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Everything posted by FLaKes

  1. A really really good editing program, which besides being great, is free is a program called Crimson editor. I really like this program and I recently stopped using notepad, because it has tabs on it which I really like which is like having lots of notepads open, and it also color codes the languages, it has line numbers on the left, and it shows you where a block ends.If you want to go to an extreme, but the downside is that you have to have linux (which isnt bad, but not many people know how to use linux) you can get Quanta. Which is the best editing program I have ever seen so far. This one is the best. GiMP and Quanta is all I need.!
  2. Wow, this post is totally great. I definetely agree that the techniques used by vocalist vary by genre, especially when the vocalists really know / have studies in music. Take Chester from Linkin Park as an example, I saw the dvd the other day and he was asked what he does to have the voice he has. His reply was, I probably do everything a vocalist shouldnt do. Which is where I think he gets his really heavy voice from, though he already made his millions, I think thats why the second album was more soft than the first one. And a tip for bmxpunker2005, if you want to sound great, I really recommend you take a few classes in school or something. Atleast so you can get the basics, people on the net can give you advice but it will never compare to taking classes. What I would recommend is you start tuning your voice with the guitar or any other instrument. First tune your instrument, (there are lots of programs on the net to do this), then hit the third string of the guitar (G on standard tuning) and say its name. After a while of practicing that note youll hear how your voice blends with the guitars sound, then try with A and E and B.
  3. I had posted this a long time ago in the google satellite spots Ufo thread, but no one must have read it. Other than that its really cool technology, dont you think. Just imagine what a sniper could do with one of these.
  4. Yea, I think that it is just like you are describing it. I really think that it depends on the console and time it was made. Here are my favorite games of all time.Nintendo:Duck hunt/mario bros. / Olympics (I used to play it with my cousins with the mat, it was really really fun, we were like 5 years old.)Mario Brothers 3 (awesome 2 player game)Sega:I loved all the sonic series. I was a real fan of them.SuperNintendo:Mario kart and super Mario world and chronotrigger ( I have always said that if it wasnt for this game I would never have been interested in RPG's at all.)Others:Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Final fantasy 7, Halo 1, bust a groove, grand theft auto series.PC:Starcraft, Counterstrike, Age of Empires 1, Worms, Command & Conquer... and the list can go on and on....But there is one all time game that Im addicted to.Anybody played Civilization?
  5. Cool, I just wish you coulve posted this like a couple of months ago. A friend who is a programmer had to make a little php program that would import a huge excel file into phpmyadmin. He first exported the excel as text and then run it through his program and everything was loaded into phpmyadmin. This method wouldve saved us a lot of time.
  6. It defenitely depends on your computer. I dont think its about ram because I was making an animation on an amd duron 1.2 ghz pc with 512 megs of ram and I just couldnt finish it. Im just now finishing it on a pc with a 3 ghz pentium 4 processor and 512 megs in ram and it runs smoothly.
  7. I used to love the Sega Saturn controller. I still think that it was the best controller ever made. My hand would sink in it, and the buttons were soft. Ive never really liked the xbox controller, since the first time I saw it, I felt like the controller had been made in a flea market because the buttons remind me of some calculator I would use to see, that had some little gems or something like that on it. I also hate it because when I played Tony Hawk on it I would rail and then immediately fall of because I would accidently hit another button. I used to have it on gamecube and it was awesome, I could rail really easy and I think that the gamecubes thumbstick is the best on this generation of game consoles. At last but not least, the Playstation. Ive never really liked this controller since the first playstation. I dont like the buttons, I dont like the joystick that much because its round and whenever I play a 3d person game It would be hard to walk straight. I also dont like there being 2 top left and 2 top right buttons. They make me feel unconfortable when I use all the buttons, and my hands get sore in a while.
  8. I think that the best is photoshop, because it has a lot of tutorials on the net. Fireworks is still good, but you wont find many tutorials for it. And Gimp can be as good as photoshop, there are more and more tutorials for it everyday, but the only bad thing I find with it is that it has an ugly interface. The best thing about it is that it is free. All of these programs are the best Ive heard and tried for graphic designing, sure they are good, but the result will always depend on you. No matter what graphic program you use, if you dont have creativity or the time to invest on it you will never be able to make anything good with them.Good Luck.!
  9. I use BSplayer. Its really good and so far it has played anything I put on it. It came with a lot of codecs for free. PowerDvd is good for dvds, I have it as default.
  10. My favorite character is Knuckles. I think he is really cool. Actually it is one of my favorite characters, I cant really remember which my favorite of all favorite characters is.
  11. Lol, I remember seeing cheap fake newspapers a couple of years ago with people claiming they saw the Chupacabras. On of the persons who supposedly saw him got bit by him and I remember seeing some pictures where he showed his arm and it had two holes and stuff like that. They supposedly drew him as a human mixed with a dog and some wings and two sharp fangs. Personally I dont believe in this type of creature, especially after seeing that newspaper. Maybe If I by chance see it, Ill probably believe in it.
