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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I personally think that javascript is a lame language, go with php and don't worry to much about javascript. I never learned javascript deeply, just the basics and the structure of it, you can do powerful things with it, but I usually do this: I have a friend who knows javascript, but it is hard for him to learn php, so many people I know who got deep into javascript, it is hard for them to go deep into php. Javascript, the stuff it does, to write it properly is quite hard and if you encounter some problem, sometimes it is really hard to catch it even with js error consoles.Furthermore, there are plenty of written javascript code out there, of course php too, but most of the php scripts written by others are not really of good quality, people who really wrote good scripts, usually use them for them selfs or they are just lazy to rewrite them for public usage or even document it. As I said, this is just my personal opinion, because I don't know superb knowledge of javascript and never liked it to much, always liked the alternatives..
  2. I got a reply from google that I am approved on google adsense, on the third day as I remember, I got an email with all the details and stuff. Just remember to not <- snipped -> yourself, google is not so stupid But if you ask, what to do if you want to test your pages ? Don't worry, test them, but don't <- snipped -> with the same IP you enter google adsense. Hope you will succeed to have some income with their ads. There are plenty of secrets B)Well, if google still hasn't crawled your page, usually it takes only a few hours that your google ads would produce relevant ads on your page, isn't that fast ? but if your page has no content, it usually shows charity ads or just blank stuff, especially if your page language is different from the most popular languages used, like one of my site is in Lithuanian language and big ads are blank, the half banner ad shows something about donating to charity :S}
  3. Oh, good then. I was having some strange things with my credits too. One day I went up to 28 days of credits, the next day I login to the forums, I saw that I had only 24 days of credits left I thought that my posts there deleted or something, So I checked and saw all of them as I remember, well glad that this is just a bug and hope you will solve it.
  4. This is really great, they let me login by using my GMail account, but when I agreed with the ToS, I got this message:Sorry, your web browser is not yet supported.I am using Opera as my primary browser and now they support only the new version of Firefox and Internet Explorer, well I think Opera will be supported soon too.
  5. I always try to use my own designs for my needs, as matter of fact I never used other people template, except not for myself, I think it is much better to create something of your own, but of course that requires knowledge. Some of the templates are really good, some are not for free, but there are a lot of good sites offering different templates and besides usually all of them have a link to the creator, that is really good for the site. I have a friend, he has almost no idea of html css and stuff, he got a free template, some editor, I think it is Evrsoft First Page 2006, created some graphics of his own in addition with Paint Shop Pro and created his own personal site about game programming, because that is his passion, well, I think free templates are useful, only if you have no knowledge how to create your own. B)Talking about CMS, well most of them sucks, that is my personal opinion, I am creating my own, very powerful cms and when I will finish it, I will be very glad to use it, because I will know how everything works and when you use other people CMS'es you don't know a lot and if you want your own somekind of features, it is not so easy to integrate them, the best CMS is the one you wrote
  6. Yep, Amigas were used widely for this kind of things, Babylon 5 was created with it, Robocop and Terminator 2 some effects in the movie. I remember I browsed some kind of a site, where all the films were included where Amiga computers were used. TV channels used it widely too, but I think the last ones (especially here in my country) stopped being used on 2001, but just think about it, the Amiga computer was dead at 1994 but still widely used until 2001 now it would be a bit stupid using it, because of the speed and they are quite expensive and time taking to build from scratch now, glad I still have my working in another room, just I rarely use it, no point :S
  7. I never really liked Dreamweaver and I never really used Frontpage. I started webdesign, with learning pure html and later css and was using a text editor with highlighting and that is what I prefer until now. I know people use photoshop to make their design and later they make the html out of it with some WYSIWYG editor.. but as I am used to create a layout in my head and make it by writing HTML with my hands I never really liked all of those WYSIWYG editors. It's lame for me to write hex codes and rows cells in an editor, I am not used I better do it myself, even though I know it is much faster, but I would need some time to get used to it. I have used software like Evrsoft First Page 2006, CoffeCup, but I did not like them too, unless for the scripts they can make, because I never got deep into javascript or the so called dhtml B)But as I said, if I was using Dreamweaver, I think I could start liking it, many of my friends is using it and they are quite happy an I read a lot of good reviews about it. But some of my friends are using frontapge, I always comment to stop using it, the code it makes is really messy, I used to fix the html my friends created with frontpage and I really was angry how much better I could optimize it with my knowledge of html and hands. This is the main thing I hate about Editors that writes html on its own, it is not always w3c compatible too.
  8. This is quite a sarcastic question:"Do you know what meat you're eating anyway ? for example in hamburgers ? or any other food, sometimes I think I don't" but I think human meat would not cost so cheap, but rats or horse :S or even cats with dogs, I hope..
  9. I really like your work, I used to do modelling on an Amiga computer years ago on Cinema 4D and Aladin 4D, it was quite an old software, the new versions on Windows are much better, but when I got into programming I lost my interest in modeling.. rendering was taking to much time for me, I did not have patience, even though on current computers it is much faster B)I really like the rendered robot, it looks really nice. Keep up the good work.
  10. On linux I always use Ext3 and Reiserfs, and never had any real problems with them, I don't think I can add anything more.
