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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. Perpahs they still will be sued Forbez, perhaps very soon.First things first, if google looses, then the courts are going to be full of sues from all over the web/world.
  2. In my opinion reading tons of ebooks and articles about seo, the best ebooks are:Seo for dummies (2004, 2005 and 2006 versions)The unfair advantage book on winning the search engine wars (the best in tips and tricks, not spam)
  3. It is not that simple, Viacom is the proper legal owner of those shows and, they have the right, the copyrights, and lets face the truth, they are a company that sells products, not the opposite, so they have the right to sue anyone that uses their productions, their products without any licences, just like youtube is doing, using others products to get rich.I am sure google will loose, it is just a matter of time, i am sure of it.Internet is a big network which facilitates the spread of illegal content without any security or security measures to prevent it, but we should fight this "fashion" because, for instance, if tomorrow you create a company or a product on the internet, would you like to have your product on youtube? Perhaps, perhaps not, and viacom does not like it and so google should respect it or at least, google should ask for permition or for a particular licence from Viacom.Google will loose, that is a fact.
  4. News: Viacom sues YouTube for US$1 Billion Dollars Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Obviously, youtube earned millions, not to say billions, with the very popular website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but, everyone knows that a lot of video clips shared in their website servers have not licences to be used legaly, and that is why everyone also knows youtube owners, which is google corporation now, are breaking the law, that is the number one fact. Unauthorised clips of popular TV shows like MTV Unplugged and Sponge Bob Squarepants that have been viewed online more than 1.5 billion times, have no licences from Viacom which is the legal owner if i may say so. And you all know, a lot of video clips over there have not licences to be shared/viewed by anyone, but youtube does not care nor does not respect copyrights because lets face it, youtube just cares with earning money, period! This is the biggest sue, especially because 1 billion dollars is really a lot of money, and if google looses, which is going to lose over Viacom, google will admit that the youtube aquirement by google was the more stupid business of the year of 2006, in my opinion of course. What do you think? Will Google (youtube owner) lose this sue against Viacom? Why google did not do anything to stop copyrights infrigement in youtube? Did viacom sued google because it has much more money then youtube latest owners and so this is a big opportunity? Just say your thoughts.
  5. I prefer Cats, not that i do not like dogs but, cats are more interesting and hard to conquer then dogs, that is a fact.In the other hand, dogs have also very useful utilities because they are suposely smarter then cats, but that is not the truth if you ask me, the dogs are more friendly then cats, they are more helpful, and in some ways, they are really the men's best friend's, but cats can also be too, they just are much much much more hard to "conquer", hard to get their trust, their atention, their friendship because the fact number one, cats do not trust people but dogs do, and that is why cats are much more smart then dogs and humans together!!!I have 2 cats, their names are:Male Cat = Ny (short name for danny)Female Cat = Tucha
  6. I saw that news here in Portugal, i really hope the cure is close.Many millions die every day, and many more get infected daily.Perhaps we are close, perhaps not, but if more people contributed with money for the research, i am sure we would had the cure by now, and that is the problem, the ones that have power and money do not help, and the ones that do not have much or none, strugle to find the cure, that is just our world, the most cruel world i am sure!
