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Everything posted by FLaKes

  1. The first time I heard crazy frog was for a celular phone ringtone. I was laughing so hard and thought it was great. The other day I saw the Axel F music video on television and I thought it was lame. I definetely liked the ring tone better, It got boring on the video, and the music for it sucked. =b
  2. FLaKes

    I Hate Greenday!

    I used to like green day, but right now I think their new album is really annoying. I think their best album was nimrod and they should never have come back after ir.
  3. I really hate samsung, because I have a 29 inch tv, and it has gotten all wierd over the past six months. Its barely 2 and a half years old and whenever I turn it on, I have to wait like 20 minutes or half an hour before I can even watch it. Its like if it was an old 1960 television where you had to wait for it to warm up.
  4. Hi, how is linspire? Is it good? Can it really run most of the windows applications?
  5. I really think that the next best operating system is going to be Os X but for the PC. I think its a stable and good looking operating system, besides its very easy to use. Though I dont think that there is a best operating system in general. I really really think that it depends on what you need it for. Right now, I think that the best Os for servers and programming is defenitely linux, the best operating system for multimedia is mac, and the best for games is windows. Well thats what I think about the operating systems. I really think that in the next year or so, windows wont be dominating as much as it is now, because linux is coming in strong, and there is this linux that I havent tried called Linspire which is supposed to be a linux that can run windows programs. Ill check it out and see what its all about.
  6. I really dont have a routine. Mainly because I just finished school and I am just going to school because they offered me a part time job from 12 to 4, and from 4 to 8 Im doing my social service hours. (here in Mexico you have to complete 900 hours of service to open universities.) Which Im about to finish in about two weeks. Ok, in the morning I like to wake up at about 9. I get up with the television, I program it to turn on at that time. Usually on Mtv channel but if I wake up to a bad video which actually seems to happen all the time I immediately start changin the channels for about 5 minutes or so and then Im up off from bed. When I get up I start doing some stretching and after that I do some excersise. (abdominals, pushups, weights, etc.). After exercise I like taking a cold shower and after the shower I get some breakfast which is whatever my mother makes and then Im off to the University. You might be asking why I get up so late but the reason is because I usually sleep like at around 2 to 4 in the morning working on music, learning tutorials, animating and sometimes playing mutliplayer games. Well thats my routine right now. I wonder how its going to change in a couple of weeks when I finish my social service.
  7. I dont know about other countries, but in Mexico there are strawberries and they are really good. About a box with ten or twelve strawberries prepared with whip cream cost about $2.00
  8. Hey, I have a couple of questions about subdomains too.Does it cost credits to add a subdomain to my Xisto hosting?And can each subdomain have its own phpmyadmin. Example: I want to add a subdomain to make a web page for my band. I would like it to have dynamic content like news and all the text that my bandmates can update, but I dont want them entering to my cpanel. Is it possible to do this? Thanx.
  9. Well, it looks cool, actually really really cool compared to the vertical standing video cassette players that xbox and playstation are going to look like. I dont like nintendo that much, though I used to be a big fan of it until I felt that the gamecube and its games sort of stinked. At least it probably wont tip over when you accidently pull a controller compared to the xbox and playstation. I dont really care as much as I used to, I would be the first to have a pre order, now Im just going to wait for prices to drop and get a playstation with final fantasy and an xbox with halo. Nintendo I dont know, but I think that smash bros is one of the best multiplayer games ever made.
  10. I dont know or think it maybe the best operating system so thats why Im going to ask if any one here has used Linspire?It is supposed to work in linux but its biggest difference is that it also runs windows programs.
  11. If a kitchen knife counts as one I guess that I can say that I do. And if I use a little of my creativity and imagination I guess that I have a lot of weapons in my house.
  12. They are already working on invisibility. Its called optical camoflauge, you can look it up on google cause I dont remember the link. I think I posted it here somewhere. There is a lot of technology being developed right now, and im defenitely sure that we arent even aware about 90% of it. The other day I saw on discovery or something that they are developing a train that floats on the tracks or something and it can float of buildings and go up them and it can have really high speeds and really sharp curves.
