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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. If you're planning to buy a low-end system, you could go for the Intel Atom processor. Getting a low-end modern processor instead of an old high-end processor will save you $$$ on the electricity bills. Pretty much the only problem with 64-bit Windows is the availability of printer drivers. If you can find a 64-bit printer driver for your printer, there's nothing stopping you from going with the extra bits. Besides, most computers today are 64-bit ready (did you know - the difference between the Core Duo and the Core 2 Duo is that the Core 2 Duo can run 64-bit code!) Generally, you can run 32-bit software on 64-bit Windows (Microsoft calls it "WoW"), so I wouldn't worry much about compatibility.
  2. To track the IP address, you can type "ipconfig" at the command prompt. If you also want to have the DNS & DHCP addresses, type "ipconfig /all". On Win 9x, you can go to Start > Run > "winipcfg" to get the IP address. The list of all the sites he has visited is available in the browser history. In most browsers, you can simply press the Ctrl-H shortcut to get to the browser history.
  3. I totally agree. Software/music/movie piracy is a totally different thing. You're simply creating a copy of what you managed to get your hands on - no damage to physical property, no deaths or injuries, no gunshots, no explosions, no hostages. The only effect of intellectual property piracy is that the pirate reduces the ability of the author to sell the composition and make a profit. The analogy of comparing intellectual property piracy to breaking into somebody's house and stealing is logically flawed. They are as dissimilar as apples and oranges. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  4. k_nitin_r


    Hi Arian! Welcome to Trap 17. I'm guessing you're here for the free web hosting like most people, so check out the ReadMe here. You'll find a lot of people who want to help out, so if you have any questions, feel free to post to the forum. BTW, while you're around, you might want to check out this story about how Trap 17 started off. It's quite an interesting read. Hope to see more of you around in the forums. Cheers, Nitin Reddy
  5. The cargo ships are equipped with fire hoses and sirens to deal with fire. They aren't equipped to deal with pirates! Let's say, for instance, there's an oil tanker, liquid gold, with just one guy (I know it takes more than that to run a tanker, but just for the example) sitting in the open guarding it. If you were running a pirate crew, with five hungry kids and a wife to feed, wouldn't you go out and get the tanker? On the other hand, you wouldn't go rob a vault at the police station - they've got guns and ammunition to fend off a small army!
  6. The Peacekeeper benchmark released an updated comparison of different browsers and the results are out: The tests were performed on the Core i7 920, Phenom II X4 940 and Core 2 Duo E8400. Opera 10 did very poorly on the Phenom II compared to the performance on the Core i7 and Core 2 Duo processors. The performance results with Safari 3 were quite interesting with the performance of the 3 processors coming in reverse - the Phenom II actually ran Safari 3 the fastest, followed by the Core 2 Duo and the Core i7. Speed is only one aspect about a browser, with the other significant aspect being (X)HTML/CSS rendering & standards compliance. You wouldn't want to use Lynx as your primary browser, would you?
  7. Jailbreaking your iPod Touch/iPhone gives you access to a whole lot of stuff. For example, you don't have to use iTunes any more - you can do it wirelessly from a computer running Windows, Linux or MacOS X, you can use your iPhone as a web server, and you can add bluetooth file transfer capabilities. If all of this doesn't sound compelling to you, then you can stay with the original software. It isn't very likely that you'll brick your iPhone - jailbreaking has been tried and tested by hundreds all over the world and if you feel you haven't got the heart for it, take it to a store where they'll do it for you. You don't really have to bother about the warranty because you can restore the original firmware if your iPod Touch/iPhone is ever in need of repairs. Besides, it's just software!
  8. Torrents are a peer-to-peer technology. The files references in a torrent are hosted by 'seeders' and downloaded by 'leechers'. The location of the seeders is tracked by a 'tracker'. A torrent file indicates to your computer the location of the torrent tracker and identifies the file you want to download.
