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Posts posted by serverph

  1. The world according to Google



    read the article, and watch the video documentary. then tell us what you think. :(


    In the 18 months since its stock market flotation, Google has been transformed from a company that prided itself on being simple and effective, into a multi-headed high tech beast which wants to get involved in everything.

  2. what graphic editor do you use anyway? if you use photoshop, you can get a lot of tutorials in changing perspective of images via google: https://www.google.com/search?q=photoshop+cspective+&start


    if you're rushing, you can see a sample set of images with adjusted perspective + tutorial in photoshop here:



    maybe try to post your set of images here too. :( perhaps some of the graphics guys here may want to do it for you. :(

  3. you can have as many domains as you can buy, limited only by how many is left available for parking/adding-on in the cpanel (which you can see when you enter your cpanel, and viewing the details provided under "General Account Information" on the left side).


    Parked Domains  1 / 9    Addon Domains  0 / 9

    that means you have 1 parked domains, and 0 addon domains, out of 9 available for each. that will increase respectively as you park and addon domains.

    read again the notes above regarding parked versus add-on domains. and now carefully, so you'll understand it better. :( it is a feature which Xisto.com offers precisely because some members want to host one or more websites (with one or more top-level domain names) in their Xisto hosting space. :(

  4. the latter of your message about parked and add-on domains confused me lol, But i went ahead and tried messing around with it, and i didnt see how that would do what i want bassicly.


    My only option with my domain resgistar is Forwarding domain.

    I COULD use subdomains on homming to dicectories, but i would need to be hosted with them to do that, and i'm happy enough with T17!


    Just was bassicly hoping that i could turn off masked domain :(

    Its really irritating :(


    1and1.co.uk, right? they seem to offer complete DNS management. verify with them again. DNS management is what you need to point your domain nameservers to Xisto. when you do this, and after you park/add-on that domain in your Xisto cpanel, your site will be accessible (main index page, and all subpages) via your very own domain url (instead of just yourdomain.trap17.com) along with the corresponding page url appearing in the browser.


    example: let's say you have index.html and page2.html. a visitor gets to your index page, and clicks on page2.html, then it goes to that page and will now appear in your browser as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. in short, your domain is not masked/cloaked anymore. when your site visitor refreshes the page, it will refresh page2.html and not the index.html since page2.html is what is appearing in the browser. from my understanding, this is what you want to achieve.


    the parked versus add-on domain comparison is a bit confusing, yes. to make it easier for you, i would assume you have only one domain (heartlesscreations.com). just PARK that domain. :( when you buy another domain, and want it to point to the same website, park that again. but when you buy another domain, and want it to point to another website in your Xisto hosting, then ADD-ONN that domain. :(

  5. if i'm not mistaken, delivi was asking the same question in the shoutbox days ago. :( sent him a link via PM as a reply since he didn't post a thread regarding the subject. here's the link (which mainly uses riva flv encoder as spy_charly states above; read alternatives as you scroll down the page): http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/202228-How-to-convert-flv-%28flash-video%29-to-avi-or-mpg

  6. that domain is mask-forwarding (or domain cloaking with url forwarding) to a Xisto hosted page. masking the destination address is a technique whereby your domain name is forced to appear in the browser instead of your destination url. hence, when you refresh the page, even if your visitor clicks and lands on your subpages already, it will still refresh to redirect to the original redirection/forwarding page of the domain.


    are you sure you can just only do url forwarding for your domain? what you need to do is PARK or ADD-ON your domain in Xisto. if you own that domain, you should be able to control the domain nameservers (and if not, it could be an added paid service via your domain registrar). configure your domain's nameservers in your domain admin control panel. check the Xisto readme for the nameservers to use. after successfully configuring the domain nameservers, go to your Xisto control panel to PARK or ADD-ON that domain.


    PARKED versus ADD-ON


    parked domains will point to the main domain account. if you own domain.com (or in this case, yoursubdomain.trap17.com), you can park domain.net and domain.org so that if any of the 3 domains are looked up in your browser, the contents of the main domain are shown. emails sent to the .net and the .org are also routed to your existing .com emails.


    add-on domains are domains added to your current account but will show a separate website. it will reside in your domain.com/subfolder/ but technically you will have a totally separate website for it. add-on domains share resources like webspace and bandwidth with your main account and they also share the same cPanel.


    after successfully changing nameservers and parking/adding your domain, wait for 12-24 hours (at most up to 2 days) for domain propagation. that will resolve your problem. :(

  7. i say you are are either really brave or tad foolish to even publicly plot such an endeavor to risk your adsense earnings this way. :( if you get away with it (for some time coz google will catch up with you later on), just bear in mind that advertisers in the google network pay dearly for their ads, and it's practically "stealing" from them if you do this. just turn the tables and see if you would you be happy if other people do "steal" from you also? :( artificially inflating your adsense earnings by any means (believe us, google will know!) will get your adsense account flagged by google. and when caught redhanded, your worst case scenario = zero earnings & eternal ban from google adsense.


    if i were you, don't kill your goose which lays the golden eggs. :( adsense is not a quick-rich program.

