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Mr Inviso

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Everything posted by Mr Inviso

  1. You weren't kidding echo that was quite a read. We got nailed here in Houston by IKE in September of 08. And I hope to not have a repeat of that this year. a lot of us are still making repairs.
  2. asdftheking, I had a heck of a time figuring the mail thing out. I had similar problems with a domain name purchased and registered at go daddy. I know their are other folks on this board who can give you the whole answer. But here is what I got so far. I have used other free cpanel hosts before and their was an option under the mail tab in cpanel to use a few different mail programs, one of them was called squirrel. Well I never could find such options here at xisto. After reading all of the cpanel docs I was still lost. Well I kept seeing posts about how people were using Google apps. for their mail. So I wandered over there and set up an account. It's free and they let you have up to fifty email addresses @yourdomainname.com or whatever. For me the whole trick to setting it up was figuring out that I needed to enter the MX records that google gave me into the MX records portion of my xisto cpanel. I'm not quite sure what I did wrong the first time, but the records wouldn't verify at googles end. It works fine now and I'm happy. The MX records take a bit to verify so be patient. I think the big picture here is that xisto doesn't want junk mail hogging their resources, so they don't offer that option in cpanel. I don't blame them one bit. One other thing. The MX records that you get from google are a bit confusing. You'll get about six if I remember right. Some of them have the same priority value and when you enter them into you xisto cpanel MX records they cancel out the last one entered with that same priorty value. I'm thinking that you can give them any priority value that you want as long as their are no duplicates. A question for the GURU's Are their any alternatives to the google route?
  3. I just love joomla. It has allowed me to do things that I otherwise would never have gotten to do. It may be to easy for you lofty scriptwriters. But not all of us have what it takes to build from the ground up. As a matter of fact joomla has encouraged me to start learning a little php and html. Right now I don't have a couple of years to wright a cms so I'll just have to go with the next best thing. Thanks to everyone who is contributing to open source.
  4. The Budweiser Shoot out will be on FOX 8pm Central next Saturday evening. I fell in love with NASCAR last year. I remember watching it as a kid. But now that I can appreciate what is going on out there it just thrills me. Joey Lagano will be driving the 20 car for Home Depot. He will be the youngest driver to ever start the Daytona 500. I hope he does well. And the guy he got that seat from is moving on and starting his own team. Thats right Tony Stewart will be driving the 14 car as co-owner of Stewart Hass Racing. I just heard from a friend that number 14 was Kyle Petty's number and Tony called him up and asked if Klye wouldn't mind if he used his old number. I don't know how true that story is, but it sure sounds kinda neat. Are their any Jounior fans out there? I but he has a good this year. And somebody please tell me that Johnson isn't going to four-peat! What about Kyle Busch??? Will he mature a little more this year? I just admire the way he drives. I have never seen anyone cut through the pack the way he does, never mind how fast he does it.Gentlemen Get Ready To Start Your Engines!!!
  5. What about that record setting longest ever Super Bowl play. Wow 100yds. and an interception to boot. That had to hurt. Shout outs to both teams. What a game.
  6. I really like what pasten had to say about this subject. My son is nine and gifted. I challenge him at every corner. Right now he is learning the basics of HTML. He loves video games so I have taught him how to take screen shots of things he likes and make little web pages about them. I wouldn't dream of letting him advance any grades because I think it is important to stay with his peers. To me being social adjusted is more important than academically advanced. He has learned to help his peers out with their work rather than hold it against them that they don't learn as fast as he does. He has an older step brother who is always lording it over him that his knows more than he does. So this was a hard hurdle for us to overcome. I watch him and coach him whenever I can. It is nice to see him being nice to people. And to me that is what counts. He seems to be a leader by example, not by force.
  7. I have been using Photoshop 7 for years. Well it has started acting funny as of late. It keeps locking up on me. And I can't find my Photoshop CD to reinstall it. So I thought I'd give Gimp a try. While downloading Gimp from Source Forge I noticed an ad for GimpShop. While I have heard a lot of good things about Gimp. I haven't heard anything about GimpShop. I have never used Gimp before and the idea of learning a whole new program seems daunting at this time. Does anyone have experince with this program?
  8. Now that you mention it Echo, I haven't heard a lot about her and her stance on some of the major issues. I just hope that they don't end up running this country into the ground financially like I have heard has happened in Illinois. I'm sure she will want to implement a lot of social programs and such.
  9. Today in Houston it is seventy five degrees Fahrenheit and I'm loving it. But it hasn't been like this every day. It's been unseasonably cold here and then the next few days will be like summer. It has been driving my sinuses crazy. I feel for the people having to deal with all the real cold in the northern part of the country. I was raised in Boston and know all about the snow drifts. So the best of weather to ya'll
  10. I had lunch at Fudruckers today with a friend and my nine year old son. We sat right by the arcade games (big mistake with a nine year old). Well my buddy happened to mention that the games reminded him of the old Sega genisses. And I had to have a good laugh and some good memories. Boy were those games ever fun. So my answer is yes I think I'd be interested in something new by Sega. We got the boys a wii for christmas and I like their fresh approach to gaming. I think Sega could do just as well if not better.
