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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. First one i ever owned was back in the Windows 3.1 days, with the old *thinking hard* , 6 inch disks i think they were. Good only for word processing and playing downhill skiing.Sadly, it used to belong to our neighbour who gave it to us. Then somehow we all got in a fight so we gave them there computer back, rather violenetly if i remember correctly. :huh: Those were the days! ... Oh, and now were all friends again, Wierd!

  2. Recommended because it really saves alot of time. Yes you can make Bootable CDs, but for people who are not computer friends, teaching them to make one or to burn to a CD makes it hard. It all depends just how advanced you are with computers i guess. I know that without a floppy drive my parents would be lost. They still use them to transfer files and stuff. As i said, it is an optional item. Can it hurt to have one anyway?, i mean, you can still have that extra HDD if you do have a floppy drive connected. (Providing you have the 'docking' space.)

  3. Building a New Computer from ScratchThings you need before you start:1. A Screw Driver2. A Flat Working Bench3. Computer Components consisting of:a. Computer Case (Compatible with your Mother Board & Power Supply already installed)b. Mother Board (CPU and RAM installed)c. HDD with IDE Cabled. CD-ROM (Optional) with IDE Cablee. Floppy Drive (Optional, but Recommended) with IDE CableTo start building your computer, follow these steps:a) Unscrew your case lid or side as the case may be. There should be a screws right at the back to allow you to do this. (Also if your case may get opened often in the future, invest in some thumb screws):huh: At this point you should ?earth? yourself, either by attaching an anti-static line to yourself, or by touching the outside metal casing.c) First is how to put your mother board into your case. This is done in two parts. First you have to screw special holders that do 2 things, Hold the motherboard up off the case side, and have holes to allow for your motherboard screws to be placed in. This should be placed in places whereas the holes on your motherboard correspond to. After this you can then also now place your mother board into your case on top of these special screws. Once your mother board is in the correct place and lines up at the back, you now screw down your motherboard with the screws provided. You can now start adding components.d) Take your HDD, Floppy Drive, CD-Rom and place them into there respective place in the case and screw them in. You should ensure to use all four screws for each component, as any movement whilst in the case when being used could cause damage.e) Take your three (some cases only two) IDE cables and connect them to your mother board in there correct places. Ensure not to bend pins, and that you insert them the correct way around, usually there is a slit on one side.f) Now connect the main power cable to the power board, most cases this is a large plug consisting of 2 rows of bout 6 holes.g) Now you connect the three power plugs up to the HDD, Floppy Drive, CD-Rom and the other ends of the IDE Cables.h) Everything should now be connected in your case excluding the front connecters. These are the connecters that make the LEDs and Power switch on the front of your computer work. To connect these connecters, you must use the instruction booklet that came with your motherboard, as they must be connected in the right places before they work.i) Once everything is connected, you can now place the lid or side back on your computer and screw it all back up. Connect it up and turn it on and see if everything works.This is a quick and simple, but no where near full guide to constructing your own computer from components. If there are any problems after BOOT UP then Google search the problem, or ask right here. I also stress that you read any instruction manuals you may have for each device.

  4. Windows Vs. Macromedia, If you ask me, Microsoft build around easy to use & less features. Whereas you have to buy other products like Macromedia Dreamweaver to put in more features, but its harder to use.Its like doing a training course, You use Frontpage to get a grounding web design and construction, then move up a level to Dreamweaver.But if you learn using Notepad anyway, you should have no troubles using both programs together like i do. I find Frontpage easier to navargate around.

  5. Would this have not been better for the Tuts section? and isn't there already one anyway?Few points to remember if you are going to try this. DO NOT bend the pins, your old floppy drive could still be used. With your new floppy make sure you get the 'wider' cable plugged in the correct way or you could end yourself in big trouble on BOOT.

  6. Can i ask how you would plan on stopping people from making there own programs?? Its just a fact of life, everywhere there is someone out there, just trying to make the world worse. My thoughts say, If we stop people making there own programs why can't we stop people making electronics, as they coul either 'blow up' or be used to secretly spy on someone. Life has ups and downs, if you take the right steps, you won't have any problems with viruses.Tuddy*Back from 2 Weeks Dead*

  7. How long did it take to build?, Is it expensive based on the size and materials used?Whats the flight time like? How much Fuel does it consume on full flight?Are you goin to make it available to public?Im keen on flying things, just finished a flight in a C-130J Hercules! :ph34r:

  8. Hi all, i have a problem. :)

    I have just installed PHP-Nuke, and use only one theme 'DeepBlue' which comes with the PHP-Nuke install here on Xisto. Now my question is, there is a bar of links at the top, just under the banner thing. I have replaced the images with mine, and wanting them to point to other pages. now my problem, How do i edit those links?..What file contains them? I have not edited files in any way.

    Take alook what i mean HERE, the bar under my logo, aircraft graphic.

    Thanks for any help! :D

  9. Opps, Sorry...It seems after changing users to my Parents account on the computer i'm using, i can now access everything. This to me is very strange. About 2 hours ago now, i could access everything just fine and peachy. Now in my account again, i cannot. Does anyone have a clue as to why this might happen?Sorry about the double post. but this is another thing that is a big problem. Any ideas? :)

  10. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling thinking about those comforts. :D But when is technology too much, and starts to rulle and dicdate our lives. People won't step outside, instead be inside playing games. You wouldn't meet new people. Life would be so easy, that you would become more bored. Don;t worry about having actors and singers, we'll just computer generate them, thats a good idea if Britney Spears was the only singer on earth! :D:)

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