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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. try Acid Xpress! It's free!(Sony)xboxrulz
  2. Linux doesn't take along time to get used to. I got used to it in less than a month; it's that easy. I learned how to install in 1 hour and how to fix Linux and use the vi editor within 2 months. It took me 3 months to learn Linux, compared to 6 months for getting use to Windows. Plus, right now, I'm still trying to figure out, how to fix Windows w/ Business setup.Linux has tonnes of apps that are useful, if not, it's not available to Windows. For Flash, you can use CrossOver Office to do that. For java building, you can use Eclipse. For Turing, just use CrossOver Office!Linux is one of the most apps that does almost all the work you need to work on! Plus, it rarely crashes!xboxrulz
  3. ya, most of us aren't "super experts". Even, I as an intermediate user won't know how to do that. Linux simply doesn't need that much time and money to setup a secure machine. The root can also decide if the user can access the CD-ROM, Floppy, Network and even softwares!!xboxrulz
  4. that is true. Five days ago my Windows MBR got busted. Then, I use my Win 98 bootup disc and typed in fdisk /mbr. It usually works but noo, it was the Windows XP being gay and destroyed their loading screen. That got me pissed. I had to reinstall it. Overwriting all my games and saved files. Good thing I got a backup HDD with all my Docs in it ! I was so pissed; I feel like marching into Microsoft and excecute whoever wrote the kernel for Windows XP!Windows XP - Second worst Windows ever!!xboxrulz
  5. Unix is NOT hard at all, well maybe Linux... Linux is the best OS alternative though. So is Mac but o well...xboxrulz
  6. that's true.Here's a little bit of info: (NOT FROM ANY WEBSITES)Generals is a strategy game that uses the gameplay of Starcraft. There's no population limits. The supplies that you get are from supply docks. (In starcraft, minerals. In Red Alert 2, gems and gold. In Tiberian Sun, tiberium) It's is an intensive strategy game that is 3D. This game takes place in the Modern World. (1980 - current)xboxrulz
  7. xboxrulz


    check if your C:\Program Files\easyPHP\mysql\data has any databases.xboxrulz
  8. NT is the most stable system that Microsoft offers. IMO, the Linux kernel is the most stable w/ BeOS, Mac and SkyOS.xboxrulz
  9. I say that DirectX is not as good as OpenGL and SDL (which both are in Linux) *note: OpenGL is available for Windows*xboxrulz
  10. For anyone WHO CANNOT GET WINE WORKING, TRY THIS TOOL, IT's CALLED WINESETUPTK!! http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idp3.i586.rpm.html This link is only for Linux system with RPM capability, which is like 85%. xboxrulz
  11. IF YOU'RE STUCK TO WINDOWS LIKE GLUE, I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS BCAUSE YOU'RE JUST GONNA FALL APART! So, ur saying that comparing Windows XP to Linux is too far off... let's see: Windows XP has a hidden feature call "eat itself" Windows XP is 10x more expensive than Linux (even w/ maintenance... Linux is cheaper to maintain) Linux never crashes unless the software is bugged up; Windows..*nod in shame* crashes every 3 days. Linux has a failsafe that is better than Windows XP's safe mode; heck the safe mode doesn't even work if the sound card or other minimal driver gets screwed. Linux doesn't really care because you can fix it after. The X server for Linux has a framebuffer that is 10x faster, making games faster. Plus, Linux also take less CPU power to process a huge program. Also, Linux doesn't need a stupid registry to work. It just works as long as the files are there. (plus all the libraries). Windows require a stupid registry (very stupid invention) to work! The only good thing about Windows is software compatibility. It has 90% of the world's software. Linux is by far the best OS that is compared to Windows. Linux can run on practically on any architecture. x86, x86_64, SPARC, PPC, Amiga, and more. Popac, Solaris IS NOT associated to Linux except that both are UNIX. UNIX is a proprietory software. Linux is a better version of UNIX that is not proprietory. Plus, 95% of all Linux software IS opensource under the GNU/GPL license. DOWN WITH WINDOWS, SCREW IT BILL GATES! P.S: IF THIS POST SOUNDS HARSH TO ALL WINDOWS USERS, I AM SORRY BECAUSE I'M A LINUX FAN AND USER! xboxrulz
  12. Cloudy, I learned how to use Linux faster than Windows. It took me 1 year to get use to Windows and it took me 3 months to learn Linux w/ how to use the RPM system perfectly. xboxrulz
  13. Here's some info:XBOX:Intel Pentium III 733 MHZ6 GB HDDDVD Drivemodified Windows 2000 Professional4 controller portBuilt-in ethernet2 expansion slots on the controllersNVidia Geforce 4 graphic card variantPS2:Customized Sony processor 233 MHZDVD DriveCustomized Sony Operating System2 controller ports (with memory card slots)Customized Sony graphic cardxboxrulz
  14. ending sucked. PERIOD. But, overall the game is good. Just only the ending sucked.xboxrulz
  15. the "slackware" one is actually Mandrake since it has the Mandrake Star logo... are u even sure bout ur OS ?xboxrulz
  16. I think there is enough GUI systems out there. Best of all, KDE and GNOME. I think the current ones are already good and satisfying.xboxrulz
  17. I'm interested in this but IT'S IN SPANISH I CAN'T UNDERSTAND FREAKY DEEKY SPAINISH!!xboxrulz
  18. same w/ my skool. I can't even access Xisto.xboxrulz
  19. that is so true! I finally got Knoppix running on my HDD!xboxrulz
  20. I personally DO NOT recommend Windows if you want speed. Get Linux! (unless ur a gamer)For WinXP best to have 2 HDD. One HD for software another for DATA.C: --> ProgramsD: (or E:) --> DATA (documents and etc.)For Linux, the same thing, one for the root and one for the home directory:/ --> Programs and Libraries/home --> DATAxboxrulz
  21. yes it does. It's one of the famous "Venus de le Squished MSN" wallpapers (well, I dunno the real title, but I like to call it that way)xboxrulz
  22. Dear Xisto, Can I host my own music on the server?xboxrulz
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