  9. Hi! I have an iPhone (1st generation - 2G) and a lot of what you mention applies. I'd like to add a bit about the differences between the iPod and the iPhone. Earphone Jack The iPhone 2G has a non-standard earphone jack (I'm guessing this has changed in the 3G, but can't confirm it yet). If you want to connect external speakers/headphones/earphones, you can use the cradle - it has a standard line-out socket. Size The iPhone (both 2G and 3G) are slightly thicker than the iPod, meaning more weight. Connectivity The iPod only provides WiFi connectivity, which makes it useful for Internet access only when you're close to a wireless access point. If you are on-the-go, it makes more sense to get an iPhone. If you are considering getting a used iPod Touch/iPhone, you can get a battery kit from your nearest iPhone/iPod dealer. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  10. Hi Jiew! Good to hear from you. I wish I could've spent my college days singing. If I had things my way, I'd probably finish college, start an insanely cool rock band and go on a world tour. BTW, I found the link to the Dhira website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . You can listen to a couple of their tracks online. Listen to 'Una Familia' (Spanish) and 'Nisrinha' (Sanskrit) Regards, Nitin Reddy
  11. Greetings, Andre! (I don't know how you typed the 'e' with the thingy on top) Welcome to Trap 17! By joining Trap 17, you can be assured that you've joined the best Trap on the 'net. People who join Trap 17 do not leave to join Trap 16 or Trap 15, but rather stay put at Trap 17. Okay, so maybe that wasn't very funny, but humor me anyway. What's Brazil like this time of the year? I've heard of the Rotary Club, but I don't really know much about it. What does it do? I love helping out with charities and did some web development stuff for a local charity here. Anyway, hope to hear more about you and the cat! Regards, Nitin Reddy PS: I just discovered there's another Nitin on the forum. I know, I know, coincidence! Anyway, I'll use "Nitin Reddy" instead of just "Nitin" for disambiguation.
  12. Hi Nitin! My name is Nitin too! Where are you from and what do you do? I see you're one of the people here for the discussion - most people join Xisto because they want to have free web hosting. They accumulate credits for hosting by posting messages on the forum (the myCent credit system). You'll probably want to read the Xisto story. It's around here somewhere, but I can't seem to find a link to it from the search. Anyway, hope to hear more from you in the forums. Regards, Nitin Reddy PS: You sign-off as "Regards, Nitin" too! We have so much in common!!!
  13. Hi Alex! How are you doing? I've heard so much about the Iskcon group at Ukraine. Welcome to Xisto! Do tell us more about yourself and about the stuff you do. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Regards, Nitin
  14. Hi Lio/Unikk! I was just wondering... is Albania the only country to have 3 'A's in it's name? When you speak of cities, I know of Manama, but I can't think of any countries. Hey, perhaps you could post the websites that you manage here? I can then go around telling everybody - hey, guess what? I know the guy who built that website! :-) Anyway, welcome to Xisto and hope to see more of you in the forum. Regards, Nitin
  15. $30 is actually quite reasonable considering how much time you'd save... ...but you have a choice: * ThemeDreamer: $30. Familiar Dreamweaver interface, auto-complete, enables WordPress view in design mode. * XAMPP: FREE. Refresh browser to view changes. Use any editor of your choice. You can run it as your server. * Artisteer: $50/$130. MS Office-like interface. Export to WordPress/Joomla!/Drupal/ASP.NET. Adobe provides several tutorials for DreamWeaver. ThemeDreamer uses the same editor, but simply extends the editor to support WordPress themes in Design mode and provides code-completion in Code mode.
  16. Hey 11mil! I haven't been around with Xisto for long, so I'll have to say just a "hello", but since you've been Age-ing, I'm gonna also have to say "welcome"! If you're still game for a couple of Age of Empires tournaments, post a message to the forum and perhaps we could get something going. Don't worry about distances - Hamachi is your friend. It'll enable us to setup a VPN connection from any part of the world and it'll seem just like a LAN like at the ol' Trap 17 netcafe. Hope to see more of you around. Regards, Nitin
  17. Hey Lenny! Welcome to Xisto. If you're into web development/design, then you're in the right place 'cos this is where the gurus hang out (gurus, am I pitching it too hard? ). I won't make you read my longueur, so I'll get straight down to business-ey stuff and point you to the myCents system, which works hard to give you the $$$ you need to host your own website. If you ever need help with setup, esp. with PHP and WordPress (my new-found love, O' WordPress!), drop me a line and perhaps I can help you out. I hope I hear more from you. Signing out, Nitin R.
