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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. Am I correct in suspecting that the bit of code that has the word 'microsoft' will work best on IE? Just curious... I would agree that more detailed tuts would be appreciated And info on cross-browser compatibility is like... um... crucial Anyway, kudos on a very nice attempt. Here's looking forward to more... Cheers.
  2. Hmm... the complaining about the complaining part was interesting Twisted irony, but I think you have a point. I am a seasoned complainer myself, but I try catch myself red-handed when I can and then I try to divert my attention to something slightly more productive.While I'm quite neutral as far as the issue of people posting multiple vents is concerned, I must admit that complaining about things has never gotten me anywhere, sadly It's nice to hear someone saying 'bin there, buddy', but, I'm not sure it's really helped. Maybe the pysco-analysts (spelling?) will explain that it reduces emotional tension or something, but of late, I've been finding it easier to get to work as opposed to picking out random elements from problems[1346] and elaborating on them :(Cheers!PS: Oh I hate my coffee maker, by the way... did I mention it makes these horrendous noises even when all it has to do is make plain, black coffee? And I always add the sugar when I don't need it... I'm sure the machine has got something to with it, dam*-it! :oops: Notice from jlhaslip: edit per report
  3. Well, it would also help for us to know how you're currently uploading anyway. Like someone pointed out, using FTP is perhaps the best way to do it. CuteFTP and FileZilla are supposed to be user-friendly FTP clients that get you started right away.If you have access to a linux box, I'd suggest using Konquerer, it's one of the simplest FTP browsers I've ever seen Also, I'd like to know what exactly you want to do. Upload the zip file and unzip it on the server to save yourself some broadband bandwidth or something? Trust me, with a smiley pack, shouldn't make too much of a difference anyway!Good luck and HTH.
  4. I'd never, never disagree with that I always write what I feel as well. There's no point doing it any other way - imo - except, perhaps, if writing is you primary source of income I'd suggest don't try to get out of something that comes naturally to you. Self-pity poems ain't bad at all, it's just that when you try to get them published, there's just too much competition At least, that's my experience. Too many sad souls on the planet who also like to write poems. Nothing wrong with it at all. The only writing I really dislike is the writing which looks like the writer wasn't having fun / wasn't writing his heart out while writing it. Also, I won't deny that I can't bring myself to like excessively amateurish writing (I got a gift, it was very heavy to lift, yada yada... no, really, some one actually had a poem the began with those lines on poetry.com). By the way, writing what you like to read is generally a good idea. I'd say keep at it! My two cents, thanks for reading.
  5. Fair enough Well, I'd still suggest you clear up the grammar and punctuation a little, and you'll be on the right track. I like the biting-my-lip image, but everything else seems a little overly angsty. That's perfectly all right if this is a personal poem, but if you're looking to get published you might have to dilute the self-pity emotion a little bit. My two cents, for whatever it's worth.
  6. A dual boot is probably the way to go. Most people I know - I mean the gaming freaks - use linux for everything geekish and windows for playing.But then... I think TuxRacer is a very entertaining game. I even got addicted to it for a while, and the penguin is really cute
  7. Google adsense is definitely one of the most trusted advertising programs around. The only negative I know of is that a rival buisness can deliberately generate invalid clicks and get your account suspended, and I do not know of any advertising service that comes without this particular downside.As to your site, looks like you don't have an adsense account yet. It is not possible to get an adsense account without a fully functional website, so upload first. Even after getting an account, if you ever need to test what the ads look like on your site, make sure you modify the javascript by adding the line google-test="on" and changing the ad-client value to "ca-test". That way, you don't get paid for clicks and it's useful for testing. I'm not sure if this is the exact modification, please verify on the adsense site first.
  8. Apparently, this news is not true. This speculation has been quashed by Sergey Brin. Read on if you're interested. Perhaps it's a pity, I had almost started looking forward to GWrite, GSpread, et al But, on the other hand, it's good because this would have really fueled the Google-is-Big-Brother image, which I would not be entirely happy about. Cheers!
  9. I am not sure if I have understood your situation correctly, but I will still try to suggest that perhaps using php will help. Googling php sessions should help you get around to the actual coding. You could in fact try looking at this thread in Xisto's own tutorial section - although I haven't gone through it, I am sure figuring out how to use php to design a login system shouldn't be very difficult. Good luck and keep us posted
  10. Hmm... sounds interesting. I would not anticipate that auto-generated logs would actually eat up that much space. This gives me an idea of what to do when my hosting space begins to look clogged up... thanks for sharing!
