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Posts posted by serverph

  1. check MySQL databases from your cpanel, and properly grant permissions to a valid existing MySQL user. this is mostly missed oftentimes, and unless proper permission is given to the user you have in your script configuration, you'll end up with errors of this kind. :angry:

  2. are we still talking about phpbb1.net here?



    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    those were just taken minutes ago, and i suppose that would mean your hosted site works... at least for us (meaning, other than you and your forum members).


    since you mentioned you "Got new hosting now", did you take steps to transfer your domain, files and DBs already from your "old" host (Xisto - Web Hosting) to the "new" one?


    if you want cpanel access, you should try instead one of these for your site:




    cpanel login is accessible as tested, again, on my side. :angry:

  3. it's sad to see you go. hope you still drop by Xisto forums from time to time, just for the heck of it. :angry:


    in case your new host (if it's not Xisto - Web Hosting yet) is not to your liking soon, you might want to opt for Xisto - Web Hosting.com (you know it's XISTO too, like Xisto.com). :D or use the ad-supported counterpart of Xisto.com -- Xisto.NET. :angry:


    good luck to you selim. :D

  4. i have to concur with jlhaslip, sinari. your site is working fine, in it's default form though as when you got hosted (with the "Welcome to your Hosting Account!" text). cpanel for your site works as well.


    if you can, provide a screencap of the error you are getting. your quoted "error" above, is that all that you got? another suggestion is try to access your site and cpanel on another unit, AND on another internet connection -- just to rule out if the unit and connection you are currently using is the real problem.

  5. found in google, a concise answer from whoozhe.


    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (https://www.icann.org/) is the starting place.

    ICANN is the non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions previously performed under U.S. Government contract by IANA and other entities.

    if you're on your own (as in solo, alone), you might find this attempt to be a bit time-consuming and expensive. but if you want to pursue registrar accreditation, just check out this page: http://archive.icann.org/en/registrars/accreditation.htm


    on the other hand, you can also just a domain reseller instead, getting permission from the bigger and more established domain registrars to resell domains on your site via them. :angry: that works too. :angry:

  6. to be honest, i'm a little lost with your problem. but let me try just the same.


    zpgamez.com (your new domain) brings up a "working" page for me.


    here's a partial screenshot:

    Posted Image


    as you can see, images are not showing from the example above. rework your relative links for the images, to see that they work properly. also check your hotlink settings: if it is enabled and if the domain you are using is included in the permitted sites to access those images.


    as for links giving you a 404 error, it simply means the page you are trying to access is NOT present in your hosting space as linked; you could have missed uploading it, or you placed it on another folder altogether.


    in your *working* "under construction" page above, Development Blog and Email Login are still linked to your old domain (zpgames.com). Market Wars on the other hand, is using your new domain, but when clicked goes to your old domain... dunno how that happened. when the is changed to [z] on the browser though, it will give you your market wars subsite. try hardcoding the full URL in your page temporarily and see how it goes.

  7. what i'd rather see is some kind of motor (portable, at best) which can harness all the static around us, and transform it to electricity for use anytime, anywhere. :angry: imagine an ipod-sized generator you can carry around, where you can stick in any electrical device at your convenience. :D and we wouldn't have to worry about electrical bills any longer! * you attach it to an electric car, and zoom away... clean air, no pollution!* you plug in your laptop, and even in the middle of a jungle you can play your favorite cd/dvd/game! (and work too, if you want :angry:)* ...and more uses you can imagine on your own :D(batteries are not included. :D hehehe we wouldn't need them with this kind of a revolutionary product.)

  8. if it's only for friends and family, why not just upload it somewhere then just give them the link in private/email? or just email the file/s. having it browser-based (instead of using other apps like p2ps/ftp clients) makes accessibilty easy for both you and your users. :angry: this way, it also won't be a problem for them if you are not online and available for sharing.

  9. so if i add an Add-on Domain i can have a separate folder for it right?,

    yes. once you do addon or park any domain via your cpanel, that folder is automatically created bearing the domain name you just added. that NEW & SEPARATE folder in effect will hold everything related to that domain.

    but how will it be shown in the browser, as an URL for the domain...

    since it's an addon domain, of course you would want it bearing the domain name you have, right? so the first example you have above will work just fine. and the second example beats the purpose of having a domain in the first place, correct? :angry: but that would work as well, just to satisfy your question. :angry:

    can i use mask forwarding?

    that depends on your domain registrar (where you got your domain). but setting your DNS to Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting/other host nameservers, if it is allowed by your domain registrar, would be the best option for you.