  8. I have two websites and I got adsense for one of them, does anyone know if it is against their TOS for me to put the ads on my second site as well because I didn't find any options at the adsense account website or anything that even said what website my current account was for.


    many webmasters use adsense in multiple sites, with just one adsense account. the important thing to remember is that your site (any one of them) DOES NOT violate anything they prohibit in their terms and conditions. google frowns on the usual sites which are not legal, etc. :( to review their policies, go here:


  9. just got my adsense cheque yesterday. :( how much? that is for me to know, and for you all to guess. :D


    joeysicily, google will not shutdown your site. it can suspend your adsense account though for violations of their terms of service, like clicking your own adsense links, and forfeit all your earnings (which means you will get nothing).


    adsense is not a requirement for all webmasters though to have a website. :( so if you don't want your site to earn for you using adsense, then you can just stick with just creating pages you are passionate about without adsense in them. :D if you are worried about people failing to see your site, then you just have to promote it better in search engines and directories and elsewhere to attract traffic. of course, content is KING, and if you have good content then web users will flock to your site no matter what.


    adsense is just a tool to monetize traffic going to your site. but it still is up to the webmaster to make adsense effectively work and earn for them. :D

  10. URL and Title are not stored in the PHP per se. it is referenced in the mysql database which is accessed by wordpress. if you want to change these, you have to do them via your wordpress admin control panel. once you're in your WP CP, go to OPTIONS > GENERAL, where you can change the webblog title and tagline, etc. under OPTIONS > PERMALINKS (as what Tyssen says) is where you can customize how your URLs should look like. but to use permalinks you need to have an .htaccess file in your wordpress root directory, and it must be chmodded to allow changes to be implemented via WP CP.other things which you may want to provide so we can help you better:- what is the wordpress version you are using? version 2.0?- are you using the default theme, or are you using a custom theme? - what is your wordpress blog URL (so we can visualize what you now have and what changes you want to implement)?

  11. aww, because I was thinking of hosting anime wallpapers... so even if i have a disclaimer that I didn't create any of them I won't be allowed to do this?


    tricky, huh? :( a disclaimer will definitely be in order for such cases. the proper thing to do is seek permission first from the owners so you don't get in trouble. however there are certain fair use provisions pertaining to copyright (like for review purposes, satire, etcetera), but you must research them first, and give proper credit and acknowledgement where it is due. moreover, it cannot be commercial in nature as you can be overstepping on other people's work and potential income from their works. :(

  12. see, that's what i meant. :blink: stable as vista may be, it is still built over an older version (in which case, i guess it would be server 2003), with a lot of security quirks and excess baggage in it. a fresh OS should be their future. :ph34r: with an army of coders bill gates has today, that would be a breeze (but then again, too many cooks spoil the broth, so they say. :))

  13. those fantastico scripts may work, but not as specific as you'd want it to be though like in your example. you may want to try the content management scripts in fantastico, and see something which fits your requirements, and which you can work in with some degree of comfort (it's always fairly difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it. :ph34r:). most if not all of those have search functionality included already so you don't need to figure out how to manage search on your intended site. :blink:

  14. Microsoft Ships First Vista Security Patches



    Microsoft Corp. has shipped the first critical security update for Windows Vista, the next version of its flagship operating system.


    Over the weekend, the company released patches for beta testers running the Windows Vista December CTP (Community Technology Preview) and Windows Vista Beta 1, and warned that the new operating system was vulnerable to a remote code execution flaw in the Graphics Rendering Engine.


    A Microsoft spokesperson told eWEEK that the Vista patches address the same vulnerability that led to the WMF (Windows Metafile) malware attacks earlier this month.


    Microsoft's out-of-cycle security update for the WMF vulnerability makes no mention of Windows Vista being vulnerable, but with the release of this weekend's patches it is clear that the poorly designed "SetAbortProc," the function that allows printing jobs to be cancelled, was ported over to Vista.

    related article on why security patch is released:



    VISTA beta-testers, that's what BETAs are for anyway. :ph34r: to iron out kinks, with you as guinea pigs. (on second thought, even official OS release versions out of beta are likewise open to such kinks in security, so we are all guinea pigs all the same. :))


    microsoft ought to build their next OS release from scratch instead. cleaner. leaner. and more stable. :P how i wish! :blink:

  15. there's always google. :blink:

    if you want to play with google API, this article may help you out guys. :ph34r:

    if you have an adsense account, you can easily add the search code with your adsense ID. this further monetizes searches coming from your site. if your site gets indexed by google, the googlebot will spider your site regularly.

    as for wansuen, are you planning to use canned scripts for your directory? or are you going to do the programming yourself?

    Notice from serverph:
    fixed google search code link.

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