  11. I recommend Google AdSense too, I am using them myself and I like it, it is easy to use and get, the pay per click is quite high, but different keywords as I read give different sum. Anyway what I like about them is that they are really customizable and in the panel you have detail stats. I say go with google adsense, just don't <- snipped -> your self, google is smart, best if you will create sites not to get money, but for the users. }
  12. This is interesting, but I think that I won't afford this kind of travels at start but this is a good way to get money in my opinion, but noone said anything about what can happen, an accident or something which my end all of this. That is what I hate about it, if something bad happens, they end it for some time..Predicting the future is fun, does anyone remember the film/serial/movie Space 1999, it is a quite old one, but at that date we should have a moon base but it is 2006, as I remember reading, people needed to walk on mars at 2005 start, but mission did not go too.. But in my opinion, sending people to mars is useless, especially now, I think it is better to send robots, because they get more advanced every day.I really like the idea of space tourism, because I would like to travel to space and see earth from space if were was a competition or something, I would like to participate
  13. Hi aciminsk,Nice to see you on the forums I am your neighbour, from Lithuania, how is it going ? Hope you will like the hosting service offered by Asta Host!
  14. I sometimes turn on the TV ans watch some sports, especially Ice Skating or whatever you call it in English because my country has two people, who might get medals, but they fell once, but did really well.. I hoped they would win something, but nope, so that is why I think there is nothing more for me to watch unless ice hockey ;)Personally, I like summer Olympics much more, don't know why, it just more interesting, because more of sportsmen from my country participate and in the winter Olympics they take 27 place and say "I am proud that I been here" oh, well maybe they are right, but I am not proud
  15. Wow, thank you very much mastercomputers, it works as I want now.
  16. The idea seems good, I would also like that people would switch to other browsers than IE or IE engine based, but sometimes I just think that it is their deal, especially of some comments where people want to prove that IE is a good browser and Opera, Fiefox, Konqueror etc. are bad, because they never used them. It is their choice, you offer, they don't want to change, your job is over
  17. Firstly, I am against cannibalism, because eating other human is a bit strange, especially in our developed world. But still I can say a lot, I saw some movies where people needed to eat their dead friends if they wanted to survive. As a matter of fact, human meat is the same meat and it has a lot of healthy things, minerals and stuff. I have read that people meat is one of the best meats and it is tasty too (I never tried it though) especially young people are tasty ;)Of course, I am against stuff like, we start hunting each other for food, like in some kind of a jungle it would be dangerous to live. Among animals there is cannibalism too, especially among predators. But I think we got smart enough to not eat human meat, it is something disgusting. Furthermore I read that in some restaurant, some volunteers were given some meat and they all liked it, said that the meat was similar to chicken, but when they finished eating, they were informed eating a recently dead people meat. :S
  18. I am using blogger too and also missed this feature that there is no categories to choose from, I got used to wordpress, but could not find anything like that on blogger, unless it would be a third party hack ? I would like to have this option too, but I think it does not exist, because there should be much more html files to publish if this option existed ?
  19. I have created a logo for my site and cut it to fit into html, but I got a problem, I put everything into tables, on Opera and IBrowse it looks great, but on firefox and IE I can see spacings which annoys me, I don't know how to get rid of them.. here is the url: http://me.quatrux.net/ and if you will browse with Firefox or IE you will see, is it possible to make that there would be no spacing ? I have made border, cellpadding,cellspacing on html to 0, but still nothing changed, how to do it using CSS ? with margin or padding ? I tried, but no success.
  20. It is not an xml file, because txt is much more simpler to use and besides robots.txt files are available for a really long time and XML is not so old.. not everyone know how to use XML and might not use it, this is one of the simplest things to do, but I agree that an addition could be made, but most robots would not support it, only the ones which are updated..
  21. in Addition, the layout is terrible if not talking about the forum.. So you participate with your sum of money in some kind of time period and get money later ? like as I understand, there needs to be people who give more than get in return.. because the people who attract more people through the referral link gets more.. They are doing this to get high traffic, and I think they get lots of money from that, especially their ads and links placed all over different sites.. But still, their layout is really crappy I think it would me my waste of time.. I wish I had more time..
  22. Thank You for making me not worry, I once got banned from google two years ago by cheating a little, but now I don't want to be not indexed, because google is one of my main traffic.
  23. No, I know how to get it on google and how it works, I am just worried about that all the links will work and will point to the same content, just the url will be different. :S
  24. I have a question about google page rank, I have read different information on how google page rank is used, also I noticed one thing, to not use the same content on other websites, I mean to not have multiple sites on different domains or else google might ban you and stuff, but my site can be visited from different domains, subdomains.. I recently bought a domain, which I would like to use as my main domain, but what I mean is that google already has indexed me on different ways: it is accessible by subdomain.astahost.com, domain.be, domain.co.nr and now domain.net .. also different sites can be accessed like this: subdomain.astahost.com/mysite/ and mysite.subdomain.astahost.com etc.So what I ask is what to do ? to remove the content and point everything to the new domain as "Moved" or to use all the sites and don't worry about it ? Would like your opinion.
  25. I am using MySQL and it is enough for me, it offers all I need and it is one of the most popular databases, I know Oracle is more advanced, but most of the hosts, especially free ones does not offer it. SQL is easy to learn, it is like sentences, the sql query's I mean. Most of the Databases will offer what you want.
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