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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Increasing the cylinder volume is a risky procedure because of the potential to do damage to the engine block. Perhaps you could do that with an engine that has pretty much lived its life but still runs rather well. An alternative would be to get an engine swap - put in a new engine from a production vehicle by getting the engine mount customized for the new engine. Getting a production vehicle's engine would mean that you can get parts that you need more easily and would also mean a more efficient engine delivering for you more bang for the buck spent in getting fuel. Of course, local regulatory bodies may prevent you from getting an engine swap by requiring you to get a newer engine with the same or lower capacity, of the same fuel type, or of the same power as the original one. Some folks drive with illegal mods but keep the originals just in case they do plan to sell the car, so whatever you do, don't plan on selling the original parts to get extra cash for the mods or you will be stuck with something that will not go through the registration renewal.BTW, if you do want to get higher acceleration without concern for the top speed, you can get a custom gearbox. Also, getting a paddle shift, shift stick, or triptronic transmission would cut down the time that you need to shift gears and will improve your acceleration time significantly (a second or two is significant when it comes to modding a ride :-P).
  2. Some of the really great brands don't exist any more. I had an ALR Dart 12 that ran perfectly well except for the hard disk drive that got fried - it still lives somewhere because my spidey sense says so. Then, there's AST that made a really cool 386 laptop that ran for well over a decade before the LCD panel went berserk but it still runs with an external monitor.My love for Lenovo's Thinkpad series (which was previously sold by IBM) has been expressed on the forum in the past.Although Lenovo took over the Thinkpad brand, the T-series still has a build quality comparable to the original Thinkpads that IBM minted out of its factories. Lenovo introduced the Thinkpad SL-series that many will associate with the Lenovo 3000 series after a glimpse at the LED indicators. The Thinkpad Edge series is a departure from the traditional Thinkpad design and I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but it still has the Thinkpad feel with the TrackPoint (I choose my Thinkpads for the TrackPoint and would accept nothing less).I don't really know what it is about the chicklet designs for the keyboard that manufacturers these days are crazy about, but I guess they are built to last longer. With the traditional keyboards, you could get a bracelet stuck between the keys and yanking it out would get a key or two out along with the bracelet (Yes, it DID happen!).If you do want to choose a solidly built laptop, go with a Thinkpad T-series (or a W-series, if you can afford to shell out what it says on the price tag) or a MacBook Pro with the unibody aluminium casing if you want to go with an Apple. If you do want to take a chance with Panasonic, do try their ToughBook; I didn't get to try a ToughBook yet but from the online reviews, they really are worth the price tag if you don't have a desk to run your notebook on.
  3. Hi Ojaser!It looks like you were meant to be on this forum way back in March 2009 but because of a disturbance in the space-time continuum, the ripple effect of the disturbance had its effect on the date that you joined the forum but eventually it had to be so here you are! (Yes, a Back To The Future fan)...so, tell us more about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do? What brings you to Xisto? And how did you find us? The more you tell us, the more MyCENTs you get to pay for your web hosting, so don't shy on the details! ;-)
  4. Hey Emily!Welcome to Xisto! You'll find lots of stuff to do while around from posting messages onto the forum to earn MyCENT credit to pay for your web hosting with (and we do a LOT of that around here), meeting new folks to help you learn whatever it is you want to learn though most folks are web designers or web developers and come here for the web hosting, telling everyone else on the forum how you feel through the status messaging system and hearing back from folks who are always willing to help, to making really cool signature images and competing with the other folks who are really talented graphic designers and ought to start their own design studios.If you ever need help with some HTML/CSS web design, PHP/ASP.NET web development, C#/VB.NET programming, or just want to hear my philosophy of all things mundane and general, you can drop me a private message (either through the forum system or through email or instant messenger... I'm not grumpy about how you reach me) or post to the forums and you'll hear from me soon enough.For help with using the forums, just about everyone here is willing to help, but Opaque and BuffaloHelp are the forum administrators and there's a whole lot of moderators that would be more than happy to assist you. Among the regulars here are mahesh2k, anwii, deadmad7, sheepdog, rvalkass, Iniyila, myself (although some would debate that and would even wave the stats at me), and a whole lot of other folks.I hope you have a good time on the forums and if you ever have anything to say, just holler! :-)
  5. @mrdeeHi!First of all, yes, responses do take longer than they used to - you've posted to the thread on the 16th of January 2011, and here I am responding to it on the 25th of January 2011.I would imagine that the change comes from a lot of things apart from the forums themselves. I'm not saying that the forums have not changed, but the people have too. The old posters probably got out of high school and are in the research laboratories or have to wake up in the middle of the night for a diaper change. Stuff happens, people get more responsibilities. I have an on-and-off relationship with Xisto right now because of all the things that I have happening in my life, for a day job that helps pay the Internet and phone bills to writing papers to hand in to class while burning the midnight oil.The shoutbox was ditched in favor of the chat and we also have an IRC channel.I totally agree with you on the Xisto Hosting bit. I have only had to use the support once and it was pretty quick - I posted a support ticket before I had to get away from my desk and when I next checked my email, there was the reply! The Xisto Hosting provides complete access to all of the functionality that PHP provides you with and even the mail() function works.Mr.Dee, whatever you are suggesting for turning Xisto around, count me in!
