friends or at least maybe sometime in the future getting back together....Good Luck Mate ... Next its time to change numbers, and move. ;):D

  7. It sounds like a credital idea, i do have a few questions to ask in response to your proposed contest.1) How would this contest work, ie. Would there be catergories of photos or will it just be one photo a week or month?2) What would the time length be? , Week, Month maybe 2,3 months?3) How will it be judged? , a board of members who are excluded from entering, or 1 member, even a voting system?4) What would the prize pool be? 10 Credits first place etc. or otherwise??Just wondering, nice suggestion...

  8. Yahoo are Beta Mail too, is it just me or is everyone of the mail services like Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail all trying to out do each other with updating of Mail Services. And the one thing that strikes me is that they always seem to improve the interface, and features, but never the relieablity or speed or even the access to your emails of thier service. I think GMail started on the right track.

  9. Yes that's a good idea.


    Or what u can do is Use Frames. Create Two Frames in one page.


    The Top most frame will have a height of 0% and the this page will reside on ur domain.


    Sounds cool?

    Better u own ur own forum. Take a backup of the database and export it into ur Database.


    No Conflicts of Copyright or nething like that I guess.

    The frame idea is not entertained by many of the hosts.


    Yes, that may also will work, What if you get a browser that doesn't support the using of frames, and it doesn't help much when it comes to finding your Forums on Search Engines.


    I like your second idea, of moving your external database over to Xisto, but if he is using a 'third party' forum site, then he probably does not have access to the database, only 'limited' administration features.

  10. Within your CPanel create a subdomain named 'forum'. It will ask you where you want that subdomain to redirect to, and just copy the external link of your forum into there.Now because your Domain name will be pointing to Xisto name servers, and the domain 'parked' in your CPanel, when users go to "forum.mydomain.com' then it will take them to your forum.Any problems with that, let me know.

  11. Being a guy, I can tell you that he's running all over you cause you're letting him. In his mind not only is it fine to act like a *BLEEP* but he might even think you like it.


    My advice is to change your attitude and act like your the prize he has to work for. Next time he gets mad at you for having a guy call try asking that guy if he wants to hang out later tonight. AFTER, invite your boyfriend, and I bet he won't leave cause you have another guy right next to you to take advantage of the situation.


    Make him slightly jeolous and let him know you have fifty guys waiting in line for a chance with you. If he's just messing with you I bet he'll leave, but if he loves you he might stay. The way you describe it dosen't seem like you have many choices, so try it.


    This is likly to work, but i'd be careful, cause if he is already in-toxicated and not himself, he may just turn violent. That is also the problem with you staying in the relationship without him getting help for his drinking, at anytime can turn Violent.


    Im sure i stand for others when i say, last thing we want is a Trap 17 member in hospital.

  12. Your only 17, you have on average, 75 years left to live. This guy has already wrecked one of those years. I suggest you let him go, telling him he needs to change BEFORE you take him back, or even talk to him. Also take Saints advice, it works, also its great being single, you can flirt more, and not have a worry of a guy at all. :DIf this guy, loves you, and trusts you, he'll try and get you back. If he hasn't changed, then hold hope and not give in, he will eventually give in and change. If you don't hear a bar out of him, let him go, and find someone who will make you happy and leave you happy for that 75 years. ;)Life is full of experiences and fun just waiting to be had. Im male and 17... :D, Where do you live? ;) ..joking..

  13. Woohoo, Public Transport is excatly that, Public! ;) Many people, many scary people yes. We all have to admit though, where would ya be without it, many would be at work on time, living boring dull lives, others sitting at home no way to get 20km across town. Learn to live and let fly.... :D;)

  14. Welcome welcome welcome!  Yup Buffalo is right, everyone is on there way lol.  Welcome to Xisto, if I haven't said it enough already.  I am sure you will enjoy your time here and find lots to do.  Just make sure to follow all guidelines in the Xisto Readme that Buffalo was talking about.  No illegal content, spamming, post in the right forums, respect all members and the site, etc;  Special Word of Advice: Get to know the staff too they are nice people inside their shiny plates of gold armor.  lol


    WARNING:  Xisto is addicting and if you stay here for long periods of time some unexplainable force keeps you here when you are supposed to do your homework.


    ^^^^Maybe that's just me ;)


    Suck up to the staff cause there nice? ... Everyone around here is nice!... except me of course. Oh, Whats Homework?


    Welcome along Megahalo, Xisto will keep you entertained into the long dull hours of the morning and you won't even know it.


    You'll never find a better host anywhere!

  15. Personally, I'd have to see this kind of thing in real life to believe it.


    How much you willing to pay?


    As far as i can see from the movie, it is a forge, cause i doubt there would be anything that could project an aircraft of that weight up and clearly out of the water, and also for the engines to fire off that quick is also abit dodgey, but not impossible.


    Also if you look close enough, there is no water break from the aircrafts wings. If the wings are likely to have more of a water break then the rest of the aircraft due to aero dynamics.


    Maybe the billion dollar spenders could design something like that could make that video true, could you imagine under water aircraft carriers and launchers. Not only can you ship in without being detected, now you could fly! ;)

  16. Think of it this way, you could own a car and be stuck in traffic for 3 hours and be even later. You have the problem of living in a capital city, and like any capital city, it has major peak hour traffic and public transport delays. Wait until the days of flying craft that means you can fly anywhere, anytime. Without hassle of traffic jam and road ragers, and your favourite, Rail Works! :P

  17. Wow.  Something like this could really come in handy when trying to take out an anti-vehicle type weapon.  I wonder how fast a weapon like that would over heat and how long it ould take to cool down and what the rate f fire would be.


    Oh, i'd give it 10secs :) and to cool down i'll give it 10months!! None of this is going to help anyone in anyway, its just another, i wanna look good 'big boy' toy for the US, to sell to other countries.


    Then try and take it back for no good reason, they have there and my troops over there for nothing worth 10 cents.

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