  11. I suppose the fact that cpanel is at least as good as zpanel should be some consolation. If you would like to install Zpanel for the fun of it, perhaps you could simply find a local computer, and experiment on such a system. Good luck
  12. That is correct, there is no need to create any sql databases on your computer, because these databases are stored on the servers of Xisto. If they were stored on a remote location, it would be difficult to ensure that the application can interact with it 24/7. You would have to set it up that way, and if you could, you might as well host the entire website, not just the databases Right. If you've installed a working SMF, you will be able to install a working phpBB using a very similar procedure. You will need to download the themes from the phpBB website. And then upload them to your /forums/templates folder. And then try the Styles Management section. I know this is not a very detailed answer, but I am not giving a very detailed answer because such an answer already exists and I would suggest you try and find out for yourself. (Specifically, try the phpBB website, their Styles section, their knowledge base and their forum archives. I am sure that will help.)
  13. Uh-oh.... cooking is certainly not my cup of tea (pun unintentional). All I can do without risking blowing up the entire house is boil water. That is all. Of course, I make my sandwiches now and then, and I have recently managed making black coffee. <proud grin> Oh well, I simply can't get the cooking right. I invariably end up spending half an hour contemplating on methods of distinguishing between salt and sugar... so there. I am fairly decent when it comes to cutting up vegetables and stuff like that, I can even make a salad that looks tolerable, but anything to do with the stove and salt is beyond me. Completely.
  14. I love Google, but I am certainly not sure if I would have the same feeling if their services stopped being free. Like someone pointed out, one of the nicest things about Google is that it's free. I am some one who wants 150 MB of hosting space and 2 GB bandwidth for free. It is definitely unlikely that such a person will willingly pay for a service like Google search. Having said that, I will also say that I think the services of Google are techincally worth paying for, although I probably wouldn't pay for it. For instance, there are a fair number of amazing movies that release every Friday. Some of them are almost unarguably worth the money. However, I've almost always avoided the theatre. It's not because I am a born miser, it's not because I'm poverty-stricken - it's only because I have my priorities and I'd rather spend the money on something I find more worthwhile - of course, opinions are bound to vary on what's worthwhile and what's not. With Google, I'll not pay for their services - that does not imply I think their services aren't worth it. Of course, if every other corresponding service in the internet world becomes a paid service, then I'd choose Google over the rest (most probably). Well, those are my five dollars for whatever it's worth
  15. The links do seem to be down for some reason, although I can't be sure what. @vicentral: 8000 templates certianly sounds like a lot, and if you made them, I hope you're not using megauploads and word-of-mouth as the only way to spread the news about the templates. If you didn't make them, there should be some website where they're all stored. Either way, if you know of a better server from where people can look at the templates and then download them, I suppose you could share the url with us. Or just make sure those links work, preferably before you post them @mayank: The links are not working for me, like I just said, and I suppose you could close the topic and let the TS pm you or just leave it open for a couple of days and give the TS a chance to update the links or something like that.