  6. Hi!I don't usually give out dating advice but in this case I will have to make an exception. My advice to you is to go out there and tell her how you feel. Some guy who cheated on her is not really the best choice for your friend - a concerned and sensitive guy is what she needs and that's exactly who you are! The situation may seem to have an influence on your acceptance, but it makes you less likely to be accepted rather than more likely, unlike what the television producers would want us to think. In other words, you aren't being unfairly opportunistic but are rather taking your chances, whatever they may be, and would be acting in mutually beneficial interests.Oh, and you did mention that you got some advice on this forum in the past but you have made only three posts to the forum according to the forum accounting. Did you use a different account the last time, or are you not very active on the forums?
  7. Microsoft Word is a pretty good word processor, but Microsoft Word 2007 in particular is very buggy. I would consider switching to other alternatives but OpenOffice is too buggy for my needs and I have not had a chance to try Lotus' offerings yet. Microsoft Office 2010 is out there and I ought to get an upgrade, but I am hoping to get the discount that they offer when buying the software with a new PC. Sure, it is not cheap but it costs less than buying the software off the store shelves. Microsoft Word's auto-save did help me recover data on numerous occasions and Microsoft Word 2003 was just amazing, with lots of people out there still using it in 2010.My next word processor would probably be Microsoft Word 2010 because Microsoft has done a lot to get its act together after Windows Vista so I'm sure Office 2010 would have had the same level of commitment as Windows 7 did in getting bugs squished under the feet of the developers. Until then, I'll have to live with the bugs that occasionally pop up in Word 2007.PS: Did you know - Word 2007 can also open OpenOffice documents.
  8. @IniyilaI believe the performance difference that you have observed between Eclipse and NetBeans arises from the fact that Eclipse uses the Standard Widget Toolkit framework, which is a means of getting around the overhead that the Abstract Windowing Toolkit and Swing frameworks impose. I am not really a fan of the Standard Widget Toolkit framework and prefer to stick to Swing because it is much more common and you could easily hand-off your work to another developer. Having said that, I also have to mention that Swing has done a lot of catching up and provides many of the features that the Standard Widget Toolkit has to offer.When I did some Java development, I preferred NetBeans over all else and then eventually moved to Borland's JBuilder, which Borland no longer makes. I now use Eclipse for all of my Java development, but I still use NetBeans occasionally for some Swing development because the GUI development tools for Eclipse appear to be buggy. If I remember right, Borland eventually switched from developing its proprietary Java IDE to building on top of the Eclipse IDE before discontinuing the development of Borland JBuilder altogether. Borland was later acquired by Micro Focus and Borland does not seem to sell any IDEs - their product list includes tools for managing the software development life cycle, Silk testing tools, a Java application server, and a CORBA server.Borland's IDEs probably went the way of the dinosaurs because they did not adapt their business model in the face of free IDEs and customers' views toward cost saving. The IDE developers that did change with the times and innovate to continue to exist are Microsoft, Zend and NuSphere - they provide tools that work on the server-side and co-exist with the community rather than relying on IDE sales alone.IDE features to speed up programmers' activities are definitely a huge plus, but I see NetBeans' GUI designer as a better option than the one Eclipse provides for free (you can find commercial plugins too).
