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Everything posted by serverph

  1. Automatically update your essential PC programs faster, easier and conveniently with Google Pack: https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=eUUsVMSaJsqH8QeZ-4HQBg&gws_rd=ssl An all-in-one packaged collection which includes: Google Earth (3D Earth browser), Picasa (Photo organizer), Google Desktop (Desktop companion), Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer (Search toolbar), and Google Pack Screensaver (Photo screensaver). also includes Mozilla Firefox with Google Toolbar (Web browser), Norton Antivirus 2005 Special Edition (Antivirus utility), Ad-Aware SE Personal (Antispyware utility), and Adobe Reader 7 (PDF reader). Few clicks installation, with Google Updater to help you discover new programs and keep your current software up to date. Status: Beta OS Requirement: WinXP only Cost: FREE
  2. am able to access it. just a bunch of folders in your top directory, going to a phpbb forum on one, and an under construction homepage on another, and still another lilith project under it. plus the squirrel mail login.what exactly is the problem you are experiencing? a "page not found" error or something?
  3. thanks moogie. and to see how serious this is, read this: even LINUX/BSD is vulnerable! that is for people running WINE, etc. on their boxes. http://www.zdnet.com/article/linuxbsd-still-exposed-to-wmf-exploit-through-wine/
  4. serverph


    adsense are for website publishers who intend to monetize their site. when your site gets approved, you are provided with ad codes you can place on your site. this is free. adwords are for advertisers who intend to advertise in the google network. advertisers can create their own ads, with matching keywords, and pay only a per-click basis. http://www.google.com/adwords/?zd=1
  5. don't mess with your nameservers, now that we've determined it's not a nameserver problem.try rebooting your PC.try accessing your site via another PC.try using another ISP/connection.if these fail, relax first. rest for a couple of hours then retry. maybe some glitch with your system i can't pinpoint at the moment.
  6. is this how your site looks like? this is a screenshot taken minutes ago. hence, i am able to access it with no problem. hmmnn... did you make any further changes to your domain nameservers lately? if plenoptic is reporting your nameserver is not pointed properly (which might be the case if you made any changes recently), then you may just have to wait until your domain is re-propagated again. from where i am, these domain changes in the nameserver my ISP is connecting might have appeared already so i'm able to access your page. in your place (and in plenoptic's), it may take a little while more. you can still access your cpanel via IP. Notice from serverph: thumbnail link fixed.
  7. where did you get that? nameserver is correctly pointed to Xisto, as shown here: https://whois.net/default.aspx
  8. your domain seems to be working at the moment. i can view your front page. only problem i see is some missing images (doublecheck your uploads, and your directory linking).your site is not using php/mysql, right? if you are using plain html, any mysql downtimes (which have not been experienced recently, to the best of my knowledge) will not affect your site.problem could be with your ISP connection, it could be slow and timing out so you're getting the error you're experiencing. is it only with your site most of the time or with other sites as well?
  9. tutorial here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31840-installing-a-phpbb2-skin-popular-forum-software/=
  10. i believe vulnerable versions of windows for this wmf bug only include ME, 2000, XP and Server 2003. btw, does microsoft still support win98/98se? don't they have a timetable where they will cease supporting these win versions and below?
  11. Google and Yahoo Aim at Another Screen i just love these two maverick corporate giants. envision google and yahoo invading our tv screens very soon. makes TV a more interactive medium, i guess, apart from just channel-surfing via remote control. anybody here from las vegas who visited the consumer electronics show already? can you give us a personal report on the new features they have there?
  12. use the file manager in your cpanel. or use any FTP client. depends on which you are comfortable with. if you can upload files, you can delete them as well. for autoinstalled scripts via fantastico in cpanel, you can uninstall them via same.
  13. quick tip (for gmail account owners): compose a DRAFT mail, list pertinent details you need to remember (eg, site URL, username, password, email address used to register, etc.), save, then just leave it there. you don't even need to send it out; or if you want, you can send it to yourself for archival purposes. me, i just leave it as a DRAFT page in my gmail account. what you simply need to remember is that one gmail account password. then, when you forget any login details, you just fire up your browser to access your gmail account, and voila, problem solved! having this on gmail also makes it available anytime, anywhere, just as long as you are online.
  14. does it work before? but you did uninstall it right? did you reinstall it? what changes were you doing to your site before this happened?it does not look like a Xisto-related server issue, other Xisto hosted sites are working. add any other details here which can help us troubleshoot your site.