  16. Oh gosh... a list of pending thank-yous would necessarily have to run into several pages in spite of my erratic memory *deep breath* Anyway, hope everyone's having a great time right now! Only ten days to go, if I'm getting the math right :DBack on to the good-will sharing. I'll try and keep it short. I feel like the luckiest person on the planet (I generally feel this way, unless something very drastic has just happened) and I am thankful to whatever is responsible for my feeling/being that way (you could translate that to a thank-god if you like). I am grateful to family and friends for making life worth it - making every new morning something I can look forward to, making sure I'm alive and kickin' and smiling. I thank everyone who's developing for Debian - keep at it guys (and gals), I love the OS, the installation kept me busy for a good three months this year, and the post-installation is a process that I enjoyed for six months (and still counting) - and it's made life a good deal more exciting. I'd like to thank Guido van Rossum for coming up with Python, it's a lovely language, the only new one I learnt this year. I thank my examiners for letting me pass the exams with a distinction (hope you're reading) - I am in the fourth semester now *yay*. <etc etc etc> Thanks Xisto, for giving me the free webspace. And finally, thanks to everyone at Trap for being such a great community. (I honestly think - and I am sure no one will dispute this - this is the best community I've ever been a part of.) Thanks to the admins and mods for ensuring things stay that way ;)I can't think of anything that I'd desperately wish for. Like I said, me feels very lucky. Obviously, I would be happier if there were fewer wars, and fewer natural calamities. Those are the sort of things all of us pray for all the time (I certainly hope we do.) However, I know I am not going to get involved in trying to make these things happen, so thinking about it only makes me feel guilty <philosophy> Besides, I try hard to imagine a perfect world, and things simply don't fit inside my limited imagination. If everything was perfect, perhaps existance wouldn't be half as interesting as it is. </philosophy> I certainly hope I become someone who's easier to get along with. I also hope that there will be less people who desire to kill me (although I would not mind if a couple of them tried next year). I want to be someone who is calm and composed (a state that I've never been in, especially in a class), unaffected by joy, sorrow and overdoses of caffine. But if these things don't happen, it's perfectly all right. There's always a next year, and if I'm dead before that, there's always a next time... somewhere. If there isn't, it probably doesn't matter anyway :DCheers, everyone, and may you find yourself the strength to convert the dreams of this fall into a reality of the new year. Here's hoping everyone here (and elsewhere) has a brilliant X'mas. Have fun!! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Credits to transfer : 7
  17. Dear me... I think I completely agree about the redundancy of name tags. I do sign off my posts sometimes, though, with an expression such as "Cheers!" or something like that, but I am quite sure I haven't put down any name tags. I guess the only point one might make is that some users do turn the signature blocks off, and might find a name at the end of the post useful, if that name is different from the person's forum id. I wouldn't be devastated because people use an extra name tag... but it would be nice if everyone took care to not repeat what's on their signatures, and not repeat the forum ID at the end of a post. On the other hand, I am sure it can at best amount to a trivial amount of credits (well, if you want to look at it from that angle), so I guess I am not overly bothered Cheers! //Ahhh.... Sorry! *sheepish grin*
  18. Well, looks like Spectre has covered everything that there is to it. A good rule of thumb (apart from checking if the mail asks you to forward it to x people or else... <something nasty> will happen to you) is simply that if any mail begins with the sentence Please do not take this for a junk letter., it is almost certainly bound to be a junk letter. I wouldn't even bother to read any further In most circumstances, common sense should help in seeing your way through the scams. May the anti-spam engines be with you
  19. wild20, as far as I can see, if you are leaving for around 60-70 days, and you have over 200 credits, and if, like jlhaslip said, the policies here don't change, then you should be fine. You'll have a little over 100 credits when you come back, that is all You don't need to suspend your account, because your account can be hosted as usual, since you have enough credits to keep it going... Take care and cheers!
  20. Of course it works better if you're going to use it on your site... I forgot to place this in context - really sorry. I'm sure it would work very well for your site, and like I said earlier, very nice work Keep at it, and cheers!
  21. Well, that's correct. Make that 70 to be on the safe side. However, that's something that won't happen unless you're really careless Coming to your 60 credits, I'd give you a couple of quick tips for whatever it's worth - try scanning to forum for contests that give away hosting credits (they really do ) and see if you can take part in them. It could be fun and rewarding at the same time - which is generally a good deal If you're good at writing reviews for products you've used (for instance, a C++ IDE which you thought was really cool), then try putting some of those up in the Trapoinion (gosh, dunno how it's spelled, please check) section. General posts besides these should get you a good amount of credits. You can, if I am not mistaken, buy credits if you want to, and if you have the money. Finally, hosting credits are transferable - so I am sure if you've helped people out, you can always check if someone's willing to share some credits with you - which you may offer to return later. Finally - needless to say, I think - something that one should never do is spam, it's not nice and you face the risk of getting suspended or banned even if you have those credits. I don't have too many credits right now, but feel free to PM me when you're going away and if I have a decent amount, I'll be more than willing to transfer some of those to your account without wanting them back Hope this helps - cheers! PS: You might find this thread an useful reference. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit done as reported
  22. Hearty Congratulations to RYO, SAMMA, and psychiccyberfreak - keep going guys
  23. Truefusion, I hope you have fun designing for the contest. The prize amounts are fairly non-trivial, and I agree (notwithstanding the fact that I am sure you're brilliant at your graphics - considering the wallpapers you've got on your site) that making it to the top 5 there will not be entirely easy. I am glad you find it worthwhile Good luck!
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