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Posts posted by serverph

  1. doesn't microsoft/bill gates own a part of apple already? :D (hence in perspective, microsoft/bill gates earns also from apple's iPod sales?) :) oh well, business is business. just let them show how innovative they can get with this one, more than that of iPod.


    and ZUNE? oh please! can't the microsoft team work out a better name? sounds like a *BLEEP*ized spelling of SONY. :D what were they thinking? :P


    (not exactly the one above, but for a related article, check this.)

  2. this has been duly-noted and queued in the things-to-do list of admin opaque, and will be dealt with very soon -- hopefully when opaque has a more generous free time to do it. :)

    and as plenoptic has noted above, simply PM a moderator (better if you PM a couple of moderators) with the link and the detail of your report. you can filter out the names of moderators here.

    this is the work-around we have to deal with until the time the REPORT button and the accompanying centralized NEW REPORTS module tied up with these forums have been updated.

    topic closed. just PM any moderator if further discussion is needed so this can be re-opened.

  3. <html><head><style type="text/css">a.longnav{color: #000000;}a.longnav:hover{background-color: #FFFFFF;color: red;}a.navobject {color: #000000;}a.navobject:hover {color: red;}body {text-align: center;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;vertical-align: center;}div {text-align: center;}div.long_nav:hover {background-color: #FFFFFF;}h2.content {font-family: "Visitor TT2 BRK", Arial;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;}img {border : 0px;}img.header {margin-bottom: 0px;top: 0px;}p.content {color: #000000;font-face: Verdana;font-size: 11pt;height: 500px;}table.bulk {border: 1px solid rgb(0,0,0);}table.nav_object {background-image: url(images/5/nav.png);border: 1pxborder-color: #000000;text-align: center;width: 800px;}td.content {vertical-align: top;width: 597px;}td.long_nav {background-color: #EEEEEE;color: blue;font-family: Arial;font-size: 10pt;text-align: center;vertical-align: top;width: 94px;}td.nav_object {font-family: Arial;font-size: 10pt;margin-top: 0px;text-align:center;width: 100px;}</style><script type="text/javascript">if (screen.width > 880 && navigator.appName !== "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {window.resizeTo(880,window.screen.availHeight);}</script></head><body align="center"><CENTER> <div style="background-color: black; width: 801px; text-align: center" align="center"><a href="/"><img class="header" src="images/5/header.png" alt=""></a><table class="nav_object" align="center"><tr><td class="nav_object"> <a class="navobject" href="#"> HOME </a></td><td class="nav_object" > <a class="navobject" href="#"> GAMES </a></td><td class="nav_object" > <a class="navobject" href="#"> TOONS </a></td><td class="nav_object"> <a class="navobject" href="#"> QUIZZES </a></td><td class="nav_object"> <a class="navobject" href="#"> PROXIES </a></td><td class="nav_object" > <a class="navobject" href="#"> VOTE</a></td><td class="nav_object" > <a class="navobject" href="#"> AFFILIATES</a></td><td class="nav_object"> <a class="navobject" href="#"> CONTACT</a></td></tr></table></div><table class="bulk"><tr><td class="long_nav"> <b> Navigation </b><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div><div width="100px" class="long_nav"> <a href="index.html" class="longnav"> Home </a> <br> </div></td><td class="content"> <h2 class="content"> CONTENT </h2><p class="content"> Lorem ipsum solar dot emit </p></td><td class="long_nav"> <b> Extras </b></td></tr></table></CENTER></body></html>

    simply added the <CENTER> </CENTER> tags to wrap the body. :) hope it helps. :P perhaps you'd like to do away with the javascript inserted in there between your HEAD tags. tested to be centered on firefox and ie 6.0.

  4. it wouldn't hurt if you start backing up the soonest anyway. that hard disk of yours can die on you anytime (which what happened to me a few months back -- okay the last time i used it, then on next bootup it simply won't read the disk any longer).in any case, check to see that your hard drive is mounted properly and tightly -- at least to minimize the noise. at some point, if it is loosely screwed onto your casing, the noise can become amplified.

  5. so have you tried getting in touch with your cable net provider? what did they actually advise you? i could not see no reason why you wont be able to access your cpanel via your home connection -- unless your ISP and your connection settings hinder that, or you are accessing the wrong cpanel address, or you are entering incorrect login details for your cpanel username and password.

    give us details of your conversation with your cable net provider. the fact that you were able to access it once from a friend's PC and successfully install phpbb2 and php-nuke simply shows you must adjust your connection settings from home -- which again, you may have to ask your cable provider. and might as well double-check you type in the correct cpanel URL, and you enter the correct login details.

    see Xisto README for further details:

  6. To be honest i just noticed the editing button, when i was here before it was taken out because people abused it. Have they found a way to stop that?

    the hosting credits system has been recoded so that any use of the edit button now will also recalibrate the credits based on the post. <_<

  7. well, now you mention welfare checks and state involvement. <_< it's a good thing that germany has that in place, and it just makes me imagine other countries which doesn't have welfare checks for its unemployed citizens, much more the resources to feed its people and not slide down into widespread famine.


