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Everything posted by serverph

  1. cashfiesta discussion thread here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8598-earn-money-not-easy-but-i-like/= thread closed. search the forums next time.
  2. nothing spectacular about it, to be honest. as if it's made in a rush, and bears no professional design input before it was created. what's the picture of a girl got to do with car insurance, i was thinking. maybe to lure visitors by seduction? and animated gifts are so amateurish. and information is lacking on the car insurance companies listed for each state, not even an email or website link.by the looks of it, it's just among the hundred thousands (even millions) of websites designed to capitalize on the adsense program, nothing special. but there's nothing wrong with that. just bear in mind adsense terms of service with regards to the use of top-paying keywords (like mesothelioma and car insurance) simply for the sake of high-value clicks.
  3. if you are more into "data" in sites you visit online (like news, etc.), you can turn off loading of images in your browser. that would free up some of the load your online connection has to endure.as for download accelerators, can't suggest anything to "efficiently" speed up your connection. have tried some apps before, but found them to have negligible effect on my dial-up connection, at least for me. see how tweaking your dial-up network will work for you. just google-search using the following keywords: "tweak DUN". at least worth a try to see how it works for you.
  4. wild20, i'm just trying to point out some of your inconsistencies in your remarks. of course, if you don't regard them as inconsistencies, then there is nothing more i can do with that. as for there is ONLY ONE CORRECT interpretation... maybe yes, maybe no. but taking for granted there is ONLY ONE CORRECT interpretation, are YOU SURE you have the ONLY ONE CORRECT interpretation? to sum up again my previous statements, MEN make interpretations, GOD only Himself knows of the ONLY CORRECT ONE. i would suppose you would consider yourself man still.
  5. since author of this thread (Larry2006) decided to EDIT his ENTIRE post altogether (title, original post/message, etc.) of his own volition, i'm closing this since there is no point in keeping it open.
  6. closed. duplicate post. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33907-thank-you-for-the-warm-welcome-folks-bye-bye-now/=
  7. really now? even if inspired by God (as religious insist), it is still an end-product of man, since it is he who did the writing and subsequent translations. even a literal interpretation, is still interpretation. who can say it won't vary from people to people, as i quote you below? perhaps you forgot the story from the bible about the resurrection of Lazarus? oh well, people easily "forget", i concede. oohhh... i guess that has been literally found in the bible too? oh well, it still does not seem to negate my contention that all else is interpretation, prone to error and misinterpretation, and in the end, conflict. what it all boils down to is STILL interpretation.
  8. ...still waiting for your site link * how do we know YOU are not gaining undue advantage over YOUR engine, and that other members of your adsense exchange program are not hoodwinked in YOUR program? * how do we know it's not a scam? * how do we know you are not kidding us of your supposed "earnings"? * how do we know your users (existing and prospective) will not be putting their adsense accounts in jeopardy by joining your program? * how do we know you and your program can be trusted? and most importantly: * how do we know for sure it's agreeable with google adsense terms of service? so many questions... so little answers. *sigh*
  9. from yahoo reports, it says there will be EIGHT (yes, 8!) editions as disclosed on a microsoft help page that was still under development. (from the quote above, it appears to be really 8 instead of 6 if you count the basic and business N versions separately). read more. and yes, i agree, it's CRAZY. why not just have the ULTIMATE edition instead? it's the SUPERSET - so "everything" is covered! more moolah for bill gates?
  10. i won't argue with you on that since that is YOUR interpretation. and again, an interpretation based on your religious influences. RELIGION is a creation of man, prone to error, and misinterpretations. my qualm is people/individuals are SO adamant in "raising hell" (PUN intended) that they have the ONE interpretation purported to be correct. obviously, they are SO DAMN SURE about it, as if they were God Himself. only GOD can say, when you are already in His grace, among the angels and saints and prophets and everything else in his kingdom -- IF you are correct. in as much as individuals don't need priests nor pastors (who have MORE authority to be believed in, since they have submitted themselves to learn about his/her religion in depth) to have a meaningful relationship with God, we also don't need other people (more so, with LESS or NO authority at all to talk religion) to give us a tutorial on one's personal beliefs.
