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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi Sea4Me! Welcome to Xisto. Most of us here on Xisto are a lot like you - we come here for the free web hosting, since we can't pay for commercial web hosting, so you can feel right at home. I see you don't have a listing of your accumulated myCENTS, so I can tell you haven't signed up with Xistro Support and Billing yet. But don't worry - you still are earning myCENTS because you earn even for posts that you've made before signing up with the support and Billing site. Make sure you use the same email address when you sign up though. You earn myCENTS based on the number and the content quality of the post. How it works exactly is mentioned here. If you have any more questions, please feel free to either post to the forum or write to the shout box above. Regards
  2. Hi!Just a thought, but why would you not just use a permanent magnet (to avoid the power consumption) and keep the building afloat all the time instead of just during an earthquake? I suppose this idea would be limited to small structures (think straw huts) only, unless they can figure out how to create a really powerful magnetic field.BTW, the magnetic field would disrupt most electronics, which means you would need shielding within the rooms, but with such powerful magnets, the shielding required to prevent interference would be too heavy for the magnetic field to lift.Regards
  3. Hi!I totally agree with Juan when he says Blogger is a great place to start. Customization, however, is a pain with the custom tags that they use in the HTML markup but if you are going with the basics it's pretty okay - you have a limited selection of themes, but lots of gadgets to add to the template.WordPress is the way to go, if you're experienced with blog administration. You can write up entire templates yourself with standard HTML/CSS/JavaScript and some PHP. You can easily create widgets or other plugins with PHP. There's also a huge database of themes and widgets!Regards
  4. @arjupun Hi! I find the comparison between CSS + Javascript and PHP a bit like comparing apples and oranges, since CSS & Javascript are client-side technologies while PHP is a server side technology. With newer browsers supporting more of the CSS 3 standard, I find myself having to do less work with JavaScript - doing anything with CSS is so much easier! Regards
  5. Hi!The car in Back To The Future is a DMC (also called the DeLorean) from way back in 1981. I looked up Wikipedia for more info about the car and here's what I read:The car model was called the DMC-12 as the car was originally priced at $12,000. It was manufactured from 1981 to 1982. Instead of changes to the car for a different model-year, they made changes mid-production, so you could find 2 cars built in the same year but with minor differences. There were however some changes introduced for the 1982 model year.The current DeLorean automobile company is just a firm with the same name. I guess using the name of a firm that went bankrupt and shutdown isn't an offence since there's nobody out there to complain :-)Regards
  6. Hi!If you do want to help search engines find your blog faster, create either an RSS feed or an XML sitemap to submit to search engines. This helps then find your pages more easily.Regards,Nitin ReddyEDIT: Booya! I just reached 200 posts and am a Super Member!!!
  7. Hi!To answer your question, we need to know more about what your server can do. I'm guessing you are not hosted on the Xisto servers. If you've got a server running Windows that has ASP.NET installed, you can build a secure area of the website using ASP.NET. If you're running a server with PHP, Python or Perl, you'd write a script in one of those scripting languages to create a protected area on your website.In either case, the basic idea is to obtain a username and password from the user, compare it against values from a database (think of this as an Excel sheet with usernames and passwords) and if it is found, we set a cookie on the user's computer identifying him/her as an authenticated user of the site. Then, on a password-protected page, we check if the user has the cookie - if he/she does, we let him/her in, or we toss them back to a login page. Often, on the login page, we also provide a Register link which enters the user's desired username and password into the database.If you can reply back to this thread indicating what server-side technology your server supports, we might even be able to point you to a script that you can use.Regards