  7. I use my personal email client and smtp server, i do not need gmail, or yahoo! mail or anyother, i use:advanced emailerfree smtp serverBe smart, use your own smtp server to send your emails directly to whoever you want
  8. I know of a tool, wich i used a few years back when i had to learn asp in a course, but i do not use it now. The name of the tool is "Asp DataForm", and it creates, in a very easy and quick way (it has a great and simple interface), asp forms with mdb databases (microsoft access databases) and it creates the asp files with validation and evrything you need. It is an all in one tool, but, it is in Portuguese (Made by a Brazilian company), and if you want it, download it from: Home Page - Great Asp website (Portuguese, Brazilian) http://www.superasp.com.br/ Asp DataForm (In Portuguese) - Download Link http://www.superasp.com.br/download_popup.asp?id=300 I speak Portuguese very well, so if you need help translating just reply with the words/sentences to translate Anyway, here is some translation services and tools: Google Translation Tools - Free https://translate.google.com/ Google Translator Interface Platinum 2.5 - Free http://www.mcrenox.com.ar/downloads/download.php?file=gtrans.exe
  9. That is an invasion of privacy, that is a fact, and if i was walking inside a airport and they were doing that through a sort of machine (like the one i saw back a few years in that arnold shaw. movie called: "Total Recall"), i would be angry with it and i would certainly demand for answers on the spot, and if i was not convinced, i would go to the court of law with my lawer, that is a fact, and i would win, that is another fact.People usually do not know their rights, and so that is why people do not act in this situations unless someone smart and educated, at least educated about laws (private law and public law, in this case it is the private law if i am not mistake), does something about it, something to protect his/her rights, and by consequence, to protect the others rights too.According to the law in many countries all over the world, at least in a democratic state, or even in a capitalist state, the airport would have to alert their clients to the fact that if they want to use their airlplanes or the airplanes at their airport, they would have to agree with beeing scanned, and they also would have to explain what the scanner would do, at least, so that people would have the information, and so they would be able to accept it or not, because airports do not have the right, obligation or even dutty to do that without the peoples knowledge and agreement.
  10. Although the firefox browser updates itself, which also is configured to update itself by default, it is always good to know that it had an update, i am always updating my software, especially software i use.Thanks for the news.
  11. Soldier gets 100 years in prison for raping an iraqi girl Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Justice exists after all! At least sometimes i mean. This peace of crap of sargent raped a young iraqi girl and murdered her family just for fun, just for nothing. 100 years sentence to this thing called "Paul Cortez" is nothing, i do not know how he could live after doing that, i mean, anyone that rapes a girl or a woman must not live, that is just my opinion on this case and on the matter of death sentences. What do you think? Do you think he should live after raping a girl? Do you think he deserves the death sentence or what? I vote for the death sentence, and not to say that i really think he should be raped too, but i live that judgement up to you too, and before you say anything else, just imagine the poor girl, imagine it was your young sister, because in fact, she has a family. I do not know for sure, but maybe this is not the first time, and certanly not the last this things happen in war sites, and usually, it happens in wars created by USA, just remember the vietnam where this kind of things (rapes) happened all the time.
  12. Of course i want to know in which day i would possibly die, wouldn't you?I mean, don't you all want to live forever? Don't you all want to live, at least, for a very long time?I would want to know, of course.
  13. I am a man (male), what could ever make you think that i could be a woman?Sorry, but i am now very curious to know!
  14. Obviously there are bigger things for us all to worry about, but this is just another one, and perhaps the most important in the future.I do not think our technology is that well developed, and in 30 years, not much could happen if we just do not worry, waiting for other people to worry and figure it out a way to prevent the inevitable impact of an asteroid in the future.I just can not accept that behavior, if people did not worry with things, we would still be in the "ice age", sort of speaking.
  15. Forget her now, just stop thinking about her, and the best trick for that is to go out with another girl, beleave me, no women is worth suffering for, so get smart and go on with your life, there are billions of women in this world, and you will most certanly be in love again, i am sure of it.Another thing, if you decide to fight for her, you must show her that you love her more then the other guy, so you will have to come up with a plan, like a plan to do your daily stuff, conquering a women heart, again or not, is always a difficult task, but then, you can and should only do it if you really love her, like real love, and not pation or something like that.Either way, it is going to be somewhat difficult either to conquer her again or to forget her, my advice, forget her, you will be in love again in no time, that i promise you.
  16. kraizii8z, are you forgeting about the other 38 possibilities? kraizii8z, 1 in 45.000 is not much, and they could be wrong in their calculations, i mean, mathmatics in a exact science to a certain point, they do not know of other potencial factors that could change the asteroid tragectory, and much more variables that we must consider in order to calculate if it is 1 in 45.000 or 1 in just 5.000 or even less.Another thing kraizii8z, 1 in 45.000 is a risk we should not take don't you think? If you had 1 chance in 45.000 of wining the lottery, would you play? Now, if there is 1 chance in 45.000 or less, of an asteroid striking earth, isn't it a big risk if we do not take the proper acts to prevent it from happening, if the same occurs (i hope not, like all of you, of course)?If everyone thought like you, this planet would/will be dead don't you think?
