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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. It looks OK, and should expand well into a full-scale site.One thing I am slightly concerned about - there was nothing on the radio when I tried to play it. Is that just because the site is in production, and there is no-one broadcasting, or is there something wrong?
  2. What you want that line to say is this: if ( preg_match("^[-._%+A-Za-z0-9]+@[-.A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$", $email) == 0 ) { The most difficult part to understand is the regexp string, which I will try to explain below. It is basically a pattern that the variable $email must fit to be declared valid. If it fits the pattern, preg_match returns 1, and the email address is valid. If it doesn't fit the pattern, preg_match returns 0, and the email address is invalid. So, to explain that huge jumble of characters: ^ - The start of the string [-._%+A-Za-z0-9] - Look for the -, ., _, % and + characters, along with characters in the ranges A-Z, a-z and 0-9... + - ...repeated any number of times... @ - ...followed by the @ sign... [-.A-Za-z0-9] - ...then more letters... + - ...repeated any number of times... \. - ...followed by a dot... [A-Za-z] - ...then the letters A-Z and a-z... {2,4} - ...repeated between 2 and 4 times (the domain, like .COM or .UK or something)... $ - ...and then the end of the string.
  3. Log in to cPanel Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Cron jobs in the Advanced section Click on Standard Click Delete on the cron job you want to get rid of
  4. No, regexp isn't a function Regexp stands for regular expressions, and is a way of checking if a string matches a certain pattern. In PHP, the easiest way to use regular expressions is with preg_match. You use it like this: preg_match("regexp here", "string to check here");It will return 0 for no matches, or 1 for a match. The most difficult part is writing the regexp - the pattern the email address has to match to be classed as valid. Regular expressions are tricky to understand to start with, but incredibly powerful.
  5. The problem lies with the way you check for the pattern of an email address: if (!stristr($email,"@") OR !stristr($email,".")) { I would take a look at using regexp to detect email addresses, rather than stristr. preg_match will use a regular expression, and tell you whether a given string matches that regular expression. There is a lot of information on validating email addresses using regular expressions here: http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
  6. rvalkass


    If you click on the (20%) next to the warning bar, a window will pop up explaining why you have received those warnings. So far, yours are for copying content without putting Quote tags around it. Anything that you copy needs to have Quote tags put around it, otherwise you are earning credits without having typed anything, and that isn't fair. To give you an example of how to use them: Blah, blah, blah... This is stuff you've typed...[QUOTE]This is stuff you've copied. Notice that is is between Quote tags.[/QUOTE]And now we're back to stuff you've typed... There is also a button above the box where you type your post that looks like a speech bubble. Click that, and it will put Quote tags around whatever text you have selected. You are also making posts in the wrong sections of the forums. Take this one as an example - I've had to move it from CONTRIBUTE > Computers > Hardware to the Help and Support section. Please make sure you post in the right places, and use good topic titles. If your warning reaches 100% then you do get banned, and if you have any warnings at all then you cannot get hosted until your warning drops back down to 0%. To reduce your warning, make good quality posts and follow the rules. When staff members spot you are making good quality posts they will reduce your warning, especially if you show you've taken notice of your warnings by using Quote tags and posting in the right sections. You may also find it useful to read through the following links: Readme ~ Rules ~ AUP
  7. The free domain doesn't come with any hosting; you still need to have hosting from Xisto, Xisto or Xisto - Web Hosting to link the domain to. As you have to be hosted to apply for the free domain, you can always link the domain to your hosting account here.
  8. Take a look at the first post... Xisto owns Xisto, so you can use the domain with your Xisto site. You can also use it with Xisto sites, and if you purchase hosting from Xisto - Web Hosting.
  9. The number of credits you get per post varies depending on the length and quality of your post. The longer it is, and the better quality, the more credits you get. To apply for the basic hosting package (Package 1) you need 10 credits. The better package (Package 2) costs 30 credits. Once you are hosted you lose 1 credit each day, so you need to keep making posts to keep your credits above 0. To get a free domain you need to store up 280 credits, then make an application. There is more information in the readme.
  10. You may wish to put that attached file on your post, as we can't see it at the moment. I can only assume you want a meter similar to the one used by cPanel to tell you how strong your password is. They are made using JavaScript and are fairly easy to make, or you can copy a pre-existing one. Just make sure you check out exactly how each one determines if a password is secure. Most ignore the overall length of the password, whether it has copied your username or something, all things which affect its overall strength as a password.
  11. I'd start by fixing the errors with your site. Those errors mean that you can't be at all sure how the site is actually going to look. Fix the errors and get your site following the standards. I would also take the contact form out of the sidebar. It is far too squished there, and the comments box at the bottom really needs to be a text area rather than a single line. Moving it to the contact page would let it use more space and be easier to use.
  12. I think the reason we use the default skin is due to all the modifications installed. It is very difficult to find a theme that will work with all the modifications installed on a forum (speaking from experience). People are also used to where things are on the default skin, and how they work, which makes things easier for everyone. Changing the colour would work, but personally I don't have a problem with the blue as it is, and it would no doubt be a lot of work to recreate all the images for the forums but in a different colour. I think a few forum versions ago we did have a choice of skins (correct me if I'm wrong, it might have been IPBGaming). As far as I know, most people liked the default theme, and it does make it easier to explain how to use the forums if everyone has the same theme. If you want to create a new logo, I'm sure no-one would have any objections to taking a look at it. Just remember it has to be fairly simple, fit in with the theme, and fit the current dimensions.
