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Everything posted by serverph

  1. oh! okay, no point in arguing the case of the "cuateceometl christians" then? since what they just need to do, as the bible says, is to "turn the other cheek and not fight back in any event"? and they should be ready to die as paul, stephen, and jesus christ did, not resisting their attackers and even forgive them as they perished? case closed then? why vilify the catholic church as a whole then (for the acts of a few individuals in this case) if the "cuateceometl christians" are doomed by the bible to live their destiny? neither paul, nor jesus, nor any other biblical figure is recorded as saying anything in opposition to the institution of human slavery, nor any word of criticism against it. read it again. jesus is recorded as mentioning slaves in one of his parables. did he condemn it? for the answer, Luke 12:45-48. and paul? Deuteronomy 23:15-16. paul "hints" that he would like master to give slave his freedom, but does not actually request it. apparently, paul saw no evil in the concept of a person owning another as a piece of property. Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 4:1 and 1 Timothy 6:1-3 further instructs slaves and slave owners in proper behavior. in defense of paul, he regarded slaves as persons of worth whom at least God considers of importance, that both slaves and free persons are sons of God, and thus all part of the body of Christ and spiritually equal. but still, he had every opportunity to discuss the immorality of slave-owning, and he didn't. yes... but why do some so-called christians "crucify" gays and lesbians then? christian or unchristian behavior? every institution has its share of such dark history which smears them. any dark acts of the past have been condemned, and atonement has been initiated. the catholic church history is an "open book", so you can see both the good and the bad side in its history. i can't say that for other "christian" denominations though (maybe they just hide their dark secrets well). fast forward to the present: did you get any updates on what happened next after the incident with the "cuateceometl christians"? that particular article is barely "hot news" since it was reported may15 and posted may19 in the source page. since it is of particular interest to you, you would have followed it up. it's been over a month since that incident, and news would have filtered to that source about it. or did they just conveniently forget to follow it up as well? oh well, if it's "good" news for the catholic church, why would they post it, right? it's better to highlight the bad acts of the few individuals, tie it up as acts of a group, and forget anything done to condone, condemn and rectify it after, right? "true Christians like the anabaptists"? every christian denomination claims they are the "true christians", don't they? is it also pre-ordained in the bible that they are? i think it's too presumptious of a group or an individual to be claiming that. the height of hypocrisy, if i may say so. "true church of christ"? read previous comment. where are you getting your ideas about the views the catholic church holds? that's a myopic view you are getting, and it's definitely laden with bias, twisting facts and doctrines just to smother the catholic church, in obvious attempt at discrediting the institution. for what reason? your guess is as good as mine. such is some so-called "christian's" love for their neighbor.
  2. and if i may dare ask, what do you use to prove biblical information accurate?
  3. never heard of such "Fountain of Heaven Church". may need to research on that one. for all i know it could be a "cult" (i'm not saying that it is though). as for the bible being the end-all-and-be-all source of all things "christian", i don't subscribe to that wholeheartedly. the bible, others may claim is the Work of God, but still i'm more close to believing it is just "inspired" by God, and is mainly the work of man (who actually wrote the books within, and who is prone to errors). and is everything in the bible to be taken hook-line-and-sinker just because it is written there? looks like an illogical way to justify things, like when people tried to justify slavery on biblical grounds (yes, slavery is sanctioned in the bible! and would you subscribe to it, even if it is immoral? proof? Genesis 9:25-27; Leviticus 25:44-46; Exodus 21:2-6; Exodus 21:7-11; Exodus 21:20-21; Ephesians 6:5; 1 Timothy 6:1-; etc.). scanning the bible for "slaves" or "slavery" would yield a nominal number of verses pertaining to it. but if you read more, you will find sugar-coated words like "servant", "captives", "prisoners", etc. anyway, i think religion is a personal matter, and self-righteous indignation towards any religion because of the acts of a few is outrageous. it's like the prevalent mindview of close-minded people that think "muslims are terrorists" (which is outright wrong!). condemn those individuals who erred, not the group. we should stay away from branding this and that in generalizations, since it is an argumentative fallacy to generalize things ("adam was a man. adam was naked. therefore, all men should be naked." - ridiculous argument, right?) it is also incorrect to say that catholics are not christians (who admitted what?). catholicism is the religion, catholics are the people, christianity is the mode of life. as others would say: "Christianity is not a religion; it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ." btw, i'm a catholic.
  4. that's when the "report" button can be used to advise moderators of the mistake. but that button is not to be abused. we'll know. double-posting (back-to-back posts by same member) should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether. there's always the PREVIEW POST button... we can all make use of that before submitting a reply/topic for posting.
  5. added "btw". maybe after submitting a term, page can be redirected to the slang home page, instead of returning to the same "add term" page?
  6. i suppose a warning would not have been given in the first place if a member simply followed the terms of service of Xisto. but as it goes, some new members really want the BEST hosting for FREE, yet would not even care to fully understand what is and is not allowed by Xisto in the forums. if i have chanced upon your erring posts, i would have done the same as snlildude. besides, if a warning can be slapped on a member, it can be revoked as well, after erring member acknowledges the mistake and strives to not repeat the same mistake over time.notwithstanding your venting out your "frustration" in this section, varunone, if you still deem it wise to reconsider your membership, we hope you would stay. yes, there can be better hosts out there, you just have to pay for them.
