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Everything posted by Joshua

  1. The following is from: http://www.compassdirect.org/site.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/en/newsarcen.name=&rowcur=25 I've noticed the Catholic Church tends to act a bit differently in areas where it doesn't need to worry about restrictions like the US has. And this isn't exactly being opposed by the institution as a whole either, but is permitted. No denunciations yet.
  2. Uh oh, there goes the minimum driving age to 31!
  3. It's all just signs of the times. I figure Satan is conditioning the world to get more and more used to stuff until they'll accept him and his puppets and worship them.
  4. Well, the Church is the universal body of believers of which I am one, and I would consider the kid human. Of course, assuming the child doesn't become just a Frankenstein and gets a mind and soul like someone suggested, I think they'll be very shocked at just how different the "clone" will be inside, you can clone bodies, you can't clone souls. Also, as for cloning, haven't the clones of sheep and what not died quicker? Something to do with the age of the cells, if you came from someone about to die then your cells will be as old as theirs so even if something is newly born it will die around when that which it was cloned from would have died. Any info on this?
  5. Well, just because they're a group... I don't think they'd let them have a Nazi parade just so they can "be free to express themselves too" All I'm saying is freedom of expression is not in itself justification
  6. Here from ZDNet you can download a demo of MVP Baseball 2004: https://gen.xyz/ While you can play only one game between the Yankees and Red Sox and unless there are extra innings it will last only 3 innings, there is still a lot you can do with it. You can configure the settings so that 2 people can verse each other on one keyboard (I believe a controller to the computer would make it even easier). While this little demo won't (or at least shouldn't ) engulf you like the full game would you may find it worthwhile to play a game as the yankees once a day and then as the red sox just to see how you do. And despite being a demo it is MVP Baseball and pretty current, so it tends to be pretty lifelike, especially if you set the graphics to high rather then the defaults.
  7. You can see CSFBL at http://www.csfbl.com/ CSFBL is a free online baseball game which while not graphically oriented is great if you're more into the management aspect of games, like with SimDynasty or Out of the Park Baseball. Unlike with SimDynasty you keep playing in your leagues season after season developing your teams rather than worrying about creating new ones each time. CSFBL also places a tremendous amount of value on statistics just like real baseball, and if you're in a premier league you can even see stats for how hitters do against RHP/LHP, all the splits in other words. I consider CSFBL the best free game on the net.
  8. You can get started with Ultimate Baseball Online at http://www.ultimatebaseballonline.com/ UBO has received a lot of attention despite not advertising itself as the first MMORPG that involves sports. Like an RPG you roll for your player's stats (you get 3 players and can delete players) and can develop them by spending hard earned points (not xp, which is for leveling alone) in either improving your pitches or improving your hitting. So you can put a point into acquiring a new pitch or making an existing pitch better (up to 12 points per pitch, and you have to have certain pitches before you can get others) or you can put points into the 9 areas of the strike zone to make yourself a better hitter. You are also able to use a different type of points to improve the stats you rolled for which include batting power, running speed, throwing accuracy, etc... For the games themselves, you play in fully 3D (they even show the mound as having actual depth to it now rather then looking like a softball one ) stadiums with 3D players that looks like a game you could buy in a store. The difference being that for the time being at least UBO is 100% FREE, at least until it finishes beta testing. In games you play as one of 9 players on a team (some can be AI's or computer players) against another team of 9, and all 18 players can be other human opponents. You gain stats from games and UBO is highly community based as well, since like real baseball you are only 1 player on the diamond, and your teammates must rely on you, like it or not. The UBO several months ago was excellent and took up way too much of my time, but then ESPN bought out UBO from the parent company, NetAmin, and started building everything again from scratch. Some of the changes included lag during batting so that you have to swing very early as well as strike zone problems so that you have to stay away from certain areas of the zone and always hit accuracy to avoid certain bugs. I haven't checked back in a while now because I was fed up with the bugs and missed the old UBO but there are an awful lot of UBO players who love the new UBO, so... And there are of course more and more coming to UBO as it gets more and more attention. It might only be in beta for as little as another month or 2 though.
  9. It wouldn't be possible when editing for the system to just figure out how much credits the post was before editing, deduct that many credits from the account, then add credits for the edited version as if it was a new post?
  10. Well, C++ is complicated that is, VB isn't too bad, I like VB. C++ is a pain though, if you're going to use it I suggest visual C++.net, it's really good as a compiler.
  11. Visual basic and QBasic are a whole different matter from C++, I can tell you that right now.I tried taking classes for C++ and am REALLY struggling with it. The instructors do things their own way and don't know how to teach what the book does so they don't even use it, which is ridiculous since the books cost like 100-200 dollars. If you learn it try to get it from a book, instructors that I've had only know how to teach it by throwing up programs on an overhead thing and you follow along and hopefully learn by asking them questions. C++ is probably the most complicated of the programming languages, but also can do more then others like java, cobalt, etc... If you want to get into programming it's the best one to learn I think, VB is pretty valuable too, but it'll be a handful for you to learn I'm sure, pretty complicated language.
