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Posts posted by serverph

  1. i suppose for your particular queries, they would not allow it. :) primarily because google will not be able to crawl those cpanel and email pages to be able to determine what kinds of ads to display. but for such very specific applications of adsense, i think it is better to consult it with them for a really implicit and straightforward answer. :(

  2. Will AdSense work with my dynamically generated website?

    there's your answer from google, at least from your topic title query. :)


    but why would you want to put adsense in your cpanel? i would understand emails, but cpanel? you'd be willing to distribute your cpanel to others for access? i would assume you'd like your cpanel for private use, and as it is private, your adsense even if it shows there, should not be clicked by you, in violation of their TOS.

    here's more: Google AdSense Program Policies

    # No Google ad may be placed on any non-content-based pages.
    # No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed on any domain parking websites, pop-ups, pop-unders, or in any email.

    Dig through adsense support pages for more FAQs:

  3. did your configuration include CHMOD of logs folder as directed? that is the error you get since your script is trying to write a log update (an increment in your hit count) BUT your access permission configuration does not allow it. you need to set CHMOD to 777 as required.

    check out this thread for CHMOD details:

    also search the forums for other related topics on chmod.

  4. but in return of 1 post how much credit(s) will be rewarded?

    depends on the QUALITY of posts you have and on what forum section it is posted. the hosting credits system calculates it automatically after your post is submitted. however, the formula on this is proprietary (that is, exclusive and private) and only opaque (Xisto administrator/owner) knows as he coded it himself. but don't worry, as long as you remain active in the forums, it's not that hard for you to earn hosting credits.

    also, read Xisto README here for more information:

  5. with your latest details above, it is MOST likely to be a connection issue on your part. no matter how "big" or "fast" your bandwidth seems to be, it's your ISP which has to answer for that access error since it is hardly a Xisto forum or member site issue. :) gladly on my part, even if i'm on dialup, i don't experience such error. there have been similar reports of this kind in previous threads, but all the same, if i access it even on a dialup, i find no server problem since i can always present a screencap as proof of successful access of member site in question (hence my usual question of a user's connection and apps running on particular issues as this). :(it seems people with fast internet connections are the ones usually reporting this. can't figure out why though since they almost are sure it's not a "connection issue" on their part. :( perhaps an "idle" timeframe prevents "instant" delivery of pages since it has to reestablish for some time the connection. don't quote me on that though, just tossing up some ideas. :D

  6. ever tried dancing? :( i've read lately that swedish researchers have found it to crank up the energy and joy of living, and cheer up those suffering from depression. :(here's the article. just disregard the references to "children" and "girls" since it could very well apply to adults and boys too. :D

    i may add up more things here soon. :) in the meantime, power up that audio system and play some dance CD, turn up the volume, and DANCE!

  7. well, it's a policy they can impose since they primarily intend their hosting service for their products anyway. :( besides, it pertains to abuse of system resources (which from their viewpoint is "excessive" exploits or resource intensiveness of the scripts they listed).i'm sure any hosting company (including the XISTO group, of which Xisto is part of) can readily identify which hosted sites on their servers pose problems to the system. and they can readily cut-off the service on that particular site if need be. it's just that IPS hosting has a clear-cut view of what to and what not to allow on their system basing on their policies. it's their prerogative in the first place.how would it relate to Xisto and opaque? let's just say that i believe opaque and Xisto wants to be "more inclusive" of even those scripts "forbidden" by IPS -- as long as measures are done to avoid abuse of system resources (that's the reason for upgrades oftentimes), and members do not exploit and abuse the gracious service we are getting. :)

  8. i see the forumize wiki now. :) 2 days ago, forumize.trap17.com just shows your file listings of your public_html folder since you didn't have an index page back then. and i still see your IPB forums, still same 9 members as when i last checked 2 days ago. i'm on dialup anyway. :( anyway, these are just occasional hiccups which crop up every once in a while. best thing to do when it happens again is disconnect then reconnect your net connection to rule out if its an issue on your end. if that does not work, then we all need to be patient as server resolves any issues (IF and WHEN it is a server issue) which prevents access to Xisto forums and member pages. :( by the way, it is highly improbable that both Xisto forums and member pages will be down at the same time since they are on different servers as far as i know. that would be a catastrophe if both went down. :D

  9. you mean witholding taxes? google adsense support has this to say:


    Do you withhold taxes?


    We rarely withhold United States federal tax from Google AdSense payments. Specifically, taxes will not be withheld from publishers who sign the No US Activities form. However, we may be required to withhold up to 30% from publishers in these situations:


    * if you are subject to back-up withholding as described on Form W-9

    * if you do not fill in Section 10 on Form W-8BEN with a treaty number and 0%, and do not provide a United States TIN in Part 1 Box 6

    * if you do not claim complete exemption in Section 12 of Form 8233


    in my case, i got in full what i was supposed to receive (converted to our currency based on prevailing dollar exchange rate at time of cheque release) since i'm a non-US resident. taxes on my part is to be declared on my own.


    Will I have to pay taxes on my AdSense earnings?


    It is the responsibility of each publisher to understand and adhere to the appropriate tax rules.


    Google is required by United States tax laws to collect certain tax-related information from you. However, we are not able to provide you with tax advice. Any tax-related information provided by Google is not intended as and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You should always consult your tax advisor to help answer specific questions regarding how tax laws apply to you and/or your business. The tax summary we have provided is necessarily incomplete, and the tax laws and regulations are subject to change. Therefore, Google does not guarantee and is not liable for the accuracy or completeness of any tax information provided, or any results or outcome as a result of the use of this information.


    Please review these resources for additional information about tax regulations:


    * For general information about AdSense and taxes, please visit our Tax Information Page.

    * For specific information regarding U.S. tax requirements, please visit the IRS website.

    * For tax advice or more technical questions about how tax laws apply to you, please consult your tax adviser.

    * For general questions about submitting your tax information to Google AdSense, you can email adsense-support(at)google.com.

    for more adsense FAQs (almost every possible adsense question has been posed and answered already), go to:



    just search from therein. :)

  10. Your above post makes no sense, if you were not a moderator I would report your for spamming or something like that. Anyways, I would like to say SHOUT TO MY NY HOMIES..., that was really stupid. :rolleyes:


    This is my 200th post! :D


    obviously, you didn't get the joke in it. ;) i should have emphasized PIZZERIA #4: Best Pizza in the Block, which cancels out the claims of the other 3 before it. :lol: which for me edifies that BEST PIZZA claims are a sham, since anybody else can claim the title. :P
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