  15. yeah, sexual undertones for marketing purposes is highly apparent. i wonder if this will be the site where their service will be deployed. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ check out the logo, especially the letter G.
  16. Gates unveils his 'URGE' huh!? before nasty thoughts cross your minds, you should read the article first. microsoft is going head to head with iTunes, full blast, this year so it seems. but a tie-up with MTV? and incompatible with iPod? and with a name like 'URGE'? though it is virile-sounding... can it ultimately go the distance and topple iTunes?
  17. would MID-2006 be soon enough for you guys? FUJIFILM manufacture of blu-ray and hd-dvd to begin soon. main.polybuzz.info/fujifilm-announcbegin-mid-2006/
  18. nice piece of research there, cerebral. dennis hope should realize that "claim of ownership" does not constitute "real ownership". if he were a martian to begin with and just migrated to earth, then i would think his claim can hold water. lolz! there's also the thing about a paper trail to cover his claim. unless the documentation he has is manufactured from mars, duly-notarized by a court of good standing in mars, then he has no legal premise of laying claim over mars. and if he were indeed martian (we should check his DNA profile ), we should also question his EARTH VISA. he may be an illegal alien, and his earth visa may have expired already, so he must not be allowed to do business on earth any longer. he should be deported back to mars. anyway, just making fun of the situation. on to the topic, edible food and breathable air and potable water are the primary considerations in making possible human interplanetary exploration. we could be exporting earth soil first to mars to make it an immediate reality in the future -- and tons and tons of earth soil for that matter. working on martian soil, with the earth plants man intends to grow there, could pose mutation problems. and after martian food intake, who knows what may happen? a human mutation could not be far. the best solution is to make mars earth-like. let's just imagine mars as a big chunk of acreage we need to fully reclaim by inducing it to function as near as possible to earth's pristine condition. living off mars the way it is will not be suitable to us, humans.
  19. don't worry, you are not alone. even the grand old man, bill gates himself is subject to such malfunctions in his system. there's even a video somewhere when in a live product presentation of windows, his OS conked down in front of him, to the rapturous laughter in the whole auditorium.
  20. yes, there are. and they are PAID hosting. if you are searching for alternatives to Xisto, you just have to fire up your browser and search in google.
  21. unless of course you used a credit card you do not own (which is criminal in nature, in any country's law books) to create a working rapidshare premium account, then you will be in a lot more trouble than you'll expect. regardless of age, you will still be liable to such an act. you should just content yourself with the free version of rapidshare, until the time you can afford to have a premium account there.
  22. best host? for PAID hosting, check out https://xisto.com/ for FREE No-Ads hosting, you're already on it (Xisto.COM) for FREE Ad-sponsored hosting, check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ hosting sites above are part of XISTO corporation. forums? you will need members, and it takes time to build them. HTML editors? FTP clients? use the search form here. lots discussed already.
  23. you don't necessarily need a website of your own to earn money online. like affiliate programs for example. you just need sell other people's products via a unique affiliate ID after you join their affiliate program. but if you want a website, and you want to earn money online, you might want to ask yourself: "What am I good at? What am I passionate about?". you start from there. then designing your website and adding content comes next. you may want it to appear professional and with interesting and fresh content so people can come over and over again to visit it. if you have nothing new and useful content to offer, then you lose visitors that way. if it looks unprofessional, they may dismiss your site as an amateur type, and they may opt to visit other more professional sites instead. while doing your web development, learn how to make your site search engine friendly so it can be indexed by search engines efficiently, and help your site ranked better than others, and likely appear when your site keywords are searched. there are topics on Xisto related to that. you can search them later. you can then join adsense/etc, place their code on your site, and hopefully earn from them. read the do's and don'ts in being a publisher of such ads so you don't get in trouble with them and risk losing any earnings you may have even before you get your first paycheck. the important part is YOU MUST HAVE A GOAL, and make steps to reach that goal. sounds cheesy, yes, but there is no easy way to earn money online the legal way.
  24. i mainly get my caffeine fix from coffee. occasionally, tea... no particular preferences - just as long as it's iced.
  25. it may work. only, background image will take time to download for slow connections. it will also eat up bandwidth more than necessary. and content will be limited by the designed placeholders, and text (especially long texts) cannot be readjustable to flow as needed. another thing is, users vary on text size used and they will not be in place as originally intended to be. there are workarounds, of course, but it will be extra effort.
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