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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. I right now kinda still stand for "Games ARE NOT a waste of time" but, after reading the newspaper (I'm only 14, ok?), a 16 yr old played for 15 hrs straight and was sent to the hospital, 3-4 years ago, two teens played DIABLO II for 26 hrs straight, one died because of the game; but seriously, who's that stupid?Back on my stance, I, myself is not a hardcore gamer. I still play Generals, HALO2 and all that, but I still play around w/ Linux, get good grades @ school and talk to ppl on MSN Messenger. I also read my books and listen to music. Playing games as described b4, gives joy to the kids all over the world. Without video games, we might as well be bored as ever in the modern world.xboxrulz
  2. hmmm.. I wonder if it would work on WINE....heck, I barely use my Windows partition. Most of the time I use Linux. If it works on Linux... O GOD!Merry Christmas,xboxrulz
  3. for a laptop, use Athlon XP-M 2200xboxrulz
  4. that's Windows XP? Heck, have more fun on ur Fedora Core 3!!xboxrulz
  5. Please use CrossOver Office; it has Dreamweaver support.xboxrulz
  6. I use Kmail and Thunderbird. I use KMail on my primary because I want to use my sendmail protocol on my Linux system instead of using SMTP on my ISP's server; but my secondary accounts are on Thunderbird via SMTP. Most of the time I use Yahoo! Mail (webmail) for my my email needs.xboxrulz
  7. I don't need an antivirus software currently because I'm using Linux, but if I'm using my Windows partition, I use McAfee Antivirus.xboxrulz
  8. experts (including some magazines) have stated that SP2 is just a waste of space and that it creates more bugs than fixing them. My dad's laptop crashed (and had to reinstall) after he had SP2.If you need to use a secure system, get Linux, Mac or FreeBSD/NetBSDxboxrulz
  9. that's not true, it's because 95% of the world uses the crappy Windows OS! (my support posts are mainly inside the Open Source post in this category)xboxrulz
  10. osknockout, thankyou for supporting Linux, but the kernel itself is not bloated, it's just the distribution adds too much stuff (sometimes). Yes, Linux is sometimes picky about the case-sensitive syntax, but bear w/ it.If you have any suggestions, try contacting Linus (creator of Linux) about it.xboxrulz
  11. I use XMMS for my MP3, KsCD for listening to my CDs. I use both KPlayer (using MPlayer backend) and Kaffeine (using Xine backend) and I always set the audio codec to aRts for it's realtime audio.xboxrulz
  12. well, I ran into this sort of program in Windows XP, by then I had 3 layers of security on my WinXP, and my computer was virus free but, I clicked one of the system programs (forgot which one) but my bootloader and my Windows died. I had to reinstall and lose EVERYTHING!Now, I have my most important stuff on Linux!Alot of people (including experts) recommend that you DO NOT INSTALL SP2, it's a waste of space and it creates more bugs but it does have a FEW fixes.xboxrulz
  13. mrbradeli, PM me your computer specs and the version of Redhat/Fedora Linux you're using and how you were installing it and I might be able to help you.xboxrulz
  14. alot of people think that Mandrake is user-friendly and all that, but if you look deeply, many linux "gurus" states that Mandrake is like an AREA51 where they often tests things in their product. Most of the software that comes in Mandrake Linux are usually betas or Release Candidates. If you want ease of use, use Novell SuSE Linux or Yoper Linux Dual booting Linux and Windows IS NOT A THEORY! It works and it is stable. My computer has been using dual booting since the 3rd month of using Linux when I decided that Linux was more worthy than Windows on my desktop. I had Linux installed on my laptop while I'm in school so I can fiddle around w/ it when I was having a break. I usually dual boot w/ LInux LOader (LILO) or GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB). In order to run Linux and Windows together, you need to use the LILO or GRUB. For beginners, you should use GRUB because it's easier to troubleshoot. Usually, GRUB and LILO are preconfigured on COMMON LINUX DISTRIBUTIONS. Windows XP would be