  9. @salamangkeroWhile I was reading your post, I noticed that you mentioned 'jeepney' and I thought, "Hey! He's from the Philippines!" I then scrolled up to your personal information message block and sure enough, you had your location listed as the Philippines.In India, agricultural produce is transported over short distances by bullock carts - those are 2-wheeled wooden carts towed along by oxes/oxen (I wonder which is grammatically correct; I've seen both in use). Over longer distances, however, they do use trucks.@sheepdogI agree with what you're saying. What is best in terms of time may not be the best when you think of what gives you the most exercise, even if it is that extra bit strenuous and something that the average Joe-Shmoe would find impractical. Sometimes, apart from the exercise, you can go out and have the best adventure by taking a hand-cart and walking all the way to transport the rice, camping outdoors during the night and travelling during the day. Sounds like fun, but I'd rather not that when in the middle of a forest - you never really know what lurks in the shadows! (creeepy!)@allThe expression that folks always use is "Give it your 100%". However, some other folks say, "It is guaranteed 101% to last that extra mile," they probably mean, "We will pay you 100% of what you pay us, plus an extra 1% for our reputation." Usually, the folks who say that are the ones who have nothing to lose because you gave them nothing, so 100% of nothing is still nothing, and that extra 1% of nothing is also nothing. A pointless little guarantee that seems to have a positive effect on the listener :-P
  10. The Toshiba Qosmio is Toshiba's line of high end gaming laptops, similar to those of Dell's Alienware range. The Toshiba Qosmio X500 is the first of the Qosmio series to get an Intel Core i5/i7 processor.As is the case with most other high end gaming laptops, they are over priced and you could easily get the same specs in a desktop, or can get yourself a reasonably priced desktop for just about the same. Having said that, a Qosmio is the owner's pride and the neighbour's envy, so that just might make it worth getting one :-P
  11. Hi!In many smart phones, the manufacturer provides a means of upgrading the operating system. Apple provides new features in its phone operating system, the iOS, which is probably a way for the folks from Apple to come up with an operating system that just runs the phone at first, and to add on the features if the phone is a success. Besides, it also provides a means of obtaining funding for the software development activity. The upgrade of the operating system is typically performed using the iTunes software. It informs you about an update that is available, you have the option to download it and install it by simply hooking your phone up to your computer through USB.HTC phones typically ran some version of Microsoft Windows Mobile and it was possible to upgrade the version of the operating system. There were some attempts at getting Linux onto the HTC devices, but such attempts were experimental, at best, and did not take advantage of all of the capabilities of the phones.Whenever you do upgrade your operating system, all of the software programs that you have installed and the data you have stored on the phone are typically wiped out, unless you have them stored on a memory card or similar storage device.If you do have a jail-broken phone, an operating system upgrade of the phone typically restores the carrier lock and you have to go through the jail-breaking process all over again. There are some shady phone-selling stores that typically do the phone operating system upgrade for you while providing the jail-breaking/carrier-unlocking.
  12. My sister had a black labrador named Jimmy. Jimmy would always be on the lookout for some food although he would always get enough, but not too much, to keep him from getting overweight. Whenever there was something being cooked in the kitchen, he would try to make his way in and somebody would have to hold him by his leash. Although only two years old, labradors tend to grow quite large by then so we could not have his leash tied to a dining chair to keep him out of the kitchen - he would just drag the chair behind him. Occasionally, someone would toss him a loaf of bread out the kitchen to keep him away and he would go after the loaf and would not return till he finished it completely.One day, while the kitchen was left empty, Jimmy went right in and decided to explore this magical place from which there seemed to be tons and tons of food being tossed out in an attempt to figure out if there is any more. Sure enough, there was a bowl of milk that was supposed to be turned into milk shake and Jimmy decided to help himself to it and gulped it all down. Of course, when somebody did go back to the kitchen to fetch the bowl of milk, there was Jimmy with an innocent smile but signs of milk right there on this face. He got locked up in one of the bed rooms to make him realise that it was something that he was not supposed to do but he would still step into the kitchen whenever someone was cooking to hope to get another one of the magical flying loaves of bread that would he would get each time he entered the kitchen.