  10. is it available?, if i add another domain, can it really be used?

    in Xisto.com hosting? yes, up to 9 parked domains and 9 addon domains available for hosted members. check your cpanel.


    And another question, if i added another domain, could i point it to a certain folder?


    once you park/addon a domain in your cpanel, it will create a folder within your public_html where you can setup the files for that domain.


    from previous related discussions about PARKED versus ADD-ON DOMAINS:




  11. good news for adsense account holders. aside from adsense and firefox referrals, you can now start earning as well from adwords referrals.

    You can refer users to AdWords in countries and languages where AdSense for content. You'll earn $20 each time one of the advertisers you've referred spends at least $100 with AdWords. To get started, choose 'Referrals' on your AdSense Setup tab and look for the AdWords sub-tab.

    as of today, the adsense referral ads/buttons/banners are just in plain black and red over white background -- not like those for adsense and firefox referrals where you have a wider selection (ie, more color designs) to choose from. you can see an example of it in action here. hopefully in the near future, more designs/colors will be made available. cross your fingers. :angry:
    more info can be found at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  12. phpbb1.net loads just fine with me, under a minute. considering that i'm on dialup, with multiple windows opening other sites (at least three) at the same time as i am opening your site -- it's a breeze.


    i even tested randomly on other forums listed in your forums directory. on same dialup connection -- works fine and fast!


    nothing seems to be at fault from the Xisto - Web Hosting server side. are you sure your connection is just fine?

  13. as i see it, referral links simply encourages SPAM. and forums are the easiest way to propagate such (along with blog comments). with that in mind, MAJORITY of the posts here soon will be of referral links, one after another, day after every day -- unless it's nipped in the bud. that's the real problem with money-making programs which rely on "downline-building", their members who barely understands it simply will carry on a forum-posting-spree on express agenda of "building" their "downlines" -- then simply leave their topic "cold" in the forums. especially in Xisto, would you rather be deluged with such kind of daily posts and interfere with your finding a suitable topic to discuss and earn hosting credits with? most members won't, i believe.


    there are other ways of promoting such programs, and it doesn't need to have the referral links present in the forum threads. since all of us aim to be hosted here, why not simply create a page in your webspace for such kind of links after getting hosted? you will then have total control of your site's content, including the referral links you intend to promote. other members will *not miss* them out, if you open up a thread to showcase your site, and people visit it and find it of value to them. :angry:


    until opaque revokes the rule, we'll just have to comply.


    (on another note, you seem to have an approved hosting account here, yet you're still not in the HOSTED group. how come?)

  14. not necessarily. but you also have to consider the hosting credits available for your account. every day that passes, is one hosting credit which is deducted on your total. it would be best if you have your codes (html, php, etc) ready to upload before requesting for hosting, that is if you want to maximize your credits. :)


    you may find more about hosting credits in Xisto readme.

  15. A Google Analytics altenative ? can you or you recommend ?


    there's something for BLOGS, called PERFORMANCING METRICS. currently in public beta.


    What is Performancing Metrics?


    Metrics is a service from Performancing that allows bloggers to see how well all their blogs are performing. Information made available by the service includes visitor and post view counts, where your traffic is coming from and what links they click on. Also recorded is advertising activity, such as Google Adsense clicks.


    Unlike other web statistics services, Performancing Metrics is completely free of charge, is aimed at Professional Bloggers and caters to high traffic blogs, bloggers with multiple blogs and even Blog Networks.

    start here: http://performancing.com/start-a-keyword-marketing-strategy/

  16. I know I need 15 credits to switch my subdomain name. But does this mean it needs to say "15.0 days" or above at the top of the page? Thanks. Also, I still am having trouble activating my account. (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)Thanks guys,

    1: 1 hosting credit = 1 day
    2: you are already in the [HOSTED] group, and you simply need to replace the default INDEX Xisto page for your own. hence, it means that "your site is up and your account is functioning properly" as the welcome page says in your site.
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