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Posts posted by serverph

  1. Start the Quest: https://www.google.com/davincicode


    The Da Vinci Code involves a thrilling murder investigation that unearths a secret that could change the course of history. The film opens on May 19th worldwide.


    Beginning on April 17th (US, UK) / April 18th (AUS) you will embark on a quest that requires skill, intellect, and perseverance. For 24 days, you will encounter unique challenges. These daily puzzles will pull you deeper into the world of The Da Vinci Code. Answer all 24 puzzles correctly for a chance to win untold riches.


    Only the worthy will prevail.

    if anybody wants to view the FULL trailer of the movie online, you can try this link. :blink:

  2. by the looks of it, bash has some problems with their feed. you may have to wait until they resolve that on their side. were you able to contact them? i suggest you do, if only to advise them their feed is not working at the moment.


    with your personalized google, it's as easy as adding the feed link via the "Create a Section" form. try this (my blog feed, for testing purposes :blink:):



    after adding that, it will show up automatically, and you can simply move it around where you want it positioned. :lol: here's a screenshot:

    Posted Image

  3. i admire your tenacity in taking bin laden's words hook, line and sinker... seemingly like some absolute truth to behold and accept without question... like something to be taken in good faith (which would be too taxing to my "trust reserves" anyway). :lol: don't worry, i did read that one the first time you made the text available. however, it does not add anything to which i DID know already -- long beforehand you gave the link. :blink:


    but i admire more your willingness to hold on... to dream. too bad, we all need to wake up to the realities of life at some point. :lol: i won't hold it against you, if you continue dreaming though. ;) and for sure, that dream will turn into reality someday, and there will be an end to this war as you are saying. but it will only be temporary. there will be other problems which will lead to war that will arise (just hopefully not in our lifetime anymore). just don't keep your hopes too high that all of life's travails will be over with its end. :P


    i would just like to straighten out facts on my view of 9/11. i wholly sympathize with the family and relatives of those whose innocent lives were lost that fateful day. not only americans were killed by terrorists there, i would just like to point that out -- so it's not exact to say that my sympathy is with the USA alone. nevertheless, if ever it were the case that i sympathize with the USA, it does not necessarily mean that i don't care about what goes on in arab countries. if i would commit to your notion of "minding one's own business", perhaps i will have that kind of stance. but i don't. :P i sympathize with the arab people as well as with other non-arabs, as long as they are human beings experiencing same harrowing plights.


    yes, statistics will prove that there are more things worse than 9/11 -- in terms of body count. however, the lives lost then were acts of deliberate and ruthless evil thought, perpetrated by madmen in my dictionary. it is not even remotely comparable to the examples you just gave. :D


    i don't believe bin laden will ever extend a conciliatory hand. not in his lifetime. :D no amount of "reaching out" a diplomatic hand will sway him in his convictions that USA and allies are "evil". in the first place, he does not want any "meddling" from USA and allies, so finally bringing "something positive to their land" will be met with harsh opposition (as they do even today and of old). not unless "something positive" is something they can use to the detriment of their enemies.


    throughout history, every government in the world has blood in its hands. no country is innocent, and we are all collectively guilty. even though it's primary duties are to preserve the status quo and promote national interests, these government people are still accountable to their people whom they represent. AND it is ONLY up to the PEOPLE who give them their powers to make them represent them well. it is the people's responsibility to actively pursue governance, and not just be bystanders waiting for the scenery to pass them by. at least that's how ideal i can be on my belief of PEOPLE POWER. :D as for the USA and IRAN nuke controversy, what can i say? ;) these are all political maneuverings. nukes are leveraged to preserve a modicum of peace or to sow chaos in the world. like a double-edged sword. but until one is dropped on another nation, these are all posturings. we can only pass judgement once it is done and over with, as much as bin laden's and his ilks' ENDS justify their MEANS. it is a question of morality, which can only be answered when the "bridge is crossed".


    good luck with canada. ;) i wish you won't be disappointed there as well. ;)

