I disagree. In fact, I disagree with the death penalty for anybody except for the mass serial killers. After killing 10 people, it's obvious you haven't learned any lesson and you will cause more harm in the world than good. The death penalty for rapists, on the other hand, would be a bit too harsh. They could be put in jail for a long time, maybe. In fact, they could start a program where rapists are put into and make them regret what they have done.Yes, what they have done is immoral and very bad and should be discouraged to the youth, but many of these rapists have mental problems and should not be blamed for their actions. There could be an alternative to punish these people. They could be "tagged." For example, after the "x" amount of years spent in jail, they will go home with a special "tag" on them so the public can easily discriminate them. Whenever, they take this tag off, an alarm would be triggered to send law enforcements to his house. They should also be required to put a sign up in their lawns in front of their house or a sign in front of the door. These could be alternatives to isolate the rapists from society to keep the public safer.