  13. Sally, not all pet owners get the training and the knowledge that they need to be able to take care of their pets and it is probably one of those things that needs to change. When a pet is sold by a pet store to a pet owner, there ought to be some kind of documentation that indicates that the pet store owner did indeed inform the pet owner as to all of the things that he or she needs to know to care for the pet, and the phone number of a veterinary clinic to be able to seek professional advice when something is out of the ordinary and not something that the pet store owner or any other reasonable person would be able to expect of a pet under normal circumstances. It is hard to define what a 'reasonable person' would do, but apparently a lot of the U.S. laws use the term 'reasonable person' to set a gauge to determine what is legal and what is illegal, what is ethical and what is unethical. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine what classifies as cruel and what is acceptable behavior when a pet owner demonstrates such behavior toward an animal. For example, during animal training, pets are rewarded for good behavior, but may be beaten when they demonstrate bad behavior. This may not be observed at the better of the pet behavioral training institutions but it can be observed at those cheap institutions that are just trying to make a quick buck without the knowledge of how to humanely train a pet. As sheep dog suggests, we cannot really make the decision on where to draw the line without alienating some portion of the human population who just want to have the privilege of owning and caring for a pet, though they may have a different definition of what they mean by 'caring' for the pet.Sheep dog, chaining up a dog while the pet owners are away is probably seen as a way of limiting the freedom of the dog and causing boredom. If a dog is allowed to roam freely within a fenced area, it does get to roam and play with its toys. That lack of freedom may be something that seems to be cruel to some individuals. However, what is truly cruel is when the pets are left chained during the peak of the summer and they are unable to seek the shelted of a shade or do not have access to drinking water to quench their thirst. There is no scale of measure to determine what is the need of the pet and what is the want of the pet, just as we cannot make that distinction when it comes to humans. Pets need a lot of water during the summer, but they want ice cubes. Pets need a comfy warm rug to sleep on, but they want a soft matress, which is why they occasionally pounce onto the sofa or the bed when no one is watching (do you REALLY know that your pet does not get onto the bed the moment you shut that door? Well, perhaps it doesn't... but then again).
  14. One of the indications of being an omnivore is the presence of teeth for chewing as well as piercing and tearing. I'm not sure if dogs have molars, but it seems to be common knowledge that they do not (common knowledge is one of those things that the common folk assume to be true but make no attempt to try to determine if it really is true or is actually false, so it may be one of those things that could be a misconception). If dogs do have molars, pre-molars, incisors, and basically the set of teeth that enables them to chew and eat plants, then that definitely does make them omnivores.There have been cases when carnivorous animals eat plant matter when they feel ill, but that is a different matter. Think of it as going to an alternative healing and medicine clinic and getting a bottle of shark liver oil. Sharks are not something that we would eat everyday, but then we do occasionally fall ill and have a bit of shark liver oil. It may be natural instincts for those animals like spiders know how to build their webs and always follow the same pattern of radially symmetric nets, or it may be just one of those things that they figure out by gnawing at whatever they can lay their teeth on when they are frustrated and finding relief in eating plant matter for a change.
  15. I have a Panasonic Lumix and the camera is pretty great for photography during the day. It has a 12 megapixel resolution and holds up the picture quality even if you zoom in, so the camera is not just all about the megapixels but about the picture quality too.The one problem that I have is when photographing in low light, the image appears nice and bright when I look at it in the view finder, but as soon as I hit the button on top to take the picture, the view finder becomes dim and the picture taken appears dim too. I know this has something to do with the picture mode and I have observed the same problem on other Panasonic Lumix cameras too, but I was wondering if anyone has been able to figure out how to work the camera so that the same bright picture that appears in the view finder appears in the photograph too. If the camera is able to display it on the view finder, it should be able to save it and store it into a JPEG file too, right?
