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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I almost never use comments in html unless i want to make a comment for myself.. the output php shows me as html is usually different and stuff, i never watch it, only to make valid and clean in the making period, and later when everything runs smooth i never watch the source.. maybe it is due to my html is never being very complicated, i just see it with my eyes as a web browser but comments due help, even if it is said: "a real programmer does not need comments, the code is obvious to him" but sometimes the codes i wrote say a year back is not so understandable, that is why I started to write comments and another reason is because i might work with other people who will edit/write it too.
  2. It is up for me..at localhost i have apache2 to, used to have php5, but changed back to php4 that it would be like on most online servers and don't think that i will change to mysql5 any time soon, unless it gets more popular than the current most popular used versions.
  3. well it was down for me too, but now it seems to be working..anyway, why would you want an upgrade to php5 or apache2 ? apache 1.3.3 is stable and php4 is enough for a lot of things.
  4. in a matter of fact, Gimp has some bugs, but usually bugs appear due to the gtk engine, but I have problems with the gimp on linux too, sometimes it just quits, but not often. So what just restart the software..
  5. On Windows I still use IrfanView, due to I don't need anything special, I like it, but it has some things I don't like about it.. I use the view as filmstrip and it is enough for me. On linux for pictures viewing as default I have gthumb viewer and some others, just that I had problems with some for viewing animated gifs.
  6. the link to it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but my account seems to be usually down or sometimes does not work with www in front, and never seen any topics related a lot about the downtime, only a little. But as i am still programming it I don't care a lot, just try later.
  7. if talking about fastest, then dillo for me was the fastest internet browser, but it does not have css support as I remember, also speaking about fastest on amiga os ibrowse and aweb are much more fatser than opera or firefox, but speaking about modern to date browsers, firefox for me got slow after opera got free, of course i felt that the new beta firefox is faster than it used to be, but i will say most features and speed has opera., I never really used ie, so can't say a lot about it, what i can add. the tests has been done and konqueror on kde has been deceraded being fastest, but I don't really like using it. I would like to see safari in action on my own.
  8. Yea, I looked at the image properties
  9. it looks alright, don't know what to say more, the colours is quite of my taste, maybe just the bottom url font is not to good, but it is nice. You said you made it with gimp, but strange it says Software: "Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows"
  10. Err years ago when I used cpanel for my error pages, I think it made 404.shtml file (other errors) with what I wrote in the form and it did not do anything in .htaccess, but now it might be different.
  11. So I could make simple subdomains www1 and etc. for my site and with little php I could make it look like it uses a lot of multiple servers and stuff
  12. There are a lot of good tutorials which can be easily found by using google how to start using mysql+php being a newbie which explains everything better and more clear than the php.net manual, so I would recommend to take 1 minute to find one and read it.
  13. Well my windows which I reinstalled on August end, takes to boot less than one minute, I have it clean, but yeah what I don't like about windows is that it gets slower with time, even if you don't install anything new on it, but my boot time did not get slow a lot, I don't have a lot in my startup after the windows shows up, only some anti virus, gaim and xchat, oh and windowblinds.Gentoo also takes less than one minute, but it shutdowns faster than windows, that what I like about them.AmigaOS takes 14 seconds to load, but its startup is quite big and if it would run on modern hardware it would boot much much faster, hehe like on Winuae
  14. huh, so could i say in short that those www1 are just subdomains ?
  15. Well, you said so many opinions and I agree with most of them, in addition I could say that death penalty is quite bad, but in other view it is good, I would better stay neutral here, or the prisoners themselfs could choose to stay in jail for the rest of their life or to die..
  16. this is quite useful, I think I will use it myself, plus I might need that easy encoder not only for emails.
  17. the site is really stupid, I don't think I will ever go there again, but also the generation of crap is almost always simmilair.
  18. Well sometimes iti is usefull, but when people start talking only with smiles and lol lol and stuff it is really annoying, I could add one more:IIRC - If I Remember Correctly.ASAP - As fast as Possible.I think I got those right.
  19. I used to be very addictive to different forums, but now I spent less time there, but it still takes my spare time though, for some time now, my most visited sites are localhost and php.net + google and some other communities and news sites, that is more addictive to me now is IRC
  20. This is quite fun, but I don't think I will be using it a lot, but just will show it to my friends, also for fun.
  21. Cool, I have been using Open Office for half year now and I really like it, just downloaded the released version from their site, will need to upgrade.
  22. Yea, I like the gmail dot com much better than the new one, happy me I am an early user too
  23. Cool, I will try it, because I have problems with sleeping too, I remember I used to sleep well though.
  24. I agree and in addition, don't you feel something simmiliar, maybe even better than virtual reality when you have one of those dreams which you understand that you're dreaming and or you feel the touch, pain there etc. all the emotions, but for it, this effect does not last long, I believe in we could have something like a dream machine, it could be something like our second live ? because as i understan virtual reality is made by computer ? when dreaming we see real stuff. :S
  25. I still didn't use any other fpt client after I found filezilla, it has everything I need, go for it!
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