  13. I usually get around 6 or 7 hours of sleep and about 10 on weekends. When I was in school I would be really sleepy like at around 9 ( I woke up at about 6) and I would sleep like bearly 6 hours. I would feel like a zombie and like if everything was still a dream. This semester im going to start a habit of sleeping about 7 or 8 hours and having a schedule for everything so I can work better.
  14. Lately ive been beginning to hate windows a lot. And its not because of internet cause I have a computer that has a partition where I make music and videos and I dont let it go online and it still crashes and has given me a couple of blue screens. Its windows xp service pack 2. I would migrate to linux but it doesnt have any multimedia programs that I use. I guess that I will have to save up and buy a macintosh
  15. Thats gross, the coach probably thought he was a vampire or something. Though I think Ive heard that saliva has a lot of bacteria which could infect the wounds, dont quite remember, does anyone know something of this?
  16. If they only costed the same here in Mexico...... It will probably cost like about 30,000 dollars here.
  17. Wow I would have bought 10 of them. For $50 bucks its worth going through all those people.
  18. Wow. One thing I like a lot about these forums is that you always learn about something new everyday. Good find.
  19. Here in Mexico we also have big brother and some other cheap copies of american idols here called academia and stuff like that. Whenever something goes big outside internationally, they copy it as soon as they can. I dont really watch tv, but as far as Ive seen they are on like big brother 5 or 6 and its been here for bearly 2 or 3 years. And then they have big brother vip where celebritys also participate, personally im fed up with these shows but oh well. People like them, they have nothing to do except watching people do things and living instead of worrying about their own things.
  20. I think that diablo 3 will defenitely have better graphics, because starcraft is a strategy game and lots of units are involved making it heavier for pcs to handle. Though I definetely think that starcraft will be a lot better cause it can never get old with the use map setting games. They will definetely make a diablo 3 ums.
  21. Hey I like the game, but I also like the country. I really really think that Grand theft auto is a real fun game and I dont think It should be banned anywhere. I think its the parents fault for not supervising what their children play what causes them to ban good games. If they cant even take care of the games they play, imagine what kind of movies they can watch. I really think its as stupid to hate a cool country as it is to ban a game just cause parents cant take care of their children.
  22. This game would be so awesome, I would probably end up buying it as soon as it comes out. I just hope Im not to old or have other things to do like work all day or somthing so I can play it.
  23. I think that the border is too simple. Try giving it some texture or something. And you cant really tell what the render is doing, you can hardly see the explosion coming out of his gun. I would never have guessed if it wasnt for the render on your last post.
  24. Well, when I first decided to make a web page for my band I didnt even know what html was, or even if it existed I think. I had a demo version of dreamweaver and decided to play around with it a little bit, after a week or so I made a web page for my band, and it was so easy even though I didnt know what I was doing. A couple of months after I took a dreamweaver mx course and I learned html. The funny thing was that as soon as I learned html I realized that I didnt need dreamweaver, and besides since it writes the code for you I was sort of forgetting some things in html so I decided to leave it behind, especially when I discovered css. It is horrible with css, In design mode you cant really see the page you are making, besides since it writes the code for you, you kind of get used to it and forget the code. The bottom line, or the point im trying to make is that you dont really need expensive programs to make web pages. The internet is free, all you have to do is look for the free stuff. To learn html I really recommend w3 schools it has an html editor for you to practice while you learn. And instead of dreamweaver I would recommend Crimson Editor or the notepad. Which is great too. Well all I have left to say is Buena Suerte Amigo.!
  25. It looks awesome the only thing or problem I find with it, even though im really new at graphics, is that the text needs to stand out a bit more. I like the background and ana is hot. Good job. Maybe in the next couple of weeks ill be participating with graphics too to help out the photoshop arena forum.
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