  16. @travstatesmenThat is the exact same thought that folks in India have, apart from the fact that the Indian government imposes a heavier tax when the engine capacity exceeds a certain threshold or when the vehicle length is greater than a certain amount. A smaller engine is great for Indian traffic considering how you would be travelling between forty and sixty kilometers per hour and that is exactly what the manufacturers have been fitting into the vehicles that they sell in India. The Suzuki Swift, for example, comes with a 1,200 cc engine when sold in India instead of the standard 1,600 cc engine that Suzuki fits into all of its internationally sold models.Apart from engine size, there are other factors that affect fuel consumption and engine power. In Indian diesel cars, the manufacturers typically include a turbo charger. The turbo charger increases the power output, but also increases fuel consumption, which means that it does make the small engine work as a larger engine would.Then again, there is the aging Maruti Suzuki 800 (which, by the way, is named so because it has an 800 cc engine) that Suzuki hopes to replace with another car that has a 600 cc engine and the 600 cc engine produces a greater power than its 800 cc equivalent. Sure, it may be due to the improved compression ratio that increases fuel efficiency but it is also possible that that tiny engine burns as much fuel as an existing 1,000 cc engine. The advantage of the small engine is in the price, and that is a definite advantage for any manufacturer. Get a small high-output engine, slap on a turbo for increased effect, and undercut your competitor's best price tag - that seems to be the mantra in the Indian automotive market.@y4nziJust because the Mini has cute looks and is compact does not mean your folks gave you anything less than the best. The engines fitted in a Mini produce great power. I knew they were and had the chance to see one in action as it climbed a foot path with ease. Mazda gets you the bang for the buck and those are just awesome!
  17. Technically, a turbo charger is a specific form of a super charger, but due to the common usage, the term super charger is no longer the all-encompassing term that the engineers use so when you do hear the term, it is most probably the 'street use' of the term which refers to the belt or chain driven variant.A supercharger is belt or chain driven and that takes power off the engine. However, that is just the negative bit about it. The positive, apart from a quicker effect, is that it can be built cheaper and smaller than a turbo charger because a turbo charger has to be built to withstand the heat from the exhaust. In fact, turbo charges have been known to sustain heat damage from prolonged use.Super chargers and turbo chargers are used in planes too because a high output needs to be delivered from a small engine to maintain the power to weight ratio. The use of a super charger means that the plane's engine would use some of the fuel simply to power the super charger and therefore that results in a lower range from a higher fuel consumption. However, a turbo charger may sustain heat damage while mid-flight and thus results in a lower reliability. The materials with which the turbo chargers are made will not ignite, but you don't want your engine losing power while mid-flight (remember Yogi Bear and the Spruce Goose flying boat where they had to toss off all that gold?).
  18. @EzaSure, that is one way to make some really quick dollars, but the fun way to accumulate MyCENTs is to add to existing threads, engage with the other forum users, and basically get to know everybody on the forum. I did not really know about the MyCENTs that add up with pictures and videos, but I had no clue they counted for MyCENTs. I thought it was all about text. Besides, using web based rich text editors are an annoyance... it's much easier to type it all into Windows Live Writer and post it in through XML-RPC like we do for some websites - the server takes care of organizing the pictures, videos, and other content without the post author having to bother.But then again, there have to be folks on the forum who can start forum threads so there can be people like me who can reply to the threads. I guess that makes you and me partners in crime... a duo... Victor and Hugo...you make the threads and I fill them up! :-) (Speaking of Victor and Hugo, you can find a couple of episodes of the animated series on YouTube!)Posting to the forum is great because it is like being a part of a community. If, instead, you were to blog and had no commenters, that would get boring eventually and you would just pull out of it either out of frustration or out of boredom.@anwiiI'm sure we can all learn from you, the guru of SEO :-)I remember back in the old days you had started a thread about the Dish Network Scam on Trap 17 and got it to the top of the Google search engine!!! If you are an SEO consultant, I'm sure you rake in lots of $$$! :-)