    now that state involvement and welfare checks are in discussion, alongside freedom to accept or refuse work given them by the state, german people are still lucky in my opinion. the state with its mandate to help provide employment for its citizens has the same right to "kick" its citizens out of its welfare system when help they offer (in terms of work) obviously is not wanted after three times. as opposed to welfare, work provided by the state would be much more economically-productive for a person. how much is state welfare anyway? as you've said, it's too little to live. hence, we must draw here the line between "want" versus "need". if a person needs something to give him MORE than what state welfare can offer, then he should at least consider state-sponsored work -- which i would suppose in germany, can aid a person -- enough to live. but then again, freedom to accept or refuse is still a citizen's right. and he should not take it against the state if it means living without state welfare after three times (reasonable enough times, i would think) a job has been offered him by the state. again, i'd say germans are lucky enough they can exercise that freedom to refuse state help these days. and the more lucky they are that there are organizations which can help them afterwards.


    work entails production of something in return for something. welfare entails what -- something for nothing? in an economic sense, what keeps government and its citizens and the economy constantly moving? work versus welfare. you tell us. :ph34r:


    in your economic system, i can only envision it for a small group of people who of their own volition would have the same outlook. at least they will have nothing to point fingers at but themselves, as in your example, if they have dirty streets. in this case, there won't be the state to blame, since they themselves decreed it as their way of life. but bringing in state involvement in this case, it's like saying "if we screwed up, we need someone else to blame other than us."


    it's easy to say that one need not work to be able to live, but work because one wants to. unless of course if one inherits a large sum of money to tide him more than his wants and needs would there ever be in his lifetime. :( but on state welfare? well, i'd say if one wants to live, with the ability to satisfy one's other wants and needs, then it should be paramount that one would want to work. :( to sum it up, a useless work for one, is a useful work for another. if he doesn't need to work, it's like giving up on his own life then. :(

  8. topic closed. as you can see, this is an attempt by member MYRMIDON to collect hosting credits by spamming the forums -- for which he was warned and suspended for 7 days.in case anybody would like to continue this topic, simply post a new one, but make sure not to follow MYRMIDON's example, since we will catch on to you, and your hosting privileges with Xisto will ultimately suffer.

  9. well, it depends on whose viewpoint you are looking at from, to say that kind of work ("outward bound" call-center jobs) is useless. :( for the business owners who hire the workers, it is their marketing strategy to profit more from their enterprise by "pestering" their "clients" in their database and bombarding them with their products and service offers. :( for the call center agents, who does the call, it is a job which they choose to accept moreso because it pays better than other jobs, even if it is not their actual line of work based from their college/university course.but i understand the sentiment of your post. <_< for the millions of so-called "clients" who randomly receive such calls and get swayed to purchase what they don't actually need in the first place, we are more or less bound to think that such "losers" can be more productive in another line of work. :(but still, these "losers" are also "buyers" and helps business in general. they tend to have more spending power more than others, and they "help" circulate the money they earn from their jobs making the economy more robust and active.thinking about that, what really is "useless work"? :ph34r: and another, if the economy needs to change, into "what kind" actually does it need to change into?

  10. well, NOW it can be told that Kyle MacDonald's attempt has been a HUGE SUCCESS! <_< after 14 items swapped in a span of one year, he FINALLY managed to get A newly-renovated HOUSE (built in the 1920's)!!! and to boot, he also get's a "KEY TO THE TOWN" from the Mayor of the Town of Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canada (who offered, along with the town council, employees and residents of Kipling, the said house.) :ph34r: plus, he'll be honorary mayor for a day, and will get a ONE RED PAPERCLIP DAY in Kipling decreed in his honor.

    the latest swap for the house by the way was a film role in Corbin Bernsens movie Donna on Demand. :(

    related article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and don't forget kyle's one red paperclip blog:

    SWEET! :(

  11. thanks for the info! It looks like I might have to buy another 3.33 package? Not sure. Could support please let me know? Thanks!

    it depends if you really want another 3.33 package. ;) but if you think your existing package can still accommodate the requirements of your site (space and bandwidth), with the addition of a new domain (and with a different set of uploads and traffic if it's an ADDON), then that's what PARKED DOMAINS and ADDON DOMAINS features in cpanel are for. :)

  12. there should be two options in the cpanel: PARKED DOMAINS and ADDON DOMAINS.the basic difference is that parked domains will point to the original site hosted on your hosting space. let's say you originally have domain.com, and you parked your newly-bought domain.net -- domain.net will show the same content as that of domain.com. the URL gets passed on in the viewer's browser, and is useful when you are protecting your online brand for example. so even if you parked domain.net, domain.org, domain.info (or any other extension), it gives the same website content as domain.com.an addon domain on the other hand, will create a new subdirectory for you and point your domain.net to that subdirectory. in that subdirectory, you can create a new site altogether, totally apart from domain.com -- but still on the same hosting space.there should be similar topics on this regard. check the links below, or search the forums with parked and addon domains as keywords.

  13. see if these old threads about FTP with FRONTPAGE can help you:




    (take note of remarks with regards to uploading to public_html)


    if that still can't help you, you may want to contact an admin to check if you have still the correct login information.

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