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Everything posted by Kubi

  1. Time for a cool down Azriel. No need to go all "WTF" on people because they say something you don't like. This isn't the community to do it at.And he's actually correct. I don't like the outer glow. Sure, it's good to use sometimes. But just slapping it on a render with no other effects, or anything for that matter, isn't a good thing. Text is absolutely horrible in my opinion. The thing you don't want to do with pixel fonts, is make them look....pixely. The text is way to big for a pixel font, that's for sure. I'm not to fond of the size of them either. I personally don't like big sigs at all. Most people design smaller size signatures. Bigger ones aren't allowed by most forums.Uhm, I also deleted the second signature from your gallery. Way to inappropriate. Don't let that happen again. Basic rule of thumb - if you think it's inappropriate, someone will to. Don't post it.He wasn't talking to you like you didn't know what you were doing. You asked for comments and suggestions, he gave his. You're not a "noob", but you do need to work on your signatures. You're new, we were all there at one point. The best thing you can do is take the criticism, and use it to improve yourself. Trust me, I know. One part I will disagree with him is the popout area. Pop out sigs can be good, but not when they're the size of someones computer screen.
  2. I read the Great Gatsby last year, my junior year. It was horrible. The most boring book ever in my opinion. Not sure about the other, have fun with the Gatsby.
  3. Well depends what you mean by smallest. Could it be the fasted load time? With very small website files? Well that would require little images, and content. If you mean page size, go for this site... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Mermaid - Do NOT give your passwords to any members of the Xisto Community, it's one way websites get "hacked". The more people who know your password, the more people who will try to get into your site.
  5. I want to try surfing I'd probably get to scared. Haha. That wire that you clip around your ankle is what freaks me out. Is it supposed to break when you wipe out? Cause I'd think it'd cause some difficulties when trying to resurface. But then again that's just me being paranoid. Also, get nailed by your surfboard when you fall or something, lol. Stupid stuff like that.Very nice pics too. I live in Arizona so I'd have to go out of state to get some surf time.
  6. I like the think of it as "Job Security". . Thanks for all the comments guys, appreciate it.
  7. Ya, it works. I completed a 99 space sweep without even looking at the map. I'm ganna bet my teacher on this or something. nice trick.
  8. What's an IPB tracker? I've never heard of that before...Be more specific.
  9. I've been thinking to myself about this for quite a while now. And finally I'm giving up on trying to figure it out for myself.Death. Being dead. Not existing the the human realm.I keep trying to imagine if the human race never existed, if I never existed, where would "I" be. As a conscience being it's impossible for me to imagine "me" not existing. This is one of the only reasons I believe in an after-life. If we died, and were wiped from the face of this..universe, where would our conscience be? It's so hard for me to explain this, bear with me here. If you understand what I'm trying to say you just made this a whole lot easier.I see it impossible to just die and have no conscience anywhere. Hell, heaven, space, an endless void. SOMEWHERE! If you even understand what I'm trying to say, is there anyone that agrees with me? Please don't jump right to the heaven and hell act. Sure that's where some people believe you go. But what about an Avalon? And when I say Avalon, I mean some sort of mythical place. You know, that you see in those fiction books. No, I don't read many. But maybe there is one? Join me in my crazy fantasies and crazy places. Just think, a place where anything is possible, flying without wings, teleportation, whatever, you name it. Anything we've discussed here in the inventions forum. We talk about a teleportation device, but what if we could do it with our minds?Ok I kinda got side tracked. But I don't believe in non-existence! Sorry if I completely lost some of you, I promise, I'm not crazy. Yet. If I keep thinking about this I will be .