  19. Hi!Most themes are built by graphic designers who intended it to have a particular look, so if you were to tinker with it, the designer would be really mad, along the lines of a french cook seeing you add ketchup into the mix! :-PBut, then again, there are some really terrible so-called designers and it would be a mortal sin to have to use their designs without some modifications, and so here you are - modifying somebody's WordPress template to suit your tastes.The quickest way to center the text is to put a BR tag and an opening CENTER tag just after the "$icons = array" line, and then put a closing CENTER tag followed by a BR tag before the "$icons[] = ob_get_clean();" line.The approach above uses plain old HTML tags but you can also do it through CSS by modifying a file named style.css (or by using in-line CSS attributes and internal CSS style sheets, but if you want to do it the cleaner way you might as well put in the effort to do it in a completely clean manner). Every theme has one of those because a WordPress theme stores all of its metainformation within the stylesheet, unlike other content management systems and blogging engines that maintain a separate XML file. I guess it's just a convenience that WordPress provides.@Eza: Every speaker from Google always repeats the same line over and over again - "Content is KING!!!!" Apparently, it's a catch phrase that is popular among internal circles at Google and they want to project it to the world so every speaker is trained to tell folks that line, I don't really know, but every Google speaker I have heard who speaks about search engine optimization has said that line at least once during their presentations. Google's search bots pick up whatever they can from the content on your page and will appropriately direct traffic to your web page even if you have not structured it right, have a poor layout, and have a really broken HTML markup (or XHTML markup, as the case may be, but HTML is more permissive and does not require unclosed HTML tags to have that slash at the end). On the flip side, if you have got some really fancy HTML and CSS with no validation errors, but you haven't got the content, there's no chance in a million that Google is going to send you any traffic at all.... although that is questionable, seeing how so many domain-parked pages are setup out there with the sole purpose of getting visitors to the page through search engines. There is another point that every webmaster does tell you - your content should target humans and not search engines. Search engines help you get people to your website when they need to find something, but it is the regular readers that you want to keep loyal to your website and those are the folks that you should focus on. They would visit your site for updated content, so make sure you do have plenty of content coming in ever so often, just as we do on the Xisto forums - there is always a new topic coming up, and if there isn't, there are always replies to existing topics to read. If there are neither of those, there are still the MyCENT posting credits that draw the forum users to the website... which may not be the same as providing content, but is a different kind of an incentive.@anwii: What's the site that you are putting together? Can we get a peek at it?
  20. Hi Mahesh!I haven't been able to get much of a response on the forums, so I thought this thread would fade away into obscurity too, but here's a reply!I have tried running WordPress, the content management system that was written in PHP and is all the rage all over the Internet, on the Apache web server and the problem that most system administrators complain about is the CPU usage that the PHP scripts cause. I have noticed a couple of hot spots in the code and I have been thinking about getting those sections of PHP code converted into PHP extensions such that they could perform better. Besides, writing the same bit of logic in C instead of PHP would result in much quicker code execution, while simultaneously reducing the memory footprint that WordPress would require, considering how PHP allocates the space of a few variables with the assumption that it could be an integer, a string, a float, a reference, or a value - all when you declare just one variable, so all of that takes up space when all you wanted is one little variable! I guess it has a trade-off in terms of being able to understand the source code of the PHP interpreter because using a struct would really help in figuring out what is supposed to go in there instead of having four different structures, each representing a different data type.So, anyway, as I go about optimizing through it, I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join in too. Programming is a lot more fun when it is done as a community than as a single developer. The lonesome traveller image may look cool in the movies for the audience, but it gets really really boring for the traveller... though with some terrible company, that lonesome-ness would start to look mighty satisfying (thinking of Ice Age and the weasel) :-PAnyway, if you would like to have a go at it, get a copy of Visual Studio and the source tarball of PHP 5.3.3 and the binary tools that are needed to build the source code for the PHP interpreter. You would have to extract the binary tools and use the Makefile-like utilities provided by it for the builds, but in the end all that you need is the DLL file so it does not really matter whether you use the tools provided for PHP development as long as you get to the end of a DLL that can be loaded by PHP as an extension, but it is easier when you do try going with what everyone else is using because that way you can get community support every step along the way if it does not turn out the way it is supposed to.