  11. I'm glad this topic has been brought up. I was raised a christian/catholic. And ever since my early twenty's have had a problem with the whole idea of a God. It's not that I didn't want to believe or didn't try. It's more like I couldn't see why. It seemed to me that people suffered either with or with out God. People prospered whether they believed or not. I've finally come to believe that the closest thing to God that I can believe in is the energy created when people interact in a positive way. Like wise for the energy created by negative interaction. It's the Devil. But as far as some kind of supreme being, I just can't wrap my mind around it.
  12. In the Global Configuration area their is a place to enter your site name. The site name also appears as the page title. My problem is that the site name also appears at the top of the content area. This is kind of redundant and I would like to remove it. Removing the site name from the global configuration isn't an option because the the pages would not have a title. I figure The template it self isn't the culprit. It must be in the joomla code it self. The site in question is The Gratitude Shop. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
  13. I'm in a business/work situation with a friend that isn't working out. I'm tired of waiting for my money, like I was a contractor, and then getting paid labors wages. Our work is sporadic at best. So it is hard to make ends meet in between jobs. So I can relate to what this thread is talking about. And I think it stinks. I don't think we'd be as good of friends if it weren't for the work we do together. We have spent a lot of time together over the years. He has eluded to the fact that he has done different jobs in the past by himself. Well as of late I have been making some changes. I'm going to a job fair next Tuesday. I'm tired of this life style. I'm going to get a real job with benefits.
  14. I don't like this time of year very much. It's a personal thing that I need to get over. So I'm going to resolve to have a better attitude next year(which happens to be an hour away as of this writing). Glad to be a part of Xisto. Thanks for all of your help.
  15. Nice site Micheal. I'm blown away that English is not your native language. Can't wait to see some more of your stuff. My only question is why monetize your portfolio site? I would tend to think that customers would be turned off by it. Not to mention that it is distracting. It kind of takes away from your work. I really do applaud your work and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
  16. Some people are real good with this kind of stuff and some aren't. That's me in the later group. So after much goofing around I have settled on using joomla to build my sites. Joomla is a CMS(content management system). It is much more powerful than I'll ever need. Their are literally hundreds, if not thousands of templates available. Most all of them are free to use and modify. Most of the templates have obscure links to the authors site. If you are already familiar with cpanel then you are well on your way. I downloaded the zip file from joomla then uploaded it to my public HTML directory. After extracting the file I then visited my URL and was at the installation screen. I must warn you I didn't get it all right the first time. I should have created a sql database first. And set up a FTP account. Having the user names and passwords written down before hand would have helped. The best part is customizing the site. Their are a lot of options in the joomla control panel itself. And if that isn't enough you can edit the template itself. I have learned a little bit about css, html and php by doing it this way. It kind of inspires me with each little thing I learn. The thing I like the most is the clean web 2.0 look and feel of joomla. Their is a lot of people using it. And plenty of support. Good luck to you in your ventures. https://www.joomla.org/ Below is one of many template sites. Most of them have live demos. https://themebot.com/joomla-templates
  17. Sorry about the phone. Drying it out would be a good place to start. I have screwed up more than one phone by getting them wet. I have lived on boats for a number of years here in TX and in San Diego. Back to drying the phone out. Don't put it in the oven. One of my friends did this and really screwed up his phone. I don't think you'll find very many radiators in SD. So maybe just setting the phone on top of the oven(set at a low temp. of course) for an hour or so would help. Another thing I just thought of would be to use rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip and swab around the battery compartment and any other openings on the phone(ear piece jack,indented buttons and keypad). We did this in the space program to clean up circuit boards before flight. So I know it is safe for the electronics. I'm just not sure about all of the other plastic parts on the phone. Good luck.
  18. First of all. has any politician ever been held accountable for their campaign promises? The only way I can think of is not to vote for them again. This is just another democratic white house. Same cabinet different figure head. I am very discouraged with the accountability of our elected representatives.
  19. This one took me a minute to remember. My nine year old son was about four at the time. He was enrolled at a daycare center here in Texas and made this gift there. Well I happened to be living on my sail boat at at the time. He made me a Christmas tree out of a pine cone. It was hand painted by him and had glitter all over it. It fit perfectly on the boat. I still break it out every year and set it on my desk, wherever I happen to be living. This little gift reminds me what the season is all about. It's not the size or cost that matters, it's all about the love.
  20. Thanks for the heads up jlhaslip. I have been thinking about building my site from scratch. Instead of using my current out of the box CMS. Thought I'd find a template I liked and start from there. Anyone have any favorite template sites?
  21. I don't know about dollar tree, but nothing irks me more than to go into a dollar store than to find things that are more than a dollar.
  22. This old (by my standards) planet has seen a lot. How do you think she got such an old ragged face? Like Echo said. We have only been keeping records for a short while. You only have to look at the walls of the grand canyon to notice that their have already been droughts in the past and other catastrophic weather trends and events. My take on this is that we do need to quit poisoning our planet and try to leave some precious resources for our kids.
  23. What a great topic. I have enjoyed all of your posts. And have been looking for a good combination myself. Considering that joomla/Fireboard doesn't need a bridge is impressive. Thanks for all of the great ideas!
  24. OFF TOPIC. If I believed in God, I'd pray for you ledabomber. And for those of you that do, I encourage you to.Back on topic. It's what's on the inside that counts.
  25. For windows XP. I use a program call livecopy. When I first started using it a few years ago it was free ware. I just went and Goggled it to get the site link and found out it is now Shareware. With a $30.00 price tag. I'm not surprised. It is a great program for keeping synchronized copies of folders.
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