  4. i'm surprised you singled out and just commented on that particular phrase of mine regarding "BELIEF vs. ACTION". but how about the other questions i posed? :lol: does it not bear answering, or are answers for them too hard to come by?as for bin laden, that is his take on things. :blink: and i don't suppose i need to read every bit and parcel of whole texts of bin laden's rants. the gist of it all -- which i know all the time without reading his rants (which you claim to be "left out for the most part") -- is his infinite dislike and complaint about america because he feels oppressed along with "his people". but didn't you care to consider that even from "his people", not everyone agrees and subscribes to his "belief"? whatever happened to your conviction of having everyone "minding one's own business"? shouldn't it apply to bin laden as well as for everyone? or maybe my definition of "minding one's own business" does not agree with your definition. would you care to elaborate on that? ;)i don't see what my reference to 9/11 has anything to do with trust. how? i'm simply pointing out the difference (and dangers) of belief and action by way of an example based on facts. :lol: and i have no love for bush either, or his convictions. i'm not even an american. falling into bush's plan? buh, humbug! :D i have another idea to broach: GUILTY vs INNOCENT. and in correlation, COLLECTIVE guilt/innocence and INDIVIDUAL guilt/innocence. would you still care to "reach out and be diplomatic" when the innocents (individuals) perish? or you would have no qualms about their (and can extend to yours) death since a nation and its people bears (collective) guilt? another question: can you (or anyone else) talk to bin laden to "reach out and be diplomatic" as well -- for the sake of the innocents (collective and individual)? ;) here's where your notion of trust should come in, since it is a natural course of matters to have trust on this form of action. but not one-sided only... but a two-way thing. do you agree?i do agree with your general terms of the end of war though, and holding those responsible accountable. ;) but i'm afraid war, as i've said earlier, is only voidable in the total absence of humanity. :P

  5. i dunno... mind our own business? and yet still trust others? minding one's own business is trusting oneself alone. i dont believe it would presuppose trust on others. it is like saying, that every man is an island (although, it has its certain appeal). or would you rather have, no man is an island -- where everybody else is anybody's business and has a need to depend on others, which would require trust? :blink: also, there is a universe of difference between belief and action. it is one thing to believe, and another thing to act on that belief. like the belief that a "zionist should never be near their sacred land", and acting on "eliminating/removing that zionist, by any means necessary, no matter where they are, near (their sacred land) or far (even as far as the USA, remember 9/11?)".war can only be over, in human history, when we are all dead. but then, what's the point of having "...the world ...live as one" when we're ALL already dead? i don't suppose hailing "HUMANS are dead, LONG LIVE the HUMANS!" would also ring true in this case. :lol:i'm playing with words here, okay? :lol: (just being philosophical ;))

  6. I have thought about that, but I would prefer not to use a button. I would just like to be able to create a link on top of an image. Case-in-point what you see at the bottom of this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    on the contrary, that example you gave just uses one big background image, with text aligned to occupy the desired positioning. if you want it that way, you might want to view the source code of the page, and see how it was done. then just tweak it according to your needs. :blink: (although you want it NOT as a background which renders your example moot and irrelevant already).

  7. i would have to say that any government which uses nuclear arms against another sovereign government, at this point in time, IS the most dangerous -- notwithstanding if it is the United States or Iran or other countries for that matter.


    as for rights, it depends on how the nuclear technology is to harnessed. there are certain provisions in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (read wikipedia) on this regard -- a treaty in which 187 countries are signatories (USA and IRAN included). There is a right enshrined in the treaty to be able to peacefully use nuclear technology, like power/energy generation. countries look out after each other, of course, since the technology can be used other than peaceful means. would Iran solely use it for peaceful use? that leaves a lot for debate, considering their ready access to a vast source of energy from oil and gas in their own backyard.


    the question is: HOW DO YOU UNDO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY? or more precisely: IS IT WISE TO UNDO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY? it's out there already, for decades, which any nation with sufficient resources can develop and use to their advantage. as always, any technology is double-edged. good or bad, depending on who uses it, and how they use it.

