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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Is everybody getting winner tags except me?! You don't have to be jealous and avenge because I won that sotw (long time ago when the grass was green), deadmad... I want my tag well done with vegetables and mashed potato, no black pepper, no more than 300x300px. And be quick about it, kiddo!
  2. Perhaps if you would bother to educate yourself and learn how those decisions are made, you'd figure it out. And don't tell me you did, because by looking at the questions I see you don't know enough to judge why Pluto isn't regarded as a planet anymore, or why is the sun dated to have existed for as long as it has been done by measurements. And then you go into cosmology with your dark matter and expansion questions which are even more ridiculous. And they don't even have anything to do with common sense I don't mean to mock, if you misunderstood. Common sense has its place, but just don't mix your "common sense" with things that require more than what you can see and experience. Sorry to disappoint, but the world isn't all nicely tied in packages for you to process. Common sense uses the information that you already have to draw conclusions, you don't use common sense alone to find out the age of the sun. But go ahead and try. This reminds me of your other topic where you said that you don't 'believe' in black holes. Yea, that was pretty weird, too. To me it seems that instead of acquiring some knowledge about the subject, you use your "common sense" and draw conclusions based on what you already know (which is flawed). And then the result is this: Sheepdog is correct with the flat earth thingy too.
  3. Well, the code you posted didn't work, but instead, the code in your link helped me a bit. I used this in the fstab and now it's working now (I confirmed it by restarting) /dev/sdb1 /windows vfat defaults,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=000It might be the "user" ( I didn't change it, I forgot. But hey, it's working!) or maybe "exec" that made the difference or something completely else, I don't know. Thanks for being so patient and helping to you both! I don't think it'll take a long time until you have to help me with another screw-up of mine, so don't think it's all over yet.
  4. Nope! Still not working But at least if someone searches similar problems on google they'll find a bunch of solutions here. Maybe I have screwed things up big time now since this is acting so strangely that even root can't change anything.
  5. /dev/sdb3 on / type ext4 (rw,commit=0)none on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)none on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)none on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)/dev/sdb1 on /windows type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)/dev/sdb4 on /home type ext4 (rw,commit=0)binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/bani/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=bani) And sdb1 is the one I'm trying to change. By not working I mean I still don't get read-write access to the partition.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions provided, but neither worked. Truefusion, using your command it returns that I'm not allowed to do it. With q9c9p's stuff, it just doesn't work.
  7. Chini, what he is talking about is the sudden mass-death of birds and fish dying for no apparent reason recently, not gradual extinction of species. Anyway, my thoughts on this are confusing. I'm no conspiracy theorist or anything. The birds (in states) seem to have died because they were scared of fireworks (or maybe Katy Perry) and went to fly at night, which resulted in mass-death. At least that's the explanation they gave, and I'm not sure if you can scare off 5000 birds so that they bump into each other... in one place. Those birds weren't sea birds so it was not like they were all gathered at a shore and then something freaked them all out. I guess I would have to speculate that killing the birds (or scaring the crap out of them) was the purpose. Or it's the aliens... Talking about freaky, hasn't there been some freaky "alien stuff" going on too lately? As for the fish... I have no idea. But then again... whales commit suicide sometimes and I have no idea why that happens either. So who cares. If this is new military equipment that the US is trying to test out (just like they just had to test their nuclear bombs on real cities), I hope it comes in mosquito edition too. ...or aliens!
  8. Welcome, anyways! (see, it's not completely dead)Many are not in the same time zone as you and many of us have stuff to do (me included)... And yes, user activity has been down since the administrator is apparently working on some improvements. That's why we need users like you. Anyway, I see you have posted some topics that have been discussed earlier. And also some of us may not know much about the topics you have started. Though, I have to say, maybe all we need is some chitchat to breathe some life into the forums.But I see you have started well, by starting new threads and stuff. Anyway, I recommend starting threads that generate discussions about things. There's nothing wrong with what you've already done though. See you around
  9. has got way too much *BLEEP* to do

    1. anwiii


      write a post it

    2. Baniboy


      I write a list every day... but I never get to the end of the list

    3. anwiii


      just do what you can. don't sweat what you can't. no stress bud....