  17. One thing i must agree, with should not o crazy and act like crazy because of that, but i am sure lots of people will use this excuse to do crazy and unresponsable/childish acts.I feel like this news will bring much pain, suffering, and lots of more bad things to our world, to a world still full of bad things to fix, but i hope we all get together to work in a solution for this very big problem, and especially for the ones that we already have and likely we will have in a very nearest future.That is up to us to workout solutions for our problems, and maybe this threat will brings us together, and we all know that people, human beeings, almost only act when the "bad" happened already.
  18. There are 30% of chances a condom breaks, not 5 or 2.Be carefull, some friends of mine are having babies because they thought condoms are safe.
  19. I a not afraid if that is what you mean. Concerning what it will happen, who knows, maybe we will go to hell, maybe to heaven, as long as i go to a good place, that is what counts to me.I made some bad things in the past, but i did some good things too, i guess the average is good, so i i will go to heaven just because i have a clean conscience, and i have ask for forgiveness to the ones i have heart.Before i die, despite the fact that i beleave in good or not, i will try to clean my conscience as much as i can, just because i do not know if there is really a hell and a heaven waiting for us.What happens after death, i do not care really, i am sure i will go to a good place, close to the ones who love me and that i love too.
  20. Asteroid Has Fairly Good Chances Striking Earth in 2036 Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I do not know about you, but i am somewhat scared with this news, i mean, they say they have a plan, and they have the money for it, but just imagine, imagine an asteroid strickes hearth, our planet, at least, billions of people will die, or with the blast or with the cold/warm weather caused by the asteroid blast. It is obvious that it is inevitable that, some day, in the future, an asteroid, a meteor, will strike earth, but hey, 2036 i plan to be living quite well, and i am sure you too, so what do you feel about this, i advice you to pay atention, this news comes from a credible site and source, as you can see. Remember the armaggedon movie? Feels like i am going to see it again, live! What do you feel about this? Do you beleave it it can really strike earth in 2036, or even later/sooner? (I beleave so)
  21. I have one hotmail account, and i only have 1000 MB, hotmail plus offers 2 GB, but you must pay for it.I do not know why they are offering this new mail service with 2 GB and in the other hand the hotmail plus with 2 GB whcih you must pay, it is pointless and ridicule!Anyway, i was not using that account untill a couple of minutes ago which i activated it again, still, i prefer to use Gmail, i am not unhappy with it, au contraire, of course, Gmail is very slow, and i have a 4 Mbits internet connection speed, it it takes much more time to load when you try to login through the google talk program, it is better to open gmail site and then insert login details in terms of loading speed, still, it is very slow, it has too much features right now which takes to much resources (RAM and CPU % usage).Gmail is good, Hotmail is also good, Yahoo is also good, usually they offer the same stuff, with a few exceptions, it is just a matter of taste and trust on the company name, and now, with gmail security problems, i am a litle bit insecure, still, i prefer gmail
  22. I loved it too, and the fact that it is in Spanish too because i speak Spanish very good and to tell you the truth, it was a great idea to do it in that language, it was different and original in my opinion.The story is very simple and beautiful, i give it 10 too.The actors were well choosen in my opinion, perfect to be exact!
  23. Thanks for sharing that one, it really seems better that the one i used to use a couple of months ago, the 250 templates attracts me very much, and the ilimited bandwidth too. I used to use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , they also offer a subdomain, but they do not have as many usefull features as the one you are informing us.
  24. The us government/nsa has been helping all of the usa big companies to stay at the top of their business to "win" over european companies in the same market.That technology helped a lot of big usa companies in the past and will continue in the future, they use it to spy on competitors, enemies and terrorists, that is a fact.Europe knows usa spies like that, with that technology, but the problem is to prove it!
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