  10. Thanks, I appreciate the comment. The tutorial was written for a friend who I'm helping set up a website.
  11. In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to upload files via FTP(File Transfer Protocol) so you can get your website on the web, and off your computer. First off, I'll be going over some terms that you'll need to know. cPanel: Control Panel. This is the area of your website where you will do all your maintenance, backups, ect. You get this with your webhost when you sign up. After signing up for a webhost, you'll be asked to specify a "Control Panel(or cPanel)" name, and password. Something you will easily remember is best. Try something like "yourname123", or even your website name. Your password is VERY important. As cPanel gives you access to your entire site, files and everything, you MUST have a VERY difficult password. Passwords with Symbols and numbers are allowed and recommended. Password such as "password123", are very insecure and not recommended. Even if you're choosing a password you can't remember, it's better then an insecure one. I never suggest you save a password on a computer or paper, as it can easily be stolen. If you have a flash drive, you can put it on that. So you'll always have it with you. Make sure you don't label it "Password for [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just a blank document. After you've chosen you cPanel name and password, you'll probably be asked to pay. Do this. Some sites will take up to 24 hours to process your order, due to unverified paypal accounts, and fraud. Make sure you're paypal verified before you do business with it. Next step is choosing a domain. I suggest getting a domain with the webhost you've chosen, as it's much easier to set up. I'll tell you both ways of doing it, but we'll start off with it as if you bought it from your webhost. Bandwidth: This is also referred to as "transfer". It's hard to explain what it is, so I'll give you an example. Say you upload a 1MB file. Your "Transfer Usage", will go up 1MB. And a member of yours views or downloads that 1mb file, your bandwidth will go up another 1mb. The more files, the bigger the files, the more bandwidth you use. If you run out of bandwidth your website will be shutdown until the month is over. Make sure you always have enough. Bandwidth resets every month, and if there is a server issue bandwidth will SOMETIMES reset. FTP: File Transfer Protocol. This is how you upload files to your website. Quick and easy, most the time. I'll be teaching you how to use it later on in this tutorial. If you don't have an FTP client please download one! I suggest smartFTP.com. Get it installed before you go on to the FTP tutorial here. Domain Setup: Domain Propagation: Domain Propagation is the time it takes for your domain to be available world-wide for everyone. Good domain hosts(godaddy.com) have close to instant propagation, 5 minutes at most. Others could take up to 3 days, so choose your domain host wisely. Cheap isn't always better. NS's: Stands for "Nameservers". This are the servers your domain connects to. Say you sign up at Xisto - Web Hosting.com, and register your domain with godaddy.com. You'll need to change the nameservers to the ones the host provides. In most cases the nameservers will be "ns1.webhost.com", and "ns2.webhost.com". If you're unsure, as your provider. If you bought a domain from your webhost it will automatically be changed, so you won't have to worry about NS's. Ok. Done with that. Now you're all set up, and your website is working. You probably see a page that says "cPanel has been successfully installed", or something of the sort. Good. But now what? Your domain name is example.com Your cPanel name is example And your password is example123. Now we need to find the cPanel! It's easy. Just go to example.com:2083, or example.com/cpanel. Both are the same. Enter in your name and password. Here you go: You should now see this; Depending on your webhost, you may see a different style. But it all functions the same. Take note at the numbered items. 1: Disk Space Usage - this is how much space your website takes up. Please remember that your host only provides you with a certain amount. If you go over, you will either have to buy more, or delete things. 2 Disk Space Available - this is how much space you have left, after the amount used has been subtracted. Here's an exmaple You have 10GB's of space. (10,000MB's). You use 2GB's of space. (2,000MB's). Your "Disk Space Available" should show up as 8,000MB's or 8GB's. Moving on. 3: Bandwidth (this month) - This is how much Bandwidth you've used. Don't go over or like I said, you're site will be shut down. Check your host to see how much you have. You're told when you buy it. 4: File Manager - this is another alternative to FTP. It lets you upload files to your website. If you have big files, I suggest using your File manager. It's a lot more reliable with big files. 5: Server announcements will flash up here. Pay attention to them to make sure you don't miss anything. As you can see this server will be rebooting as Midnight tonight, so OT-Design will be down shortly. Time to get your website up. We'll be using SmartFTP, which I assume you downloaded earlier in this tutorial. Open SmartFTP, and get to this screen shown here. I will then go through everything by numbers. You should see this; 1: Address(host) - This is your FTP address. It will either be ftp.yoursite.com, or ftp.yourhost.com. Check with your provider to find out. 2: Name - This is the same as your cPanel name, unless you made an FTP account yourself. But since one is made when you set up your account, it won't be. Just use your cPanel name. 3: Password - Your cPanel password. Once you have all your info entered, click the green arrow or "connect". You'll be brought here; Skip everything else and go right into "public_html". Double-click to open. You'll see something like this. Please note that this is my actual website. Your will have close to nothing in it. Delete the index.html(or .php), and the images folder. You won't be needing these. Don't delete ANYTHING else. All that's left is to upload your own index.html and images folder. Then the rest of your pages. And you have a website! You'll need to go back to your FTP client every time you make a change to your website, and re-upload changed files. If I missed anything please feel free to PM me. This tutorial is brought to you buy Kubi at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Thanks for reading!