  10. I love small and useful applications like this although I don't own an Android phone. Would you mind telling us a little bit more about the app? Like which programming language you used and which framework (I guess it's some Android SDK?).Anyway, I know Python (well, a little bit), and I own a Nokia N900, on which I can run python scripts. I was thinking of doing this for its Maemo 5 operating system as well (in Python), because I wouldn't need 1337 programming skills anyway and it might be useful for my future chemistry lessons (you know, instead of using the calculator). So can I have your permission? obviously I can't steal your code anyway since the program just contains some simple calculations, but I was thinking of stealing the idea.
  11. I strongly agree! He shouldn't get a bilingual girlfriend! You go get an Japanese-speaking (only) girlfriend. BECAUSE: a) you can teach her English and you won't understand her nagging! Checkmate!
  12. I installed Mountmanager as you suggested and I modified the mount points. I set the partition I wanted to be mounted in "/windows" and applied the new settings. What has happened now is that it's now owned by root. The whole partition. I can't modify and/or delete things unless I launch software with the sudo command. I tried to set that anyone can use the partition in Mountmanager but it didn't work. Also tried to change the owner through folder options using sudo nautilus but it couldn't change the user or user group. Any help in that?I think I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu if I can't find a solution and set the mount point in the installer since there is a lot of bugs in here anyways, maybe I'll downgrade to 10.04.
  13. Money can't buy happiness but I'd rather cry in a Ferrari.

  14. I voted for Mich as I somehow felt like there was more work done on it (I may be wrong tho). Both are nice tho.
  15. Okay, let's all calm down here. We don't fight each other here, we fight our common enemy, Xisto. :lol:I think it's time to push the *BLEEP* aside and unite a little bit to make this place better instead of fighting over who is drunk.And I, being the judge and the wise man here, declare anwiii was drunk.It's true web_designer has bad grammar, but her text still makes sense, and that post did make sense to me at least. So you win, wd.Now excuse me I'm off to read some German. Have a joyful new year and make sure you check the chatroom once in a while... or else.Put this in code tags because I would qualify this as spam. Although I don't believe in morals, so I don't know why I'm even doing this..
  16. I just tested by opening up 16 applications and it worked fine for me without any annoyances. Btw, the N900 also has 768 MB of Virtual RAM in addition to it's RAM. If you mean the speed of launching a new application, it has to do with the speed of the RAM, not how much space it has, I think. However when I use normally with 1-8 applications open, I don't encounter any problems. And for running Gingerbread Android, well it's because N900's chipset is common and there are a lot of drivers for its components. As for the one hand opening thing, you need practice How high did you overclock it? I wonder if we could ever get water cooling for the N900... that would be a killer.
  17. Well, Ruby and Ruby on Rails are available. So is QT. User friendliness is relative to what you're doing with it. As for user-friendliness, I have to say, the app menu, by default, doesn't have categories. There are a few applications that offer that though. So you have to explore the phone's application catalog and stuff like that to find interesting things. As for the other things in the interface itself, it is pretty clear and consistent. You don't have to double click somewhere and single-click somewhere else like in Symbian, so it's cool... it doesn't have Symbian-like idiotic problems. You get used to the phone's heaviness, too. My jeans are relatively tight and I'm okay. They did leave a mark on my jeans, tho.
  18. Heh, I don't need a summary, if you read through the whole thing, you know what I think of it and in which case you should buy it. BUT, here is it again summarized: if you want something to do geeky stuff with (and enough money to buy the N900), this is the phone for you. If you want something more for the average consumer, get an iPhone or an Android phone like HTC Desire/Legend. And yes, you can play Angry Birds on the N900 too. Well I'm not much into engineering really, so I haven't explored that kind of software stuff on the phone but I've seen Gnuplot in the repositories. One of the things that makes me like this phone is its ability to do (I guess) unexpected things for a smartphone. Like letting me overclock it and run GIMP, I can get instant retard-photos from the pictures I have taken from my friends. There are downsides, though. I've heard some people have had problems with their bluetooth headphones, but I don't use those so I have no experience in that matter. Things get tricky when you try to do tricky things... It's like Linux generally, great power comes with respon - wait no, great power comes with a greater possibility of screwing things up. Are you sure you can't open the keyboard with one hand? Because I can... You need to build up some finger muscle
  19. the feeling of disappointment and anger when you have to wake up at 5 am from a nightmare remembering you haven't tested your tutorial code in IE... And then being stupid enough to fix it right away instead of unpublishing the tutorial for later editing. :D



