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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. @ mayankBut what about your eyes ? don't they hurt that you can't see the monitor quite clear ? it is a problem to me sometimes when staying awake for a long time.. :S
  2. Well, I am from Lithuania and not much home users buys the software legally when they can easily download it through an lan ftp or dc++ etc. but now the laws and stuff, almost all the offices and stuff needs to use legal software.. or to risk.. anyway, here is what I got:MS Windows XP ProFree:Opera, FirefoxThunderbird,X-Chat 2Gaim, SkypeGimpFree PascalPHP DesignerNotepad 2VLCQuintessential Media PlayerFilezillaD-ToolsWAMP ServerMySQL AdministratorOpen Office 2PuttyClamWin Anti VirusSpy Bot Search and DestroyAdAwareWinUAEAdobe ReaderGoogle TalkGoogle EarthCelestiaCHMOD-Winand many more tools I rarely use, so I won't even list them.So yeah, I like to use Open Source and Freeware software, I have some Shareware which license I think I am prohibiting and I use Nero which I did not buy and some Games, but that is all, so to confess I never paid for Software on Windows, I am a long time Linux user.
  3. If you often stay awake and won't be getting good night sleep, you will have serious problems with your memory after some time.. besides energy drinks help, but when you walk having slept only 3 hours, you usually are not so hard working.. and you will feel the results of that when you'll get older.
  4. I have read your post and I really liked it, it was interesting for me, I think that I felt all those types of dreams and more, but the dreams in which I dream something and later create.. did not happened to me yet, I think I am no artist and I don't really suffer from nightmares..What about dreams where you dream, for example a girl you love or a very good friend or an important person in different situations ?
  5. Well, today as I turned on my PHP Designer 2005 editor, it said that an update is available and I thought to check it out and found out that PHP Designer 2006 final beta is out, so I downloaded it and installed. It seems to have a different interface and a bit faster and some more features, I don't really think that it is a superb editor, but I did not find anything better on windows and got used to it. do not know what to add more, try it yourself.. when you have a lot of code it really helps you to stay organised. here is the link where you can find it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://p''>https://p'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://p Yes it is Free Best Regards, Quatrux.
  6. I used one of those fast submits, it worked, but after some time I got off google for all the time and got my lesson, with all the false keywords and often used keywords and stuff. I recommend not to use any of stuff like that, or even forms which signs 10 000 guestbooks with your link.. :S
  7. Quatrux


    Hello,Welcome to the community and enjoy the forums. and of course merry Christmas and a happy new year
  8. you can change to root in terminal by writing "su root-password" "sudo root-password"and then do the mount of your cd-rom
  9. Well, Opera has a spell checker, (do not know if it requires aspell to be installed) you just write something in the text area and make a spell check, it is really useful to make less grammar mistakes (it auto replaces them if you want to), but for those who's English is a third language (like me) the sentence structure or logic could still be quite bad and maybe not understandable.
  10. Well, I could not configure NFS Client. When I accessed the "mounted" dir to my brothers hdd it just rebooted. Every time I needed to restart windows that the settings would take effect, the service and client did not show up in the network settings as said in most tutorials and helps and more stuff I just got annoyed. On Linux it is easy to setup it that a client could browse, but.. problems was on my side.I know theoretically it should have worked as you said, I read through out tutorials how to install it and use it, my conclusion - s*it. well, anyway I am happy that my bro installed samba..
  11. Well I haven't found anything about this issue, I tried to play with NFS client on Windows, but really could not find anything user friendly and working, if windows os needs something than it is definetely an Open Source and User Friendly NFS Client and NFS Server, which is easy to manage and understand + security, the most software I found was shareware and did not work as excpected and etc.Well, nothing was left for me only to install Samba..
  12. well to add to above, it seems that I got an email only today morning to activate my account, so mods, if you see this, just delete the two posts I made.
  13. You just ruined my day but do you have any links that people could read about it ? :S
  14. I agree, I see now: Linux pre-installed on a lot of new computers for sale, but well I don't see a lot of point, except that for the sellers it is much cheaper and the computer price is cheaper, because Linux is free. Most of the buyers will install windows, some of them will stay with what is installed and if an experienced Linux user bought this computer, he probably reinstall to what he is using. But over of all, I really like that Linux is getting more popular and more users use it everyday.. for example, two years ago on different forums only couple of users were using Linux, now most of them have tried or seen it, most servers runs on Linux/BSD/etc. For me Windows OS is now only for the software I can't get on Linux and Win Games + school projects. But as I can have Linux and Windows on one computer it is not a problem.
  15. I remember to play the Sims living large a lot, but usually with money cheat and the most interesting part was to build the house itself, not to play it.. some time ago I installed the Sims 2 to a friend and found it a bit different, but it has much more features and how to say, the AI is smarter :huh:but I did not play it for long, we just turned it off after a while and I never played the Sims 2 again. conclusion: building a house is much more interesting when playing it.. personaly for me.
  16. I can't login or I need to wait until I get accepted ? because I registered, but can't login. :S
  17. well if IE kept crashing for you, something is wrong with your OS/Software
  18. I agree, I would hate to have custom cursors on a site, I have my own by default which I like to use.. in addition I also hate the custom ugly scrollbars :S that is why i turned this feature off on opera.
  19. wow, this is interesting, I wonder how much profit will google get out of this.
  20. Yes, very basic stuff indeed, but I wonder do people not knowing this come to this kind of a forum ? huh, or maybe they do then people can create sites nowdays without knowing anything.. it is a pitty
  21. Well, I am not sure, but the use of ./ is current dir ../ parent dir and / is root, atleast browsers search like that, but I might be wrong.
  22. Quatrux

    Dangerous Hacker!

    hahahaha, now that is some quite good hacker he is really stupid, I think that he is not 26 years old, maybe 11
  23. We are connected on a 100 MB/s lan.Well he is on Linux and I am on Windows, and as you know Windows has samba by default that is why you can share, he does not want to install samba for me, if I was on Linux I could just mount and see his HDD, but Windows can't do that. My Windows knowledge is limited :S
  24. Well the dead link search does not include the links which are in images, when using imagemaps.. also if there are custom errors it will be valid, unless you will send a header of 404 Not Foundand the validator well you got off topic, but oh well some errors on the Xisto really could be edited, but some are just can't be fixed to the standarts, but it is better if you do valid html and etc.
  25. Reading this MarkBla Topic :huh:Reinstalling Windows, because you need to do it quite often and it usually makes something to your Linux, that is why it is better to have two HDDs :S Notice from twitch: Seeing as though you wanted to add more
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