  12. The obvious answer I see noone mentioned so...Greatest problem today or any day = Souls being separated from Jesus Christ by their sins. Eternities are at stake, people not yet to escape the wrath to come, and as for all the problems in the world, if all people had Christ's love in their hearts those things wouldn't be problems. There would be no killing or drugs or poverty. The whole of all problems revolve simply around this one issue, and God has appointed a day to judge the world in which every man will be judged according to their deeds and the only way we escape is through Jesus Christ. God will not permit those who have not been born again through faith to be a part of His coming kingdom and so it will become perfect, all these problems will pass away. Peace. (which will not come until the end of days)
  13. Salutations, as you may have noticed I'm quickly establishing my posting prowess on these boards as I have on so many others :lol:You may be sad to hear that now that I'm on these forums you can expect to see a ton of Bible-related material popping up, what the Bible has to say on all topics. Is it so awful to hear the viewpoints of the Bible? Other than that, you'll probably see some sports/poetry/politics related stuff from me as well. I really like forum posting and while I came here for a website I'm jumping at an excuse to do some more posting
  14. Hopefully Xisto can one day find a way around that so one post gives you credits only for its first posting and not further editings... because I REALLY miss the edit option. I haven't been in many forums without the edit option but I don't think anything more annoying exists in a forum then not being able to edit your posts. It happens to be my biggest pet peeve with forums
  15. Sounds pretty similar to me although I wouldn't have mentioned it and wrote it off as a non-scary item but a more depressing one like you said. The one thing that really does scare me of everything is people I care the most deeply about not finding eternal life. That really is it. Heights, death of all kinds, water, etc... don't scare me. I used to be afraid of embarassment and have some social phobias but they disappeared, quite a while ago now. I just chalk it up to perfect love casting out fear and that I'm coming to understand something more of the love of Christ. I do care very deeply as well about a certain girl however who I haven't seen in so long now you'd find it ridiculous if I told you (which I don't plan on doing ) and it certainly does bother me what is happening to her in this life. The true worry for me is how she is doing in her relationship with my Master, I'd like to at least see her again in eternity.
  16. Sunday for me, the day of rest. And the day focused most on my Lord and Saviour.
  17. No, but we are told that whoever hates their brother is a murderer and "thou shalt not kill" is one of the commandments, so it is kind of a commandment though not said in those exact words. 1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
  18. Go green! I prefer woods/natural colors that I blend into nature scenes with, was into the outdoors scene pretty heavily in my youth (we're talking 4-14 or so here). I love khakis of all types (provided they fit well) and will play sports in them. I wear a lot of polos and loose shirts that look pretty nice and fit in at church, but they tend to be a lot of tans. If there were some nice green ones I'd wear them Love green though, crazy about it for some reason, blue isn't too bad (cerulean is awesome) and I love a lot of the dark rich colors, but especially green.
  19. I like Yahoo too, I use YIM above all messengers, MyYahoo is my homepage (I like having comics and weather stuff and maps and news stories all on one page ), and the email service is more then adequate for me. I just wish it would learn to save my password so I don't have to type it in every time (and I have changed the settings several times but it doesn't do anything). I've tried MSN mail, Hotmail, and Outlook, and don't like any of them. I'm content to keep using Yahoo's.
  20. CSFBL is awesome (Computer Simulated Fantasy Baseball League) I've messed around with SimDynasty before but the 1 season thing gets old. There's something called Ultimate Baseball Online that's a free online 3D multiplayer baseball game. It's supposed to be free only a few more months though. It was AWESOME before ESPN took over control from the original company, Netamin. They started everything over pretty much from scratch and the few times I've checked in I got disheartened by some of the changes in it though. A lot of people really enjoy it though and it is the real deal, allows for up to 9 players a team versing each other, and you roll for stats for your players and control batting stance, pitches, hitting zones for them etc... Just like in a MMRPG which is what UBO is. I might check back in a few more weeks to see how it's doing but for now I'm content to stick with CSFBL, UBO was taking up too much of my time anyway and I was having to force myself away from it even before ESPN took over.
  21. Why's all this so shocking? The Roman Catholic Church backed the Nazi regime and carried on with its business in Nazi countries as usual. It's known that the RCC housed German soldiers and supported the Germans, however much the RCC might like to cover it up. Christ said it was once an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but no longer (Mt. 5:38). Love fulfils the Law because it does no harm to others (Ro. 13:10). Vengeance is God's, He alone is the perfect judge, and we are to "recompense to no man evil for evil." (Ro. 12:17-21)The Pharisees wanted to administer the punishments of the Law like death by stoning, problem is the whole world is guilty before God. (Ro. 3:19) Christ being God is the only man who ever could have justly ordered that woman put to death, and He did not. Just because the majority of the world claims to be Christian doesn't mean it is. Christ said many will come to Him in the last day thinking they know Him only to be told otherwise (Mt. 7:22) On the other hand few will find eternal life (Mt. 7:14). You will know them as Christ said, by what they produce, a good tree can't bring forth evil fruits any more then an evil one can bring forth good. (Mt. 7:16-19) If they are not abiding in the love of Christ, taking evil, turning the other cheek, doing no harm to others (the fulfilling of the Law), loving their enemies, praying for those that despitefully use them, etc etc etc... Why would you think they are a Christian?Salvation is a heart transaction between you and God, we can't see the transaction itself but we can see the evidence of a changed life, a changed heart, a changed soul. If someone cannot fulfil what Christ said are the 2 great commandments, love for God and love for others... what makes you think a heart transaction ever really occurred? If they claim to have been saved 4 years ago but are living the same now as then did they ever really change within? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Our heart as it changes will bring forth evidences of what is within, whether good or bad.
