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Posts posted by serverph

  1. You see .. I have not applied and neither am I interested in any of the free hosting services that this forum provides. So hosting credits don't matter to me. I browse forums of my own free will ...... and when I like it .... not expecting any rewards in return .. LOl B)

    your so-called "disinterestedness" in this forum's hosting services is belied by the fact that you landed here in the first place. :( second, your apparent inability to follow a simple rule of quoting COPIED text enjoins me to believe you are racing your way to earning more hosting credits necessary to be able to request for hosting! really now, who's kidding who? :D

    Secondly ... PM's are not disclosed in public :D PM == Private Messages. You as a moderator should better know that :(

    i exercise my right to publicly quote what you said to me in private. :D who are you to say i can't? besides i used it to emphasize that what you have been used to in other forums, is NOT what is necessarily you can expect here.

    And lastly .. you fail to provide me reasons why changelog's should be quoted. I am not against quoting for copy paste matter, why WHY should a changelog be quoted ??

    BECAUSE IT'S THE RULE for any COPIED content -- hosting-credits-system-wise or not! is it hard to understand that? :(

    You say .. that I copied the changelog. Agreed. Now, if I say .. I saw the changelog, mugged it up, learned it by heart, and then written it here ?? Prove me wrong ...... Changelog has to be written exactly similar, much like solving a mathematics problem, 2 students get the same correct answer .. and teachers can't argue that they have copied from one another.
    You say that I have copy pasted the changelog. But i am saying I have seen it, read it, notted down the important points, mugged them up, and then written it here ?? Prove me .. that I have copy pasted a changelog. Remember changelog has go to be the same .... (correct answer in mathematics)

    changelog is not equals to mathematics, that is what i can say. :) you're just making things complicated for you and muddling up the issue of your inability to follow rules, and copiously copying content from other sites. B)

    And lastly .. I do have read the forum rules. Quoting is done to avoid copyright infrigment's. And I know that. but just using quote tags ... for ... what .... proper calculating of hosting credits ... for some who is NOT interested in hosting ... is quite ridiculous. :( If i post someting, then clearly mentioning the source without putting it in quote tags, doesn't mean I am doing something wrong ... or claming the post to be mine. And I fail to see the reason for putting it inside quotes for some stupid hosting credits .... that I am not interested. And I haven't come accross any rule that says .. if you don't wan't a free hosting .. you CANNOT be a member of this forum. ... but is there any such rule ?? or did I misss such type of rules ??????

    again, RULES are RULES. ;) and we cant simply assume that you are not interested in Xisto hosting. moreso, it is not an EXCUSE to continuously do so because of your "confessed disinterestedness". we apply the rules, even if you don't want to get hosted here. B)

  2. BECAUSE THIS FORUM USES A HOSTING CREDITS SYSTEM BASED ON YOUR POSTS. and copying contents from other sites without proper BBCODES (eg, QUOTE tags -- enclosed inwhich are not counted by the hosting credits system) is equivalent to CHEATING. you will be earning hosting credits without them quoted.


    HOWEVER, you can edit your post to add necessary tags. otherwise an admin or moderator will step in and do the necessary changes. AND you will be LOSING more credits when this is done -- MORE than what you've actually earned. THAT IS HOW the system goes.


    and don't go ranting, as you did in your PM to me:

    dude ... use your "Grey Cells" ..... no one quotes a chagelog!! Posting a changelog somewhere means that you have copied it from the original source, for the developers site.




    I have been in many forums .. believe me .. guru3d forums, neowin, xtremesystems, and many others ... and I know forum posting rules ..... :) but quoting a changelog is like acting like an utter noob !!

    at the very least, try to be respectful in your conversations here (if you're not used to in other forums), and not be a *BLEEP*. Xisto has a different set of rules here, which may be similar to other forums, but DEFINITELY not exactly the same as you're used to in others.


    familiarize yourself first with Xisto FORUM RULES & TOS:

    Posted Image

  3. you still have your domain pointed to yahoo servers as per WHOIS of shadowelite.net


    Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com

    Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com

    Name Server.......... ns1.trap17.com

    Name Server.......... ns2.trap17.com

    Xisto domain nameservers should be your PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS. your current setup tries to access yahoo nameservers first since it comes before that of Xisto. hence, when you type in your shadowelite.net, it shows the domain parking page of yahoo.


    Read more on General Domain Settings:



    For Complete Instructions And Settings For Hosted Members, go to:



    rectify your DNS settings for your domain to make Xisto your primary and secondary DNS, then wait for 24 to 48 hours for domain propagation.

  4. so that explains it. :) you created and processed skaterboarderzone.trap17.com as your final account. anyway, we have now established your working subdomain. returning to your frontpage ftp problem: use the correct spelling of your working subdomain (skaterboarderzone.trap17.com) then tell us if it still is giving you the same problem. obviously you won't be able to access your account if you entered incorrect details.


    your upgrade request for a bigger hosting space and bandwidth is what is denied for now. you have to earn more hosting credits as required, then re-apply for your upgrade request.

  5. seems the working subdomain hosted at Xisto is:



    notice the "r" in red?


    here is a screenshot of page found:

    Posted Image


    btw, wasn't the initial subdomain you have requested and approved this one: boardzillabbs.trap17.com --> (though this one doesn't seem to work)


    your recent upgrade request for skaterboarderzone.trap17.com here has not been approved yet from the looks of it. though how it came to be working (based on the screenshot above) without prior approval beats me.


    again, double-check... if not triple-check everything.

  6. no need to get hot-headed, guys. just cool off for a while. let's just try help each other out if any help is needed. ;)


    DjLuki, you mean something like this?


    Posted Image


    click the button above to see a thread i made over a year ago on how to do such buttons via an online button maker. :) you can easily customize your design from there.

  7. although i don't have any direct experience with your query at hand, i believe you have to "suggest" your script for inclusion directly from the makers of fantastico themselves. and you must be ready to provide ample support for your script. plus you must be ready to continuously develop your script for public use. :(


    and to quote a fantastico support team member:

    and there are a number of changes that needs to be made to a script before it is fantastico-install-ready. the tricky part really is coding the upgrade to cover upgrading your added script to new versions.

    if i'm not mistaken, this is the forum maintained by the makers of fantastico:



    they have a thread on what new apps would you like to see in Fantastico:



    maybe you can add yours there. :) with fantastico 3 (which is in the works now, so the developers say :() it will be very easy for authors like you to add your scripts to fantastico. it's due out in the next month or so, a netenberg support team member reveals. :( however, i think hosts (such as Xisto and the others in the xisto network) still will have the FINAL say on what scripts in fantastico they will make available to their users. :(

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