  18. k_nitin_r


    Hi Bess! Welcome to Xisto. I hear Kosovo is in the top 5 for coal reserves, so you must have enough electricity out there to power a super computer in every home! Do post more about yourself. What do you do and how did you come across Xisto. More from me later. Signing off, Nitin Reddy
  19. Hey Jonny!You know, you have the same name as my favorite cartoon, Johnny Quest. You ought to watch it sometime - and make sure you check out QuestWorld! :-)Y'know, you are right about the "h r u. im f9. u r l8." The first time you come across it, it's cool but then it's just plain annoying. If you are writing as SMS, or tweeting on Twitter, you've got like 140/260 characters to express yourself in which case you do really have a reason to shorten all that you're writing. If it's anything else, you might as well create a blog post and post a tr.im URL to whoever it is you are trying to send the message to :XD: Oh, and I like your limerick. Check out this one:Roses are red,Violets are blue,I love Xisto,And so will you! Do post to the forum if you're looking for help with setting up your website - there are always people around to help!Hope to see more of you in the forums.Regards,Nitin
  20. k_nitin_r

    Hello <3

    Heyyy! It's good to finally have somebody join the forum with expertise in the all-time best programming language there ever was. I did a bit of Java development, though I did find it difficult to code the user interface I was trying to build in Swing. PHP is an amazing development platform, and if you're planning anything open-source, you can count me in. I love sci-fi stuff, so if you are looking for a beta tester, look no further! :-) I've even got a gang at the office who are crazy about computer games if you're building a multiplayer FPS. Anyway, welcome to the community and I hope you find what you are seeking. -Nitin
  21. Hi Xenogia! Your nickname reminds me of a game I used to play - Xenobots. Oh, that was fun - I spend countless hours playing it back in the days when I had my 386 notebook and 486 desktop. I can't really tell the difference between an indie game and a commercial publisher-backed game, though most that are from publishers tend to be bigger, such as the Grand Theft Auto series. With publisher-backed stuff, there are times when you see sponsored content - somebody actually pays to say, "Hey, have my product featured in a cut-scene within the game" and they manage to put it into the game in a place nobody even bothers to look... perhaps that will change - we could have something like a Pepsi store in Grand Theft Auto where you pick up the keys to a Ford Mustang after you find the final bottle cap :-) Anyway, enough from me... make sure you check out the game development category on the forum. You might find something of your interest. Regards, Nitin I like the way you put it - "I hope I get a change to meet you text-to-text". It's like a play on the phrase "face-to-face" :-) Your creativity put into a book could become a best seller. Most famous authors started off just like you and I, except that they didn't have the Internet or forums like these!
  22. Just goes to show you what inflation can do - way back in the old days, people talked about "my 2 cents worth" and now you get to say "my 16.65 cents worth". :-) BTW, in many developing parts of the world, you'd be surprised at how little people make and how little they spend every year. $80 per month gets you a pretty decent living in some parts.
  23. Hi! I've just noticed that you can vote both Yes and No on the poll you've created. The best of relations usually have their ups and downs, so I gave you both votes! :-) To start up a forum, you don't really have to know all that much about development, although you would want to get some help with the graphics... there's plenty of help available at Xisto with pretty much anything you are looking for. BTW, just to get you started, you might want to take a look at phpBB, vBulletin and Invision Power Board (IPB) as possible candidates in your search for a bulletin board. -Nitin
  24. Hi Wael!I'm pretty sure you'll get both - friends and knowledge - here at Trap 17. I initially got started seeing it as just another forum, although I admit the idea of free hosting did seem tempting too. After I got started, I figured there's so much I could share and talk about, soon after which I've been getting to know some pretty interesting people.I hope to catch more of you in the forums.Ciao,Nitin
  25. Hi! The best time for you to take up open-source projects and invest some time in learning design patterns and libraries is when you are in college. When you start work, you basically have to do whatever your employer tells you to do. BTW, if you need any help with your website, do let me know - who knows, we just might be able to put together a popular open-source project as a result! Hey, perhaps you can upload some of your songs. I don't speak/understand Thai, but I'll bet it would be fun. Try and listen to Dhira sometime, they're a Spanish rock band and they're into fusion music - they've got a couple of Sanskrit numbers to their credit too! -Nitin
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