  12. The main problem with freeware is there usually isn't any support that goes along with it. Sure, email them. But how long does it take, and do they really go deep into solving your problem? Probably not. When I had problems with IPB, which were my fault, they actually made an account on my site, and I set it up with admin rights. In less then a day from when I submitted a ticket, they had replaced the bad file via ftp, and even tested everything for me. I can almost guarantee you won't get that with free software.Paid software has a lot more features, mods, templates, updates, everything. If you know how to USE it, it's much better then free stuff.
  13. The settings should be:Primary: ns1.trap17.comSecondary: ns2.trap17.comYou can leave the others blank. Even if it says not to. I've always changed prim and second and no problems have ever occurred.
  14. I'm in...Here's my entry Wonderful .
  15. Give us more information about your website please. It's a lot easy to think of a name based on a logo if you have one, and color scheme of your website.For example: A blue website theme I would have to say "Aqua Designs".More info!
  16. She holding the sword to her mouth, not eating it. Someone doesn't watch anime.
  17. That's IF you get it from the wrong place. I can find one for less then 100 bucks. Yes, premium edition. No, not the upgrade. As for the bugs, ofcourse! It's 3 weeks old! Give it a break. nothing is perfect when it first comes out. WinMe and XP both come with WinZip....I don't understnad why you say it doesn't. If you don't like Vista, WAIT
  18. Why smaller? It's the same size as it was before I put it into CSS.
  19. As far as I know all the sizes are correct...It only misaligns when I edit the nav.
  20. I really like it. Blue is also my favorite color . The big blue logo seems to be to far away from the text, just my opinion. Also, just so you know, printing this will be very expensive ><. Places charge per color, and most won't accept more then 4 color. So be careful!
  21. Heyo, I'm coding this template here; http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , and I need some help. In firefox, it looks fine. No problems what-so-ever. Safari, the last nav link appears to be "Home" instead of "Music" which is fixable, I think I might has mistyped the css. But then in IE everything is choppy. The entire page is missaligned, the nav all appears to be "home", and is looks horrible. I'm not sure what I did wrong with the coding. It must be something with the css because it was fine till I coded the nav. The style sheet is located here; http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. What I did with the nav was make it one complete image, the rollover state, and the mouse out. So what the css does is move the image up xx pixels(in the case, 15) so it'll show the rollover. The reason I do this is for faster load times. instead of loading one image, and then having to load another when you rollover, it'll load one image at the start and that's it. Well, it seems I did *something* wrong, and now the page is all screwy. Go ahead and look at my source and style, I don't mind. Just need to get this fixed. Thanks for lookin'.
  22. Topics that are not considered spam will be kept in the forums forever. If we delete good topics, say bye bye to googles indexing us..
  23. What we do for Xisto is plenty - sure more can be done. But please remember, we're all volunteer moderators. We aren't paid, we moderator because we enjoy it. We're also all on different timezones. We also have lives of our own. We need to worry about family issues first, and not be moderating Xisto 24/7. If we weren't doing our job well enough, there'd be many more reports then there actually are. If you have an issue with a duplicate topic, then report it. And we'll take care of it.
  24. I'm surprised..Yes, Opaque and Buffalo do a lot of work here on the forums, but they're not the only ones moderating the website. There are a couple of us, and we do our best to take care of spam. There are many reports and day that can be taken care of within a few minutes to an hour. We can't catch everything, it's impossible. That's why we do rely a bit on reports.
  25. The 4 character limit is a limit set by IPB that is not changable to my knowledge. As for the amount of topics, it's just like any other board. Members make topics, people reply. Why delete them when they're contributing topics? They index Xisto and some members use them for reference. Even the old ones that aren't posted in can still be used for reference. If you think it's going to offend someone, don't say it. Don't even say "no offence".
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