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Everything posted by serverph

  1. why would you want to do that? as a general rule, if it can hurt the server resources badly, you are not allowed to do it, since it would affect other people using the same limited server resources.
  2. containing a black hole (or simulating it in a miniature state for safe human use) is by far still a great vision at the moment. but mankind will reach that point in history when humans can harness the potentials of efficient energy converters like this. we won't just be around anymore to marvel at the results. but who knows, it may be just around the corner of this century as the article suggests that steps are underway to realizing it.
  3. music and movies forum here. tv forums, this has been suggested before, just don't know if a dedicated forum is now in place.
  4. after pressing the report button, you will get to a page where you can enter those details. when done, you can proceed to submit the report, and mods/admins get notified.
  5. as a way to weed out plagiarized content, you are all enjoined to report the post you find plagiarized by clicking the "! REPORT" button (found at the bottom left of every post). add the links from which content has been lifted, and after verification, mods/admins will take appropriate action.
  6. some pros and cons of different types of internet connections: - Internet connection options: Satellites - read this too
  7. no idea... maybe an OS reinstall will do the trick if you are looking for a clean system32 dll to replace it. or if you are looking for that particular file, you can simply search your OS .cab files to overwrite the corrupt one you have. (IMPORTANT: but don't take my word for it, overwriting system files may screw your system. do it only if you are sure that it can solve your problem, and after making a complete backup of your drive just in case it turns nasty in the end.)
  8. do you do it in bulk? copying text from PDF then editing it would be the easiest, i suppose. or you can always do it the *harder* way: print PDF, scan print-out with OCR (optical character recognition), then format/edit the pages to suit your needs. haven't been in this situation, so i haven't searched for an app (if there is any) to do the trick the easy way.
  9. several considerations on satellite connections: environment, weather, cost. if you are to use satellite connection within the bounds of a city with large buildings which can obstruct transmission and/or ricochet signals, better stick with dsl/cable/dial-up. likewise if you use it on cloudy/overcast weather. the most you need to consider is the cost. it can be quite prohibitive (read: too expensive), and it would just be a waste of money especially if you can not fully maximize it. but then again, of course, if you *really* require it and have the dough to get it, it is at least worth a try.
  10. google search works like a charm for me... nothing to indicate any hacking or virus. what country are you by the way? maybe it's country specific (google redirects a searcher to the country domain of google searchers). and have you identified the virus you have already?
  11. we have lots of chinese and chinese descent people in our country, and that is not exactly true. maybe in your circle of chinese friends and acquaintances, yes, but delegating the trait to a race and nationality is but sheer generalization. it will always be a point of debate when generalizations are applied. on paranoia, yes, to a certain degree, you are correct. chinese people in our country are acknowledged as very good business people, and with the wealth they acquire (and the crimes committed on their person because of their social status), it is understandable that they be paranoid once in a while. but saying that, still, everyone and every race falls in that category of paranoia one time or another. the human race share the same faults and misgivings, and they just differ in degrees among individuals and groups.
  12. that was hard! got 14/20. maybe partly because i tend to be trustful of anyone, and their intentions. i usually don't want to pass judgement on a person's character until the time i get to know that person for a little while. you can say i am a ray of sunshine when anyone knows me from the start, and i continue to be for as long as we get together. but if one does me wrong, i'll be a spark of lightning to toast one alive (figuratively, of course). hehehe? i look at a person's eyes to determine how truthful one is, smiles and all. as they often say, the eyes are the windows to a person's soul.
  13. i believe they have to be put down *ONLY* when they are too old already, or they are suffering from any illness which would just prolong their agony.why not make a website for them? like an adoption site. then link to other cat sites out there to promote the cats you have for adoption? may be a nice project for you. there would be cat lovers out there willing to give your extra cats some home.
  14. i'm very much aware of that, and i have discussed the copyright issue involved in my site in previous posts. thanks for the concern. btw, the competition is over and the fan site is maintained for archival purposes.
  15. you need to use BBCodes instead of html codes.
  16. there is something wrong with this statement. -- not necessarily true. there are dormant viruses (which wreaks havoc on your PC at a designated date and time), yes, BUT if that virus is there in your hard disk in the first place, then that antivirus application you are using is not effective at all since it did not do its job to destroy the old virus. you should throw that stuff away instead, and choose a better antivirus. i could give some leeway if it's a new virus, and the antivirus did not detect it, but old viruses -- that's just plain useless antivirus.
  17. if we told you what is funny with that, would you even understand? in case you haven't noticed, it is about "WHAT IF...?", but it's a topic obviously beyond your comprehension and imagination (and humor, obviously). what i don't know is why you even bothered to reply on this subject.
  18. looks like the 'edit' button has been disabled. have no idea why... hope it's temporary.
  19. don't know if there's an automated age progression system online. moreso, if it's free. i think this method has been used to track down missing children after so many years, in hopes of getting new leads to find them. and age progression technique is close to being a specialized art form, so it takes time and careful facial analysis. anyway, it would be nice to have one online, for free, even just for the sake of fun.
  20. it's day three or four (depends on where you are ) of march already. maybe you should try catching admin opaque on YIM before saturday if your site is still not back online. i think admin opaque has PM backlogs by now, so YM him if it's really urgent. just try to catch him online, i think he has no fixed schedule when he usually goes online. i've been looking for that edit button also since yesterday. maybe it was turned off, or the forum template edited to remove it. hope it is returned soon.
  21. *bows* in theory, that is as near as he should look like minus all his trips to his face surgeon. i saw it featured in a tv show days agp, and i just typed in the right keywords in google. google is our friend.
  22. here's a 'net retrospective (hence, yahoo called it "netrospective") on yahoo's 10 years of online life. this features the TOP 100 moments on the world wide web, as compiled by yahoo. flash version: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ html version: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ haven't used yahoo as eagerly as before, ever since google joined the search engine fray. maybe this would take me back in time to check if i missed out on something earth-shaking without me taking a peek at their homepage as regularly as when they started. yahoo, when your pages get less crowded, i will return to you. but you may have to ply me hard as i cling tightly to google. but still, 10 years is a long time in internet time, so congratulations and birthday greetings are in order for yahoo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YAHOO!
  23. trap17 is not the place to be requesting such stuff...
  24. is this freeware, shareware, or warez? if it's the last one, you better remove it lest the admin catches you, and you jeopardize your chances of getting hosting with Xisto....
  25. do you know who this is? at age 70: at age 45: still can't get it? answer lies here. or most recently, here. comments/reactions?
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