  7. ei, don't forget that it's geeks who own these cars! and they are a sentimental bunch. so even if they own millions already, they will still have these "babies" tucked in somewhere. maybe even in an air conditioned room or cave (like batman!).
  8. there's TIDDLYWIKI (http://tiddlywiki.com/) also, "a reusable non-linear personal web notebook". i won't tell you why i like it. you just have to find out for yourself. and oh, when you come to view a tiddlywiki site, you basically have the source code already with you, so no bulky installations.... okay, i'm giving away too much now...
  9. yup. want it free? try skype: https://www.skype.com/en/ and with video feature: http://vskype.com/
  10. found any of these crazy cars in your area lately? https://s.yimg.com/pw/images/photo_unavailable.gif with peace sign: http://j-walkblog.com/images/carkeyboard2.jpg with homer simpson: http://j-walkblog.com/images/carkeyboard1.jpg (full, sideview): http://j-walkblog.com/images/carkeyboard3.jpg (closeup view): http://j-walkblog.com/images/carkeyboard4.jpg when their cars conk out, will they need to just press CTRL-ALT-DEL? or when a non-driver gets in the driver seat, can he just press F1 for help? lolz! at least, they have found uses for old keyboards instead of them filling up garbage landfills. good for the environment.
  11. you mean something like this? that exists, by the way, and is not a hoax. forgot where i got it, but it's a novelty thumbdrive they are selling. still saving up some dough for one though. but i won't get that one above, it's just too freakish, like i have 6 fingers on one hand if i am caught holding it.
  12. BUFF, that link has always been in my sig from the very start (and i'm turning one year old with Xisto on july)! see my SIG below, you'll find more surprises heheheü anyway, jerrylili, we now formally welcome you to our HOSTED members section (which you have been wanting to access from when you registered). make good use of your hosting, and stay in line with Xisto TOS. it's hard to get the BEST free offers nowadays.
  13. there are always "entry level" positions, and if these are what you applied for, and your skills are what your prospective employers need, then there's a very good chance you can get hired by them. good luck with your application.
  14. "page cannot be displayed" can sometimes be due to connection timeouts, which can be resolved with a better ISP. try accessing the forums with another ISP if that is possible.
  15. sounds suspicious... yahoo would not be in its right mind if they are going to send you an attachment of any kind, on the pretext that it needs to be "confirmed" so as not to run afoul with their service. more importantly, if it got filtered to your junk mailbox, then there is something definitely wrong there, since legitimate emails from yahoo are not filtered by them (yahoo), and they always fall in the inbox.clicking attachments is the "master plan" for all trojans to get into your system.
  16. most likely an incompatibility with filesystem between master/boot drive (with win98) and the slave drive (with winxp), as buff pointed out. perhaps access the winxp slave drive from a master boot drive with same OS also (and not win98)? re-installing windows works most of the time for me (but it's not a guarantee).
  17. i'm glad you liked it guys. why don't you post your buttons here to give us ideas how good the buttons you made are? :(hype, the freebie section would be a great place for this, but i think it's more appropriate here. too bad, i can't "double-post" this resource to appear there as well. but i can make this page pinned in this section though if at least 10 people think it is meant to be pinned. hehehe? reply now!
  18. TRY virtual guitar and chordbook. Featuring a fully interactive flash-built guitar, allowing you to strum and hear guitar chords as well as see the finger positions. Once loaded you can access a database of 1,000+ guitar chords, make your own chords and use the 'name chord feature to identify them, save them to your personal chordbank, mute strings, put on a capo and more. Learn to play scales and improve your lead solos, with the guitar scales generator. Quick tune your guitar using the guitar tuner and try out alternative tunings. Got a guitar question, leave a message on the chordboard. Or just chill out in the chordbook cafe. http://www.chordbook.com/
  19. customize your own 80x15 button, ONLINE! http://www.lucazappa.com/brilliantMaker/buttonImage.php you can also use 2 images (one left, one right) to decorate the button, to further customize your 80x15 button. just check out the site for examples. enjoy!
  20. http://phys.org/news/2005-06-long-lost-da-vinci-masterpiece-palazzo.html who is seracini? Maurizio Seracini is an internationally recognized expert in high-technology art analysis, who appeared as himself in Dan Brown?s DA VINCI CODE. da vinci's lost artwork is also known as the "Battle of Anghiari".
  21. Longhorn coming summer 2006, open beta summer 2005 http://www.digitimes.com/newregister/join.asp?view=Article&DATEPUBLISH=2005/06/17&PAGES=PR&SEQ=203 but it doesn't excite me the least so far...
  22. a nytimes article, with more details (printer-friendly version): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ GO GOOGLE!
  23. heheheü nice one, bjrn. but that was years ago! (just in case most of you don't read that page till the very end. )
  24. yes, the popular '24' tv series will soon come to a silverscreen near you! and as you are aware the tv series runs "real-time" per episode, would the movie also be in "real time"? a 24-hours long film? UGH! heheheü just teasing you there! but it's a possibility! '24' movie will take time http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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