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Posts posted by serverph

  1. this reminds me of a comic strip joke of pizza parlors alongside each other.


    PIZZERIA #1: Best Pizza in New York

    PIZZERIA #2: Best Pizza in the USA

    PIZZERIA #3: Best Pizza in the World

    PIZZERIA #4: Best Pizza in the Block


    So which is really the BEST? :rolleyes:


    personally and gastronomically, i don't have the preference to either, since i haven't tried any of the choices in the polls above. just geographically-distanced from where they are offered, that's why. :lol:

  2. Another suggestion-Can you make it so that you can search for something that has less than four words? This has been driving me crazy. For example, I just tried searching for bot, and it wouldn't work, so I don't know if it had already been suggested.


    :rolleyes: i take you mean less than four-letter words? methinks that's the conventional limit with forums like IPB, but it's a good idea to tweak the search for that. i would have suggested to you the Xisto forum search plugin we have for firefox (see link in my sig below), but since the search as it is will not allow less than four-letter word searches, it's a bummer really. but it is still useful for more defined searches if you want to try. :lol:

  3. please refer to these older topics:

    and a PINNED TOPIC in this forum:

    as for how many credits you want to award to a project you intend done by other members, it will be up to how much credits you think it will be worth. as for other members grabbing the opportunity for your offer, it will be up to them.

  4. when you view source before your page is completely loaded, it would often give you a blank or incomplete source code. see to it that you have your page fully loaded before viewing source.

    your site is shadows.trap17.com? try to optimize your images: the background.bmp is 324.05 KB (331830 bytes) when i loaded it -- and simply too large for a single color background. you can optimize your code as well to do away with background images by simply using background colors for your tables/cells/etc. these images slow down your page (and it sure did slow me down, since i was on dialup).

    i was not able to test your module pages in php yet to see if they are working (as linked from your menu: Photos from the prom, Old piccys of us, Random pics, etc.) since i have a bad dialup connection at the moment.

    btw, did you code your php yourself or is it a premade CMS/script you simply uploaded and installed? that may help us figure more solutions to your situation.

  5. i suppose that after four pages of discussion, and months after the topic is opened -- the author's point has been amply made known to Xisto members and guests. and as this thread has already made its point clear, i am hereby closing this topic. this is also to keep away "spamming guests" which thrived this thread the past few weeks.for our GENUINE guests seeking hosting privileges with Xisto, i am pinning this topic for your benefit. :)

  6. I think what he means is if he uses his domain instead of the Xisto subdomain, could he add subdomains to that. If that is the question you have then yes you can do that. So if you use the subdomain "monkey.com" you can add a subdomain for your forums to make it "forum.monkey.com" and you can have seperate FTP settings for that subdomain so if you are giving some space to a friend they can access that folder and that folder only so they can have their own little site but of course you would still be able to access it.

    this will work only if SolarX decides to move his domain with Xisto. this will entail changing the nameservers of his domain to that of Xisto. however, as i understand from the little info he provided so far, he has an existing domain, and just wants a subdomain of it to be assigned to his Xisto hosting space. if he decides to change the nameservers, he will have to migrate his existing site contents to Xisto -- but that would mean assigning the whole domain to Xisto, not just a subdomain of it.

  7. you mean you want to have your domain be retained where it is currently used, and simply use a subdomain of that to point to your Xisto hosting?


    that could work via a redirect from your subdomain to the Xisto subdomain you will request here when you become eligible for hosting. only, your visitors will be able to view yoursubdomain.trap17.com in the browser as the URL after redirection.

  8. subsequent suggestions after Opaque's reply will still harness extra database queries for every page. :)

    my personal "ONE CLICK" solution? keep a bookmark on my browser for the Xisto forum index page where i can view my hosting credits with just one click. :) the simplest solutions are the best for me. :) it serves my purpose and works well, since i don't need to check on hosting credits every single page. B)

  9. UPDATE May 21, 2006: scientists claim to have cleared technical hurdle in fusion research! :)http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Physicists working in the United States believe they have cracked an important problem facing man-made nuclear fusion, touted as the cheap, safe, clean and almost limitless energy source of the future...


    Nuclear fusion is the same process used by the Sun to radiate energy. In the case of our star, hydrogen atoms are forced together to produce helium. On Earth, the fusion would take place in a reactor fuelled by two istopes of hydrogen -- deuterium and tritium -- with helium the waste product...


    Deuterium is present in seawater, which makes it a virtually limitless resource...

    one hurdle down, hundreds... thousands... more to go? :) hope mankind and the collective brainpower of its geniuses be able to complete this in our lifetime -- million of years even before oil is completely depleted worldwide. :)

  10. you obviously have not moved your domain with Xisto yet. your domain (IMACUL8carclub.com) status is currently LOCKED to bravehost.


    however, read the text in BOLD below:


    Note: This Domain Name is currently Locked. In this status the domain name cannot be transferred, hijacked, or modified. The Owner of this domain name can easily change this status from their control panel. This feature is provided as a security measure against fraudulent domain name hijacking.

    you may have to contact your domain registrar to assist you in setting your domain nameservers to that of Xisto. for more info about Xisto nameservers, please consult Xisto readme (link in my sig below).
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