  12. But she would die for those boots. She loves them it would be the perfect gift. Especially since winter is coming. Besides they dont sell those boots here in Mexico, she would be unique and envied by every other girl here.
  13. Im not really sure if this can go in this topic but a sub-topic in it says help on finding. Which is what I need help on.This month is my girlfriends birthday, we have a really strong relationship (going for two years and 4 months now) and I would really like to get her something she likes. Last winter she saw on tv some short boots worn by Pamela Anderson, the problem is that I dont really remember what brand they where I think they were ogg but I searched on google and couldnt find them. So If anyone could help me find them on the internet or somewhere I can order them from I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  14. I have explorer and Firefox. I have lately gotten used to use firefox more than explorer because I like the skin I put on it, plus I can control I tunes from it, and some cool web designer tools. So even though both icons are next to each other I always click on Firefox because Im used to it. This happened since explorer messed up like a couple of months ago on my other pc, Thats when I dared to get firefox, and Im glad I did.
  15. I think that religion has always tried to limit the human beings, thats the main reason I stopped going to church and doing religous stuff. I mean, Im not against god or anything. I do beleive in him and pray every night but Im not going to stop listening to my favorite music just because someone (human being) wrote a book because he didnt like that kind of music and started saying it is wrong to listen to that music. We have already eaten the apple, not listening to that type of music wont make us any better. The least we can do is act freely but responsively, help each other out and enjoy ourselves. And if you want to talk about spiritual stuff I suggest you get more involved and at least read something about it.
  16. I drink milk all the time, at least two times a day, it depends. When my mom cant make me breakfast then I have to eat cereal, and there goes some milk. And always when I feel like eating cookies they have to be accompanied by milk otherwise I will end up choking on them. Whenever I dont have cereal for breakfast I usually make my self one of those nutritious chocolate milkshakes. So I guess I drink a lot of milk and obviously like it.
  17. Hola!! Saludos desde Mexico!! There are a lot of places where you can learn css. One of them is w3 schools Which I really really recommend, and the very best is: Verlee Duoh its a really good pdf tutorial in which you make a complete css page starting with the graphics, and what better program than photoshop? I did my first css page with this tutorial. In verlees page I also remember seeing a css styled table. It was a really cool table though se used tags like th, td, etc.. Well I hope this helps you, If you decide to check them out youll probably be busy for a couple of hours. Hasta luego, Amigo!
  18. I guess that the most hated thing about web sites are pop ups. Everyone is used to closing it the second it pops up, mainly because they have been exploited by advertising and annoying stuff like that. One other thing that didnt show up here are the flash sites or any other site that takes up the whole screen like if it were something really important kind of like if it wanted to take over your computer or something. Basically I think its all about force, a website tries to force you to look at some banner or something and then comes the pop up, or the full screen or anything else that does things without your consent.
  19. For a few seconds I was a really really happy person because Ive been wanting to try out the linspire distribution so I read on until I got to the part where it said it expires in september 6!!!! I kept on reading and it said that they would extend it for a couple of days so I hurried up to the download section of the Linspire page and it said that the coupon expired on September 8. Guess Ill have to wait a while for a coupon like this to come up again.
  20. In my opinion this technology thing is not learned at school, it is at their homes if they have a computer and internet access. I know some people at my school who take computer classes but if they are not interested they will only know like photoshop is an image editing program but if they dont really care about using it they will never be able to create graphics in it. I know some friends who have taken programming and application software (excel etc.) and about a year after they forget how to use it, to the point where they dont know how to do anythin in them. It is all about caring, if you care about technology you will know when the next processor is coming out, what speed, what program to use for something etc. In school all the can do is show you the doors, in the end it wont matter cause you decide if you want to cross them or not.
  21. OMG that is really funny. the messages from god and fidel and bin laden, and the bin lotto. Funny. I wonder who came up with this? would he be a bush hater?
  22. I love making music, it seems like Im always inspired, either when Im practicing or whenever I am in any mood. I just get my guitar or midi keyboard and start playing. When ever I am to tired or dont feel like making music, I am playing computer games but it is bad when this happens because I get so addicted that I end up playing for hours. Some other hobbies I do every day is reading any tutorial that involves with graphics or programming and web oriented stuff. I also do exercise everyday, I feel that strenght is what makes me be able to stay active all the day even when I dont get much sleep.
  23. FLaKes


    Does it needs a pvr or something to watch tv on the pc?
  24. Cool... but how do you pronounce it? I would be great if there could be a way to pronounce it just like in the dictionary. Well here is mine:
  25. This is definetely blowing my mind out. To think that I am 21 years old and there is a ten year old little girl thats certified by microsoft, (dont get me wrong here, Im not jealous) I cant even imagine what she is going to be capable of doing when she is my age. Its the new generation of humans. Hasnt anyone else felt it? The kids from the next generations are a whole lot taller, and so advanced in technology and knowledge for their ages. Indigo is what they are calling these children I think.
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