  8. @giselleHi!I totally get what you mean. There are so many websites out there that have amazingly insane Flash animation. Some developers even give away free templates!!! That makes you realise how effortless it must be for them to make.The Javascript websites are easier to catch up with though. There is just the logic and sequence that you need to figure out and you're there. Building it takes perhaps a day or two.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  9. Hi!I would say it depends on what you want to build and the organizational environment. If you have access to Java developers, you'd choose Java due to in-house skills. If you've got .NET staff, you would go with ASP.NET. With PHP developers, you would build a PHP application.Java and PHP are both available on more platforms. With .NET, you have to go with a Microsoft solution. If you've got the Microsoft licenses and software, you could go with .NET. It enables you to quickly build intranet web applications. It could take you longer to perform optimization on the application, though this could change with the ASP.NET MVC framework. Java offers you a suitable framework to build just about any kind of enterprise application. For a simple web application, it might be overkill. PHP is well suited to building small web applications. Besides, PHP was originally built for web development! However, you would need to have a disciplined development team or you could easily end up with the world's largest spaghetti!In the end, the final decision lies on what you are the most comfortable with. Although each technology has it's own pros and cons, you can easily find workarounds or 3rd party solutions that help you catch up.Regards
  10. Hi!I've also noticed that the low end Nokia phones are very reliable. If you're on a budget and looking out for something really cheap, buy a Nokia. They last for ages and although you don't get stuff like WiFi or TV-out, the battery life makes up for it.-Nitin Reddy
  11. Hi!A CGI script is just like a normal script, except that it is called using the Common Gateway Interface. The use of CGI is no longer recommended because it creates a separate Operating System process for handling a request.A previous poster to this thread mentions about the use of Perl to create CGI scripts, but you can use just about any scripting language - you can even use PHP or Shell script! :-)The purpose of the CGI script folder is that you can grant executable privileges to these scripts but can leave them as read-only. This helps achieve a higher level of security as a user can't abuse the system by uploading their own scripts and injecting code to call their scripts. The basic idea is that you shouldn't grant executable privileges wherever you've got write privileges and vice-versa.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  12. Hi!Did you use the same Verbatim DVD+R with Azo that you tried the first time?I find it quite odd that you weren't able to write to it the first time. Are you sure the software that you used the first time was compatible and was properly installed?Most DVD drives can read and write to both DVD-R and DVD+R media, but since your drive is from way back in 2005/6, you ought to check the user manual for the specs.Regards
  13. Hi Fermin!I love the Mayan sculpture/carving and the glowing skeleton. I tried looking up the skeleton on Google by searching for "honduras phosphorescent skeleton" and the first search result was this post!!! :-)I read that the phosphoresence is due to the dissolved substances from the water that dripped onto the skeletons from the calcite.BTW, have you played Age of Empires II with the expansion pack? They've got the Mayan civilization too!Regards
  14. Hi John!I now see your myCENTS credits in your sender info block, and I see that you'll be getting your first dollar soon!!!myCENT:READY[163.30] indicates that you have 163.30 credits. Of these, 100 myCENTS will be available for you to spend (although I think it won't buy you anything yet - you have to accumulate more credits). As soon as the dollar is available, myCENTS will display 63.30 credits while the "Earned: $1.00" is displayed above the myCENTS.Regards
  15. Hi!I'd suggest you empty your recycle bin and clear the cache of your web browser.Go to Tools > Folder Options > View tab, Show hidden files and folders and look for any hidden folders. Some antivirus software moves any suspicious files to a quarantine folder.If you've got a search utility like Windows/Google Desktop search, it might be indexing the files on your computer. The index occupies a bit of space too. In addition, Windows performs some indexing of its own at the filesystem level - Right-click on your drive in My Computer and select properties. Uncheck the "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching".Regards
  16. Hi!I totally agree with you on animal cruelty. When a person with an illness goes to a hospital, he/she isn't killed to prevent the spread of the infection and an epidemic. Why then must animals be treated in such a way? That's like a total disregard for nature and other species.Regards