  22. I personally find it ironic that there are those in the government and whom I meet that can get so offended at stuff like this but support the killing of unborn children and even those newly born, partial birth abortion. Once the world could persuade itself you weren't human if your skin wasn't a certain color. Once it could persuade itself you weren't human if you were a woman and could rob you of your rights. Is it so shocking that now the next step has been taken, and that by the world successfully convincing itself certain children are not human, the real message is gotten across that children are something not to be desired? Why else all the birth control stuff and people so frantic if they have children? It would just "ruin" their lives if they had a kid...In opening the door wide to abortion the world has devalued on a whole the lives of all children, is it so shocking that we now see as commonplace things like this, child molesting, parents killing their children in awful ways, child abuse in all forms rampant... ?Me, I'm guessing Satan realized how much Christ loved the little children and is making them a specific focus for his unending hatred.
  23. Christ told a parable of a man who got rich like this:Luke 12:16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. 20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
  24. 1.We're not punished for questioning God's existence, we're punished for our sins and breaking of God's Law, just like a judge punishes a lawbreaker. We're all guilty before God as Romans 3:19 says, the whole world is guilty before Him. God cannot tolerate sin which is rebellion against Him, all that is good in the universe, and a very serious offense. Only one law needs to be broken once for you to be a lawbreaker. How many beers can you name? Now how many of the 10 commandments can you name? If you have ever told a lie, you are a liar. If you have ever stolen anything you are a thief. If you've ever lusted after a woman you're an adulterer. That makes you a lying, thieving, adulterous heart, which we're all guilty of. That's just 3 commandments, and I haven't even gotten into hating others which makes you a murderer. To top it all off it says that whoever breaks one commandment breaks them all (James 2:10), again, if you break the Law once you are a lawbreaker by definition. Long story short, we're all guilty of death, God doesn't send us to Hell for not believing in Him but for any sin since God cannot waffle on sin. You don't get kept out of Heaven for not listening but for your evil deeds, and need to be reconciled to God, justified the only way you can be, through Christ's finished work on the cross, trusting solely in Him. There is no other way. 2. As mentioned above, the Bible commends as noble those who genuinely question with an open mind the Scriptures in Acts 17:11. 3. As for Abraham, he left his country because God told him to not knowing where he'd be going. Left his comforts, his security, did all God commanded him to, and would've offered up his own son if necessary. He based battle strategies on what God told him to do, even if he didn't understand the logic behind such things. And before you question the scenario of Isaac, let me explain that it was God's way of showing how all mankind deserves death which can be exacted at any time by God. God's love however is symbolized in Him sending that lamb to die in Isaac's place, and God knowing He would save Isaac, Abraham's son there, knew it would mean Him giving up His own only begotten Son thousands of years later to die on a cross in not only Isaac's place, but all of mankind who will trust in Him. 4. Plato and the Greek society produced this saying which Paul quoted: 1 Corinthians 15:32 If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die. My point is, the Greeks you think so highly of recognized that if there is no God and higher authority then there is no point to life but to "eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we die." In other words, live life to the fullest, enjoy yourself as much as possible, and try to avoid thoughts of a meaningless existence. No need to worry about doing good or right, kill who you can kill if you can get away with it, steal from those you can steal from if you can get away with it, abuse those you can abuse if you can get away with it. Life means nothing and all would die and become nothing anyway, and there is no point to your life but to find what pleasures you can, correct? Isn't this how our world is living more and more? But the world is the province of Satan. Two questions for you: A) What is the purpose to your life? If God asks you in the final day why He should let you into His Heaven, what will you say?
  25. I've been thinking of moving my website for a while. This computer has great popup blocking and Freeservers the site provider didn't used to give popups but while I was at my college campus a while back I checked my site which includes a page on salvation and was shocked to find it came with a popup which included a girl in a bikini, courtesy of Freeserver's new management. I stopped working on improving the site after that, planning instead to get a new site first but didn't see much that interested me. That was a while back too. Recently I started thinking about it again and decided out of the blue to start looking again. I did a search for free website directories and found one (don't recall the address) and without much hope did a search for sites without banners or popups and over 100 Megabytes of space that were free. It suggested Xisto.com and here I am. I actually still haven't put in an application for a website yet, been too busy on the forums establishing myself The forums posting requirement bothers me not a bit since I have 100's of posts on the yahoo, ICQ, and myspace forums, as well as sites like http://www.renewamerica.com/ and https://www.godaddy.com/ I LOVE to post As some of you may be realizing already And for all my large numbers of posts, they also tend to have some pretty good volume, a goodsized amount of content to them.
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