  13. You've only ever been rated Artistic once. If you are referring to the little logo next to your username, that does not apply for each post. That refers to you as a member. It takes all the ratings you have been given and averages out which rating most fits you. As you have only been rated once, and that was Artistic, you get the Artistic logo.Each post's rating can be found by clicking the grey (list) link at the bottom of each post.
  14. Currently all our fusion reactions have required much more energy to initiate them than you get back from the reaction, making them somewhat pointless. Depending on how science advances it might be possible, who knows? You'd also need to store the initial fusion material, along with the products, and have some way of removing the products every so often. In a perfect world, that 60000mN of thrust would give you an acceleration of 0.06ms-2, assuming your car weighs a ton. So, to reach 30MPH would take you almost 4 minutes, and a 0-60 time of 447 seconds! Of course, being in an atmosphere, there would be air resistance which would probably prevent the vehicle from moving at all
  15. Do you have any evidence to back that up? What are your reasons for liking the Mac OS over Linux or Windows, for example? What does the Mac OS do better? When people present me with an argument I will listen to it. The problem I have with the vast majority of Mac users, when making their arguments, is that they never come up with much that is done better than in another operating system. It might be done just as well, but then it just comes down to personal preference. I have. There are things I like, things I don't. There are things that are very clever, and things that smack of incredible stupidity. I personally decided not to get a Mac when I bought my computer, not least because of the price, and that is where Apple really needs to do some work. At the moment you pay for the name, that little plastic Apple logo on the case. To me, that isn't worth the ?500.
  16. Ion engines require incredibly large amounts of energy to power them, and can't really be used in an atmosphere containing any other ions. They also need large supplies of whatever it is you're going to ionise, and are no good at initially accelerating an object, especially in our atmosphere. Nice idea for use in space, but unlikely to work in Earth's atmosphere.
  17. There is a large problem with that system however. Many users get accustomed to having to type their password in so often that they just don't think about it. When users stop reading the box, its just like it not being there, but with a lot more annoyance. That instantly removes any extra security that was introduced. Linux has the balance right. I know that when I enter my password, something major will be happening, and I therefore need to think about why I'm being asked.
  18. I'll be clear from the start: I'm a Linux user and my experiences of Vista are just in setting up my sister's laptop, showing her how to use it and some very basic usage on it occasionally. I don't use it every day, and haven't had a comprehensive experience of it. This is just first impressions I suppose. In the times I've used it, I've found it to be considerably slower than a comparable XP system, the UAC is incredibly annoying, and there are a few issues with applications which worked fine in XP that now either have annoying bugs or fail to run completely (or at least did when I tried to set them up. This may have been fixed now). I think the problem is that people read about all the issues that could occur, and assume they will all happen to them. That is not strictly true, but it is likely that some issues will occur, and I certainly wouldn't be willing to pay Ł320.08 for an operating system that I highly suspect will not work correctly, 100%. It is that element of risk that scares a lot of people away. Vista was preinstalled on my sister's laptop and still had issues. I think Microsoft released it way before it was ready, despite the colossal amount of time it took them anyway. I went in to setting up my sister's laptop with as open a mind as possible, and I still ran into a load of issues and certainly wouldn't have been able to stick with Vista over my Linux install. And think about the fact that they didn't get into the Linux system at all
  19. On that desktop, still exactly the same hardware Well, we changed the hard drive a while ago as the motor burned out on the original one, but apart from that it is the same. I've also put Linux on it (Kubuntu) rather than XP. The wireless card works perfectly under Linux, perhaps even better than it did in Windows!
  20. Exactly what do you mean by 'works with PHP'? Do you want information passed from the Flash file to a PHP script, or vice versa?
  21. As far as I know, the following are what you can pick from: .COM .ORG .NET .INFO
  22. Change ++ to -- and switch the numbers round: <?phpfor($num = 10; $num >= 1; $num--) {echo "Number: $num<br>";}?>
  23. The easiest way would be to store a timestamp in the session variable. Then, check that timestamp against the current time. If it has existed for more than 15 seconds, unset the session variable. Use the time() function to get the UNIX timestamp, then you can do something like: if( (time() - $_SESSION['creation_time']) >= 15 ){ session_unset();} Is that the sort of thing you need?
  24. There is nothing wrong with the forums as far as I know. The problem is likely to be with your browser or firewall. Make sure that Xisto is allowed to store and retrieve cookies (which is how you are kept logged in). Also make sure that you aren't getting those cookies deleted every few minutes, as that would also cause you to log out.You could also try a different browser and see if you get the same problem. If you do, the problem lies with your firewall, or some other application. If you don't (the forum works fine) then you need to adjust a setting in your original browser.
  25. I presume you're adding Joomla through Fantastico? If so, I don't think anyone has any control over what Fantastico does. Each piece of software has to be specially modified so that it can be installed using Fantastico, and therefore the software versions can only be edited/updated by the Fantastico developers (which is why the versions of software are often a little behind the current release). Does the same problem occur if you install Joomla yourself (i.e. download it from Joomla's website and install it)?
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