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Everything posted by puneye

  1. I think you design very useful website. Your website loads faster.It is useful for website beginners like me . You have to add more useful tips .
  2. In my opinion Joomla is Best CMS. It can be used as Portal, News, Community and many types. It is also open source CMS. You can do lots of things with it. It has large online community to support you. There's lots of Joomla extensions to customize your website. So my vote is Joomla/Mambo. If you want to Forum one Phpbb is best. and For community Drupal.
  3. I have same problem like you. I have 30 Computers in Network and Its became network slow and Internet surfing is also slow. I was not browse like general websites too. It problem because of you system users use internet unlimited (i.e. one user download files then other users system(browsing speed becomes slow) or may not work. ) Firs you need to control bandwidth over you each system (divide equally). There are many software to control bandwidth you can search at google.com. I recommend you to use Mikrotik Router which is easy interface and Fast Network Connection. You can manage all system's(users) browsing speed. Up/Down Speed. After installing Mikrotik Router I solve the problem what you mentioned above. and also make the your all systems are virus free. Virus may consumed your internet bandwidth.
  4. For information Tv is best that i think. We not need to search news there only with remote button changing channels like BBC, CNN inform us about what happening in the world. In internet we need to browse many news websites but they still don't inform you all about because of they have to sell their magazine too. All news that comes in Internet can't be fact and Local news papers want to earn money from their locally news so they also may ideal. I like to Get more information through internet and fast and reliable news from TV. I use internet as my entertainment, downloading songs, reading articles, tutorials, chatting and many more. But i use TV for looking Films (Old one). Video songs, Live Matches(Sports).
  5. Its much funny topic i am posting here. But Many people have problem with it. My question is if you drop your cell phone in toilet, what do you do ?? You have many options like Put your hand in toilet and bring cell phone out, Ask to some bring out your cellphone and lastly leave your cell phone in toilet(Note: It may Jam your toilet). If you have good solution after that you can reply this post. Suggest anyone what to do after dropping your Cell phone to Toilet. and Express your opinion if you have. hehe
  6. No, Not yet. I don't bring mobile while going to toilet. If you put mobile on your pant's pocket, this problem may arise hehe . also it will come if you put your cell phone in your shirts pocket too. Think that putting your cell phone in pocket have enough depth for cell phone. I aware about drop cell phones in Toilet because my friend already dropped his cell phone on his toilet.
  7. It is better to design than template. But design needs high skill, creative mind. Designing owns self and unique. But templates may be anywhere. If you want to good template you have to buy them. Free templates are comparatively lower attractive. But if you don't have good skill of design, you will make very poor websites, so template will make better websites and easy to use.
  8. Nice tutorial But It is much easy that what you mention. Use WAMP Server or XAMP Server which includes Phpmyadmin. They are double click installer windows package
  9. This is really good css layout creator website. But i need to create custom css for my Joomla template. How can i do with this? Do you have answer ? Please with reference of ie8 Beta2.
  10. There are lots of music download websites here in web. I didn't find any good quality website to download latest MP3s for free. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this website have to register. Can we have English songs download website like http://www.apunkabollywood.us/.
  11. Ya why not. I like fresh pure milk of Cow. Fresh/Pure milk will give more energy.In childhood, I used to drink milk with everytime with my meal, breakfast. But nowdays, I drink less. In scientific way baby can easily digest milk but older one can not. It is better to drink milk with Biscuits, Breads, Cookies and after the meal. Most of people want to drink Milk tea.
  12. I listen a lots about Kungfu. I saw many chinese/english films about Kungfu. I think Kungfu has great skills to fight against enemy. I also want to learn some martial arts. But anywhere we can not find Kungfu. Karate, Kick Boxing, Tekwandoo, boxing are main martial arts in Nepal. I have small knowledge of Karate not others. I look films of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Toni Jaa (Thai), Jet lee and others chinese heros. Film in which they play there is lots of martial arts. Is Shaolin Temple is Central of Martial Arts ??
  13. I also agree wit you my friend. Playing music on forum. it definitely slower the forum website loading. We need to search about many topics. If you want to listen music while writing posts, you can play music on your computer through any music player.
  14. I liked mountain one theme. It is for good internet connection and who want to see better inbox in gmail. If you trouble with internet connection, use gmail classical version.Anyway, I enjoy the gmail theme. It is better than hotmail theme.
  15. I like dog. Because dog has sense. I love being with dog. It is so romantic. In judging, running dog lies with me. Dog care my house. My everything.
  16. Thank you for tutorial. I am able to use in XP, I don't know about Vista. I think it also works in Vista.I use Filezilla for FTP Client. Now It is better than Filezilla .
  17. I got two PMs about earning money. I think they are fake. I checked that email and i got message like that. What is that. I checked the website but there's I don't know.help me what is this. Notice from truefusion: Use quote bbcode for things copied.
  18. No. I am not still using it. I use imagehack.us for external purpose and photobucket.com for Personal purpose. I use youtube for Video uploading. Photobucket has many features like making slide show and many more. In photobucket I can upload videos too.
  19. Green is perfect eye friendly design. Green colour will not damage our eye in the scientific view. So eye friendly web design containing green background and white text colour is best in my view. Another eye friendly option is Black background with white text colour and Blue is also better. Simply white background website gives visitors easy to what they are searching for. So please design website in right colour/right background that will get you more visitors to your website.
  20. My first mail is Hotmail then yahoo. Hotmail is better for sending photos. But it has sometimes javascript problem. Nowdays i use gmail. Gmail is powerful email but it has lots of message in spam folder. I use hotmail and yahoo for messenger. Hotmail messenger is good one.
  21. There are lots of Messenger for mobile. Every messenger costs high. Nowdays the messenger called Morange becomes popular. As many of my friends said, It cost low. You can try with Ebuddy, Mig33. With these mobile messengers you can chat along with MSN, Yahoo, Gmail.
  22. I like Iphone too. If you going to buy mobile, I recommend you to buy Iphone. It has great facility. But Now I have Sony Eriction K750i which is headache for me.If you have small amount of money you can buy Nokia mobile which has long battery life. You can found any software related to Nokia phone easily. Or If plan for Taking Nice Pictures from your mobile phones please Sony Eriction mobile takes great picture having high quality.
  23. TitanicDost (Hindi)Naked WeaponSwadesh (Hindi)Max Pyne
  24. I am agree with echo. Most of Internet (Voice chat, email, conference etc) users don't like to letters. Most of we became so fast in typing. Main reason behind the laze to write letter is because of Internet. It is fast, easy, short time messaging. Nowdays, there is also cheap calls (Internet phone calls / VOIP) it also decrease the writing letters. I write to letter to my Mother who live in Village. In Nepal there are many villages that has not facility of Internet. So we have to write letters while going there. Writing letters also improve the hand writing skills.
  25. Ya I don't need to get paid because earnings from Mycent is like a paid one. We can buy hosting, domain from earnings of mycent. SO i satisfied with Xisto.com. It gives us great services which has not Credit card. It offers good quality hosting services posting here in forum.
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