  11. INTERPRETATION, that's what everything is for me. interpretations vary with every individual, even if they are of the same religion. most likely that interpretation will widely vary coming from those outside of a different religion. if anything, RELIGION as well as the Bible are products OF man (notwithstanding the claim of divine inspiration blah-blah wielded by every other religious when it was put into writing). in religious matters, it is always a result of INFLUENCE -- by other men/women, by other books, by other "authorities". and as such, interpretation will NOT always be the same for everyone owing to the FACT that not every man have the same EXACT influences. there will be as many interpretations possible as as there are sands in the sea, or stars in the sky. in LIFE, there will ALWAYS be oppositions. but there will be people who will dare say they are the bearers of TRUTH, i'm sure of that, as it is apparent in every religious thread in this forum. BUT how sure can one be of THE TRUTH, clinging on words of an "authority" inspired/created/produced by man? AND why should we trouble ourselves with other people's interpretation -- when at the end of the day, everything will be BETWEEN YOU and YOUR GOD? what i want to simply say is, keep it personal, since it is merely varying interpretation which creates the conflict -- when everything that counts most is the personal relationship one has with his/her God.
  12. search NYXEM here in Xisto, it's basically the same. these worms come in variants and different names all the time (blame the antivirus software companies ). the important thing is to have an updated antivirus running in your system, tell your boss. nothing to fear online if one learns to be careful and prepared to combat virii/worms as they come, and wary in opening attachments coming from anybody. ;)nyxem activates on a monthly basis (every third of the month) until cleaned.
  13. what's your site then, for us to see it in action? and in case you want to post your code here, for us to really see if it follows google adsense TOC to the letter, feel free to add here. ;)still brave?
  14. Click START > RUN > then type: control folders > then: OK does this work? works in winXP, might work for win98 (just upgraded so won't be able to check this out myself). it brings up the FOLDER OPTIONS, though how to restore the link in the TOOLS menu in windows explorer is another matter altogether. keep us posted.
  15. a month later and still having this problem? what font/s are you trying to view which doesn't seem to be viewed as intended (indicate FONT name/s)?what type of fonts are they - example: true-type fonts (TTF) or some other type?can you provide a screenshot of what you are able to produce when viewing them? and if you can provide a sample font which we can download to likewise test it on our systems to see if same problem occurs, that would be helpful in giving you some more insights regarding your problem. just one or two will suffice, i guess, just for testing purposes.
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/
  17. on wordpress, you need to configure the stylesheet (style.css) of your theme to effect the font size you want. look under PRESENTATION > THEME EDITOR in your wordpress admin control panel, or simply edit the file offline and re-upload it. next time, shigajet, just create a new thread for your query (if nothing related crops up after searching the forums) so we can keep the current thread ON topic.
  18. discussed in length here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33149-nyxem-e-be-safe-from-this-virusworm-latest-mass-mailing-worm/= closed.
  19. vblk, trillian has been discussed in length already in the forum. continue discussion here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32466-trillian-31-basic-or-pro-overview-of-trillian-im-client/= just search your main topic before posting new thread in the future, so threads don't get redundant. closed.
  20. Study PHP with PHPFLASHCARDS http://phpflashcards.com/ just sharing for anyone likely to need a reviewer of sorts on PHP.
  21. as what buff says, or you (or others using your PC) may have inadvertently set your files/folders hidden. you can set it to view hidden files (if they are really in HIDDEN attribute mode) via the WINDOWS EXPLORER > TOOLS > FOLDER OPTIONS > VIEW > hidden files & folders. that's the first thing i'll check anyway if i experience the same trouble you're having. especially if your kazaa is still showing download progress when connected online, which means it's still saving your downloads somewhere. or you may want to check your kazaa download folder settings, you may have moved it elsewhere in your drive unwittingly, so when you check the folder where you think your kazaa downloads are, they are not apparently there any longer.
  22. i've reported this in my blog january 23rd... guess nobody from Xisto is reading my blog. anyway, from my blog, there is a free tool you can use to disinfect your machines before the deadline passes as mentioned above. HOWEVER, first reports of damage from this worm has been circulating. WHY, even though it's not yet the 3rd of February? so there you go, get started cleaning up your system, especially if you are experiencing system freezes lately.
  23. only a chosen few are beta-testing adsense in rss feeds today. i happen to subscribe to one feed via googlereader, and this is how it looks: it's not on all of the feed entries anyway, since i would suppose there would still be a limit on how many times it can appear on rss feeds. from the one above, it's placed after every three entries. i counted seven appearances of the adsense on that particular feed, with a total 20 entries in the feed. it is still a link like in the usual adsense we encounter embedded in web sites, just formatted for RSS feed use. haven't seen image ads in rss feeds yet, but there could be, who knows.
  24. i suggest you read more on the Cpanel Official Documentation: CPanel Documentation - MAIN here are the links related to domain management: Adding Subdomains Adding Redirects Adding Add-On Domains Adding Parked Domains hope you are able to finally do what you want to do. this whole thread covers it all to the best of my knowledge.
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