  21. Hi!I have lost my posts tons of times. Sure, it frustrates me enough to want to go blow up some cars in Twisted Metal 2, or hunt down some terrorists in Counter Strike, but then I'm back and there I am writing another post.Most of the time, when I spend too long writing a post, the session times out and I lose the entire post, but it happens less often on Xisto because when the session does time it, it often displays a page that says you can copy-paste your post and try again. That is a lot better than having your entire post disappear into thin air without even a warning. If anyone has used Xisto, you probably know what I mean.BTW, another common problem that I experience on most online forums is that despite checking the "Remember me" checkbox, the forum asks one for his or her username and password each time he or she closes the browser and visits the forum again... or sometimes, all it takes is a bit of a wait and then forum displays the prompt for the username and password. Any Xisto users out here who have had that happen to them?@AzureMusique: I use Mozilla Firefox and it hasn't crashed or hung on me since over a year. Perhaps you happened to try the earlier releases in the 3.x series. They were terrible and were quite unlike the 2.x series and when Google Chrome came along, people switched to it in the blink of an eye! Firefox is so much better now and I like the large selection of Add-Ons that Firefox has to offer. Download Helper is one of the best of the Add-Ons if you are on a slow connection because you would then be able to download the videos and watch then instead of having the video play for a second, pause for a second, play for a second, pause for a second, play for a second, and... all along while displaying that annoying buffering message. I have the quickest mobile broadband connection in the city and it never reaches the advertised bandwidths, so it's pretty much all the bandwidth I've got till another telecommunications provider comes along and decides to make its mark as the best Internet Service Provider.Anyway, take a chill pill and get started with typing your post all over again.... or join me in a game of Twisted Metal 2 :-)
  22. Hi!The first gun that you have posted a picture of is a minigun and is capable of a very high fire rate, possibly over 6,000 rounds per minute! I believe they featured one of those on Myth Busters when they tried to prove that it is possible to use a minigun to cut down a tree in under a minute. Heck, they even managed to set fire to the tree after it had been cut down by a minigun. I guess that beats using electric chain drills for cutting down trees, huh? You do, however, need a battery to power the gun and the use of multiple barrels means that you do not have to worry about overheating the barrels of the gun as it cools during its 1/6 cycle (the fired barrel is not fired again till the each of the other five barrels have been fired sequentially, providing sufficient time to cool down).The second gun in your post looked like a Springfield rifle. They have bolts that are used for re-loading and so are not of modern-day military use, but you are right - it can be used for hunting where all you need is a single shot to be fired. It was used in World War I and was a standard issue in World War II. My knowledge of the variants of the rifle is limited, but they did have sights attached to some of those Springfield rifles while others had the barrel cut shorter. Some Springfield rifles were also used as sniper rifles. There are some variants that are collectors' items, but I believe all of the collectors' edition Springfield rifles have a sight or some other device attached to them. Rifles have a model number indicated by the year in which they were designed. Most of the Springfield rifles issued during the World War II were designed in 1903 and were designated the M1903.However, the letterings that you found engraved on the rifle did not bear the M1903 designation so I figured it was something different, and that's when I noticed you mentioned about "Spandau". What you have is a German rifle manufactured by Mauser! The butt plate contains the serial number. The number you found on the rifle indicates that it was designed in 1871 and the design was later modified in 1884. Again, I cannot tell you much about the variants but some asking around would say that you could fetch about $450-$550 for it at an auction (but you never really know at an auction because you may end up getting more or may get less).Do post about your other rifle.
  23. Hi!I was wondering if anyone on the forum does C-programming with the PHP interpreter (I'm not sure if this thread should be categorized as C or as PHP... I'm sure on an IRC channel for C programming, they would redirect me to the PHP channel, and on the PHP channel, they would say, "You're off-topic. You should be on the C programming channel."). I like to think of it this way - if you were on the Habari channel/forum, you would talk about Habari core development too and not just the Habari plugins and themes, and they would not direct you back to the PHP programming channel/forum because it is a specific PHP project named Habari that you were dealing with.I have just downloaded the PHP source code (the source code for the PHP interpreter, not a bunch of .php/.inc files) along with the binary tools provided by PHP that consists of a hodge-podge. The binary tools archive contains command-line ZIP utilities, a CVS command line client (but not an SVN or GIT client!), Jam which is probably a clone of Make and is used for automating builds, Flex the lexical analyzer not to be confused with Adobe Flex, wget for downloading files off the web through command line or scripting, and the Bison parser generator. I guess the next step is to setup the development environment (I'm running Visual Studio 2010 and have to setup the binary tools provided by PHP) and get the PHP source code into a Visual Studio project.Right now, I'm hoping to create some PHP extensions but I would probably extend my work toward optimizing the source code that the PHP interpreter uses, wherever I can (most projects seem to have done this already and I doubt I can find much to do on the PHP source code itself).
