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Everything posted by Florisjuh

  1. Basicly, small mp3 files which are not copyrighed are allowed, but a mp3 download site is not...
  2. Just wait, It will solve itself... (Could take a few hours tho...)
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6304-make-firefox-go-faster/ - About the same subject, search better
  4. That is too make sure if someone clicks an ad they really check out the site, not that they close the browser after 1 sec... In advantage of advertisers at adhearus
  5. Tell me any operating system that is perfect....
  6. Yes, ugrading the inactivity limit just takes some time posting, but there are enugh interesting topic arraund here.
  7. Probably because Teap17 / Xisto is combining the forum username, credits and posts together with the webhsting accaunt, really cool. This might be a bug, or the admins made it so that people will keep posting after an pdate and wont go inactive for a long period of time
  8. Lol if I'm ever getting my parent to shift to a new OS it will be linux not longhorn :\I guess with windows longhorn there will be other company's bringing out counter os's etc, could be fun
  9. Well, there were people abusing the services a while back (Using automated scripts creating very high ammaunts of database quessry's) causing the mysql server's too crash, and sometimes they go off line for about 15 minutes (Routine maintanance...)
  10. MySQL databases go down sometimes, usally maintanance or sometimes they crash (Almost never lately)
  11. Ah well, google will react soon probably, they might clean out all inactive sites some day
  12. When logged in it shows your hosting credits on the top of the front forums page...
  13. Wow, another great featuere from google . Just oo bad that they nly have programs for a few tv stations, but I'm sure more will follow (And I hope dutch channels too)
  14. Humm, Google adsense it 1 of the only products / services from google that I dont really like, they dont pay to paypal either :|
  15. Humm, americans could have used the moon landing too make Americans look special again...Nt on the other hand, they could have been working on it for such a long time, they might have the technolegy etc to travel to it..
  16. I think they allow Paypal too, so you can put money from your bank on paypal and send it to Xisto
  17. Are we talking about mp3 or midi here? If you want people to click a link to play a midi file: <a href="yourmusicfile.mid">Play background music</a>or for auto play (midi) <embed src="yourmusicfile.mid" autostart="true" loop="true"width="2" height="0"></embed>I think most of the code works on MP3 files too, only you should watch put that mp3 is big and needs much loading... You might better get a jukebox that loads sepperate from the site (inside a frame)
  18. http://www.domainsite.com/ accept paypal paments, if you want a .com site
  19. There where a lot of hosts offering them for free, but most stopped since last year, use google to find them
  20. Yeah Xisto's hosting packages are very reliable and only require activity on this forum (What is cool also ^^)
  21. When Xisto grows it will be harder for admins to administrate it, so they make scripts that do it automaticly for them, so they can spend time on other valuable things...
  22. Over @ Computing-Web-Hosting.com (Another Xisto company):Plan A: 50 mb space / 1 gb bandwith - 10 dollar a year No domain included
  23. But if you manually upload the files from the html dir to the public_html dir you would have the same effect and the newest version so that means no need to upgrade anymore
  24. Hummz, the 6 days is probably cuz you live somewhere very far abroad, because with me it takes about 3 hours... :SBut since domains are really cheap, why dont you just buy a domain? (loks more pro anyway)
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