      never tried anything like that, but it sounds"painful"

    2. web_designer


      hmmm seems you are on your way to be a code geek... :)

      only geeks who dream of ie and codes bani.. :D

      have a great year my friend...

    3. Baniboy


      great year to you too :)

  20. I'm a lazy person. I won't do things until I really really have to... I have a tendency to waste my time on useless crap, too. So, I've tried using schedulers, reminders on my phone and the like to be able to do things. Sadly enough nothing has worked for me. I see the reminder, switch it off, continue with what I'm doing at that moment.I was looking for something and in this age of technology and sophisticated reminders, I found sticky notes (the physical version, of course). Yea, I know... But they help me do things. I can't believe it actually works. I just write down a few things I have to do, not too many to keep some kind of motivation though. Then I do them one by one whenever I see fit, every time I complete a task I just overline the task I've written, then I move on to the next one. I don't know why this is more efficient than note programs on my computer or phone, but it works for me.How do you get things done? Do you use notes, something else or do you just remember everything and do it with determination like my mom?
  21. Could you provide a link to the logo or embed it here, please? Because I can't see anything...
  22. stressed spelled the other way around is "desserts"

    1. Memphis


      That's what my counselor told me the day before exams. Didn't help.

  23. Damn anwiii, you should have a Dr. Phil show but for SEO Are you going to vlog soon before the trend is over?Anyway... Dear Dr. anwiii, I have small tutorial site that tries to give tips for web site builders, much like what you do in your show, but the technical and critical website structure-related information instead. Anyway, since my website isn't only about one subject like how to get a kindle or something, I don't have keywords for the whole site (well I have tutorials , web designer tutorials and stuff like that, but the market is too crowded for me to try to shove my site through on google to even get on the 100th page), instead, what attracts people to my site is the individual tutorials and how-to stuff people search for. I am aware though that having an overall good pagerank will help me get closer to the top with my tutorials, but the tuts themselves make a big difference.I don't promote my site in any way at the moment. I get 6 visitors a day, almost all of them arrive through google. I haven't posted any content in months.I wondered if you could give any suggestions for promoting the tutorials and getting them higher in the search (you know, except the usual subheader and bold text and stuff). What kinds of keywords should I use? Currently I'm using 3-4 keywords each consisting of 2-4 words. I was thinking of promoting on Facebook or Digg. But none of my main facebook account friends are interested in websites, nobody will probably digg my stuff... it'll be just like those blogs where there is a pathetic "tweet this" or "share this" button and it says nobody has tweeted it or shared it on facebook on every page. It's almost as pathetic as the share this buttons on this forum... I mean, who is actually going to do that? on a forum? People are lazy. The only thing I can think of is linkbacks. Other than social networking and article sharing sites I can think of spamming forums and blogs. But I don't want to spam for linkbacks. So, any suggestions for a tutorial site type of thing? Like, you know, before you leave the sutra thing forever...
  24. knocking on heaven's back door

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