  17. Hi!I haven't been able to try chocolate-coated pretzels yet, but I imagine they must taste a little like chocolate-coated donuts. I believe Nutella is the closest I ever got to chocolate-coated pretzels.BTW, have you tried a sandwich with cheese spread on one slice, and jam on the other slice? It tasted surprisingly good.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  18. Hi Digitalidad! Just last week, I used the software IcoFx . It feels just like Microsoft Paint in that you simply select the colors from the right, select a tool (fill, brush etc) and draw! It does not offer you the advanced features that a commercial icon editor like Microangelo (I've used this about a decade ago, but I've still seen them around) provides. I haven't been able to check IcoFX for Vista compatibility though, as I run Windows XP. A couple of people I know were forced to making the switch because Windows XP isn't available pre-installed on computers, and Windows 7 is still in the Release Candidate stage. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  19. Hi John! Welcome to Xisto! If you've come here for the free web hosting, you've come to the right place. Xisto offers you web hosting, email and domain registration in exchange for credits that you accumulate by posting messages to the forum. These credits are called myCENTS and you can view the current myCENTS credits that any member has earned by looking at the sender info block for any of their messages on Xisto. BTW, I think you haven't created your account on XistroSupport yet, since your sender info block doesn't display your myCENTS balance. Go to the Billing and Support area to create your account. Regards
  20. Hi John! Go to the Support and Billing section at https://support.xisto.com/ and click on Order to spend your myCENTS. Whenever you post a message, you get myCENTS credits added to your account. You can view the number of credits earned in the sender block (left) of any message that you post to the forum. After you reach 100 myCENTS, it is displayed above in $ (dollars) that are available for you to spend on any of the hosting packages. You can read more about the myCENTS credit system at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ Regards, Nitin Reddy
  21. Hi Jossy! Are you trying to build an interactive learning experience that you could give out on CD? I'd strongly recommend using Adobe Flash or Adobe Director, as they're purpose-built for it. You have to start off by collecting the multimedia assets - the music, images, sound, pictures and videos. I'm sure the kind people of Xisto will help you out with it if you can come up with the initial idea. Do post back to the thread, within what exactly you are trying to build. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  22. Hey Rudi! Welcome to Xisto! How are you doing? To know more about Trap 17, check out the Frequently Asked Questions page. More specifically, I'd direct you to the section about myCredits. If you need any help with something on Trap 17, feel free to drop a line and you'll get a response from a lot of helpful members here at Trap 17. Regards, Nitin Reddy ...A recently turned Wordpress widget developer
  23. Hi!I planted a couple of mango seeds and they turned out just fine. They take about a dozen years for the fruits to appear though, unless you can find a genetically engineered variety. I tried planting oranges and water melons, but I didn't get anything out of them. I guess I've got to figure out what works for the kind of soil & weather I have here.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  24. iHi! Get yourself a copy of the Visual C# Express Edition IDE from the Microsoft website. Then, look up these tutorials from Microsoft: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288463(VS.71).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k1sx6ed2(VS.71).aspx If you get caught up in the example, buzz me or post in the forums for help. BTW, why don't you create your academic project in PHP? It's very flexible as a language and pretty much all the functions you need are available out-of-the-box. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  25. Hi Shakespeare!Welcome to Trap 17! I kinda like the way you lead a day-life totally separate from your night-life. My day-life often makes it into my night-life so I'm a geek all-day and all-night.I started off in geekdom in the 80s with an ALR Dart 12 powered by Intel's 80286 processor, so I came from a different camp. Back then, I used it mostly for Digger, Bricks, GW-BASIC and Multimate. I later moved to a 386 laptop and a 486 that ran DOS - my programs at the time were Prince of Persia (the original classic), DBASE, and QuickBASIC. Those were fun days! I spent hours writing BASIC code without bothering with 3rd party libraries. Gorilla and snake were the open-source goodness from Microsoft at the time.I haven't tried Windows 7 yet, but was hoping to install the Release Candidate next week. I hear there's a Windows XP install within Microsoft Virtual PC available right out of the box! And the tech support guy tells me that the Release Candidate can be upgraded to the Final release (I'm skeptical about this one).Anyway, hope to see more of you on the forums.Regards,Nitin Reddy
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