  8. what's the link to your forum, itssami? from the one linked in your pakdir website, forum.pakdir.com? i wonder why it redirects to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, a blogger site with domain hosted by yahoo. :lol: can you point us out to your phpbb plus forum for counterchecking? i happen to have a phpbb forum hosted with Xisto, and nothing appears out of the ordinary for me hosting-wise. but since you seem sure it's not a phpbb plus (a phpbb portal modification) issue, we need to rule it out by verification.


    in any case, i made random check of your pakdir.com pages. although there are pages which does not seem to load like your history, food, and education subdomains which seems not to be configured properly on your end, business subdomain which has no content whatsoever, and your terms of service page which is not found in the servers --- all other pages which i clicked and is found at Xisto hosting space ARE loadable at least on my part. and i didn't need a 10mbps connection either (and i multitask). :lol:


    added: i searched your old posts, and found your faisalabad.de site (which is now http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=pakdir&e=com). i suppose this is the one you're venting about above. lo and behold, it poses no problem for me on a dialup. however, you may want to check out their latest update, just in case it can resolve your problem -- (just imagine at the moment that there is no problem Xisto-wise :lol:).


    Posted 04-08-2006 02:13:20 pm -- phpBB2 Plus 1.53 released !


    With the Release of phpBB 2.0.20, "Golden Super Furry Linen" Edition we have decided to integrate these last changes and release the long awaited Final Version of phpBB2 Plus 1.53 which is a Major Update of the popular phpBB2 Plus Series.


    There is too much changes since 1.52 to list them all in this announcement, Tons of Bugfixes, Improvements and new Functions were added since 1.52 was released. All changes are listed in the 1.53 changelog which is included in the Zip Package. Update Scripts for earlier phpBB2 and Plus-Versions are included in the Zip-Package, so you should be able to upgrade your current version to phpBB2 Plus 1.53. If you have problems or questions please post them in the Support Forums.

  9. well, it is a mismoner to call it unlimited anyhow, i agree. but HOW MUCH Sub-Domains (up to 99), Parked-Domains (up to 9), Addon-Domains (up to 9), MySQL Databases (up to 99, not counting the other 99 for PostgreSQL), Email Accounts (up to 99), Email Forwarders (unlmited), Mailing Lists (up to 99), Email filters (up to 99), and Ftp Accounts (up to 99) -- all falling under the *unlimited* description -- does one really need anyway? by all accounts, *it is more than one would actually need* which can be construed to mean *unlimited* as well if i am to stretch it a bit. :lol: but then again, it is a complaint which can be readily remedied/updated by the admins. people do complain a lot nowadays, i get to notice, anyway -- even for free services. :lol:

  10. what is in your site, anyway? as it is, inspiron.trap17.com is just showing the default welcome page. other than the apparent absense of your own custom index page (or even a simple redirect page to your existing main page), i don't see any problem.


    via google, i found your MYWEB main page however. i tried to load it (using dialup), and your site opened without any hitches and under a minute. check out your tagboard, i even added my message there. :lol: by the looks of it, it is not a Xisto-related problem at this point. your other pages from your menu links worked fine as well.


    by the looks of it, you are aware on how to check network status of our servers. you even have it on your site, and in your forum signature. i would suggest to check your ISP connection first for "the connection has timed out" errors.

  11. “Another World” a.k.a. “Out of this World”, circa 1991

    Posted Image


    anybody remember playing this? GOOD NEWS!!! it has now been retouched, reworked and remastered by the game author (Eric Chahi) using high resolution graphics!


    “Another World” a.k.a. “Out of this World”, circa 2006

    Posted Image

    click here to view enlarged image. :lol: (as my screen resolution is set to 1280x1084 pixels, it does not hog my screen in firefox. but it apparently does hog others' screens set to lower resolution, as albus dumbledore noted in private. :lol: fixed.)


    wanna play it again in its new and improved reincarnation? :lol:enjoy! ;)

  12. perhaps try to add your URL to google via their site submission page too:



    you may want to read more also on google information for webmasters... especially on how to get your site listed with them:



    as for your question with regards to add-ons, i would say that that would have no effect whatsoever in your site's non-presence in google's index. from experience, i have add-on domains too, and they do appear in google.


    there's also the one-click Search Engine Submit available via cPanel. check it out. :angry: it includes submission to alltheweb, directhit, google (of course! :D), hotbot, lycos, and mixcat. it's better to have them in as much search engines as you can. :D and this is a start. :angry: and now that you have your site prominently hardcoded in Xisto forums as well (which i would think is widely indexed by google) via this thread, your domain will get into google in due time.


    btw, what app do you use for your blog?

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