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Everything posted by Florisjuh

  1. The avarage download speed depends on your location :\If I live in the same country as the servers I would have much faster downloads then if I lived in europe (What I do)
  2. Hummz, 300 seems a bit much, since its on about quantity of a post but about quality :\
  3. Hummz, you shouldnt use the installer in cPanel, its outdated, if you know how to set up datebases etc you should download the package and install it in the public_html (The part of it with the index.php, config.php etc in it, I think the folder is called html)
  4. Im still waiting for Google's os (If it would ever come). But a great presentation!
  5. Maybe the reason that phpbb was included with CPG Nuke was a reason too . But IPB can hardly be found for free anymore :\ They upgraded invisionfree to 1.3 and I cant seem to find 1.3 downloads anywhere these days (On the IPB site)
  6. No problem, I used Invisionize to before I switched to phpbb, the problem about ipb is that if you read a post and go directly to the index it doesnt show a board as read (While phpbb does this)
  7. You can find a lot of ad ons for IPB at http://www.invisionize.com/
  8. Hummz, a messenger for gmail huh? Well it would be a good idea . It shouldnt be a copy of msn, yaahoo or AIM tho... They should make it more custumizable, that you can change buttons, colors etc withoud needing to makr themes or to open the source. Also they should make a system that you can put features in and out (Like the mozilla firefox plug ins). The thing that bothers me the most at msn is that its awfully slow sometimes, if you wpould be able to turn off features you never use you could make it faster (Depending on your pc's specs)The thing that bothers me the most about aim, is that it loads very slow and usally stops my pc from loadng any other files before aim is loaded. If Gmail messenger would have those things fixed I guess it should be worth a try. With 1000 mb storage you could share files etc with email too
  9. The forums also help Xisto members with their hosting, they dont need to search for info somewhere else, because off all Xisto visitors someone has to know the answer of your question. (Unless its a "Why do we live" question .)
  10. Please post in the Request Hosting board... Thanks
  11. A friend of me, is working on a mod for a tournament where I am a co admin off... The problem is... My friend uses Windows. Are there any Windows programs that can ccompile .so's to use on a linux server / box?Thanks for any reply's
  12. omg? Must be some drunken drug using noob to Xisto that has no life and asks you for a cookie on his way :\ Or not... Anyway admins should ban such people
  13. I've been hosted at Xisto for about 6 months now. There where some down times, but very low. Most problems seem to be fixed now my website loads fast and I havent run out of bandwith any time. Altho sometimes its close. I am wondering how much accaunts you could put up a dedicated server. Enough to cover space and bandwith or do hosting accaunts eat up much RAM / CPU too?
  14. http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel...'>http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel... change http://www.yourdomain.com/ with your site's domain / URL
  15. Probably more users, they share the speed of a server.So more users = Less speed (Until our great admin upgrades hosting again )
  16. Lol it has been working since I joined Xisto and that was about 6 months ago So I dont think its that :\Btw your 1 member later then me
  17. And they deserve it! (Cant find "Budget Hosting")
  18. Well, basicly my site isnt showing on all computers that try to vieuw it. Not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and any folder on the domain.The problem has occured on different computers, Mac's and PC's. Different OS's too... While other sites work fine on their pc's... Im a little frustrated cause of it. Is this a problem of the computers of those guys/gals or is it my website or is Xisto not compatible a full 100% with them?
  19. After trying new links for 10 minutes I just came up with the idea that you didnt misspelled the url but that the site isnt working anymore
  20. Florisjuh

    RPG Maker XP

    Klar you shouldn't be posting links to places where you can download illegal programs, we dint want enterbrain after Xisto would we? ^^
  21. Make a table with a inviseble border(Same color as background) or set it to 0 px border
  22. Try not to use the Xisto domain to log in but your own url.
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