available to be booted. If it cannot detect, do this: In grub.conf, add this: [Windows] boot=/dev/hda1 (ONLY IF YOUR WINDOWS PARTITION IS HDA1) label= Windows If you're using LILO, it should be preconfigured when Windows is detected. If not, try to rescan it when you're running root and using the command lilo. It will rebuild and activate the LILO configuration, if not, contact your distribution about it. For people who think that Linux CANNOT read Windows partitions, they are wrong. All Linux distribution can read FAT32 and NTFS. Only kernels using 2.6 and above unless the distributor has added that support. Unfortunately, Linux can only write into FAT32 filesystems. Future support for writing into NTFS is currently in development. Linux can already R/W in HFS (Macintosh Filesystem) xboxrulz
  15. Windows ME is BIG TIME CRAP. As a matter of fact, I'm stuck w/ one in my dad's office (as I'm in Hong Kong currently).AHHH!xboxrulz
  16. u got two monitors? (because the taskbar is usually 100% across the screen if u have only one monitor)xboxrulz
  17. I vote for AMD for performance and pricing. I think Intel is just expensive.IMO;AMD: Home users / Graphic work / GamingIntel: business / programming and designingxboxrulz
  18. how bout "stupid Windows" you can just stop at Windows ;)I recommend you getting Linux if you're still runnin WIN98. I even plan to switch back to Win98 over WinXP. It's bcause WIN98 has one of the best NETWORKING system. If not, I'll happily switch to WIN2000 over WINXP for stability. But, to escape from the prejudice of Windows, I'll go for Linux.xboxrulz
  19. I have an Intel crap.... It's an Intel Pentium IV 2.53 GHZ w/ out hyper-threading. I want an AMD Athlon processor, or better a IBM-Apple G5!!Oh yeah, you forgot to add G5 on the list. (Please note: the term PC stands for Personal Computer. A personal computer can range from and INTEL to an IBM-Apple G5)xboxrulz
  20. ok, so practically, this IS Linux using Cywin ... lol... thablkpanda: Linux is a very stable operating system. The thing that Linux is famous for is it's copyleft software and that most of the software are open source, which means it's owned by everyone and can be modified "freely". Linux, described by Linux for Dummies (5th Edition); "Linux has been accused of being "just another operting system." On the surface, it may appear so, but if you look deeper, you can see that this isn't so. The Linux project is a FLAGSHIP leading the current trend toward open source and free (as in freedom, not free beer) software within the computting industry. A rock-solid operating system because of the model under which it was (and continues to be) developed, Linux represents much that is good and pure in software development" That is why there's debates and large conversation about Linux, because it's a great Operating System. Also, there's tonnes of versions and Linux opens up a new market for developers to compete w/ each other. Linux WAS for techies and hard-core developers; but developers have seen a huge market for mainstream users that Linux has been transform into a user-friendly Operating System. KDE, the largest desktop environment for Linux, gives an environment that is close to Windows. For more information visit: https://www.kde.org/ P.S: KDE comes w/ most distributions; sometimes it has GNOME. But, still, Linux still lags in one thing, software compatibility and a more user-friendly environment . xboxrulz
  21. Windows 98 is still called "operational" or "accepted" but Windows ME? Outdated when Windows 2000 came out!xboxrulz
  22. Please note: FreeBSD, OpenBSD ARE NOT LINUX!!I like SuSE, Knoppix and Yoperxboxrulz
  23. wow, such an awesome invention ... NOT! I think that Windows and developers for Windows should really stop copying works of other Operating System. Of course using tools of other inventions but don't copy it. Linux is the one w/ the idea having it on a CD like Knoppix Linux.You know what, I'm fed up of Windows copying and stealing ideas.xboxrulz
  24. that is true. Longhorn requires you to have a very high performance computer for you to run. I think it requires something like a 2.8 GHZ as the recommended speed to run it :Sxboxrulz
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