  24. Hi!I am currently vacationing in India and happened to get my old Maruti Suzuki Esteem Di back. Folks who are not familiar with the Indian automotive scene can think of it as a slight variation of the Suzuki Cultus. The Suzuki Cultus is an older model of the Maruti Suzuki Esteem and the one that I have bears a different and cooler front grill and rear (the picture below is of the older model):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Suzuki_Swift_4door_red_vl.jpgIt has also been referred to as the Suzuki Swift, but shouldn't be confused with the cute-looking modern-day Suzuki Swift hatchback with rounded corners.The car still runs well after 100,000 km (added up through weekly trips of 600 km by me during holidays over the past six years, and from lots of long road trips by the guy who looked after it while I was away) and modifications that increase the rpm and fuel pressure. I don't really have a clue of what the modifications are because they were done by the guy who was looking after the car while I was away. The glow plugs (some of you may call it the heater plugs) that heat up the Peugeot TUD5 indirect fuel injection engine seem to be shot as the car takes a bit of cranking to get started and for the rpm to stabilize. Apparently, the car tries to figure out the rpm on a cold start by doing the revving on its own to keep the engine from stalling while cold... on starting, you can actually see the rpm counter go to 1,000 rpm and then begin to drop, which causes the revving to 2,000 rpm for a second and then it stays at 1,000 rpm. It may be a smart ECU or the modification that does it, as I haven't seen that happen in any other vehicles yet. I was just wondering how the car manages to start without the glow plugs - does it just build up the needed heat from the initial startup cranking or do the glow plugs still partially work to heat up but not sufficiently enough to provide a smooth start? The problem seems common in the mornings or if I haven't driven it for a day, but while running it does not seem to cause any problems.I have not had any breakdowns with the car in about six years and the car still runs on the original battery. I always thought batteries died after two years of operation, as I have observed on my old Toyota Avalon. The Esteem is due for its 100,000 km service (yes, I would be going in before the odometer clocks 101,000 km but I have yet to find the time to have the car sent over to a service center that does the 100,000 km service - most service centers don't!), which involves replacing the fuel pumps and hose pipes, in addition to the regular stuff such as the oil and filter change, tire rotation, and tightening of the nuts and bolts. I would also be getting the glow plugs changed.BTW, does anyone else have a Peugeot TUD5 engine under the hood? The Maruti Suzuki Esteem D/Di (I drive the Esteem Di... the only difference seems to be that the Di comes with front power windows with the Esteem D does not) comes with the 1,600 cc (approx.) Peugeot TUD5 indirect fuel injection inline cylinder diesel engine, as did the Maruti Suzuki Zen D/Di. Maruti Suzuki no longer uses the Peugeot TUD5 engine due to the added cost of having it sent from France - instead, they use a Fiat-sourced engine that is also used by the Fiat Linea, a model sold in India. The 1,400 cc Peugeot TUD5 engine can be found in the Tata Indica.
  25. Hi!Considering how cheap storage is these days, perhaps you can look for a device with more capacity to store the operating system? You cannot find a mainstream operating system that fits into the space and does much, but you may be able to use purpose-built software such as the kind used in 'dumb' (opposite of smart, no offense intended to the phone owners) cellular phones.If you do want to have something that you can further develop based on your needs, you can take a look at the DexOS. It is written entirely in assembly language and can would be able to fit into the 2MB limit while providing a graphical interface and with TCP/IP networking functionality so you can also hook it up to the Internet. You can find it online at http://www.dex4u.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t If you can, you should probably try to switch to a device that provide more memory and storage because you can get a lot of community support if you are going to base something on Linux (the modern-day Linux kernel takes over 1 MB) or on Windows XP Embedded edition/Windows 7 Starter edition. I would prefer Linux over Windows because you can take out components to the extent of editing the source code instead of the approach in Windows of 'un-checking' entire executables.As another forum poster suggested, you can also use DOS with a QBASIC front end that is quite easy to develop. There are tons of QBASIC programs out there that can demonstrate the use of graphics, the mouse, and sound adapter from over the years and if you can get your hands on the All Basic Code packets, which is a kind of a monthly magazine for BASIC developers, you can find lots of really neat stuff.If you do decide to build your own operating system, try to base it on MikeOS, which is entirely developed in assembly language, or on Linux, which has a larger kernel size but supports a lot of different kinds of hardware.
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