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Everything posted by Ruben

  1. Does any one here play FSX? I do, I like it a lot.
  2. I know what would be best, but it costs money. I would suggest going with Microsoft entourage. I use them, and am very satisfied. Hope this helps!
  3. I see! Thank you very much! Just one more question: do I get any credit for them signing up for the forum?
  4. Ruben


    Welcome to Xisto! French is a great language, but my school focussed more on spanish. YUCK! Well, I guess it will come in handy. I hope you have fun, and again, welcome!
  5. Welcome to the forums! I don't think you are completely delegate because: you know css, and xhtml. Many don't know that yet. lol Again welcome, and have a great stay.
  6. Ruben

    Apple's Mobile Me

    Does any one here use Mobile Me from apple? I do. It's very nice with 5gb of space. It also includes an iDisk which you can access anywhere in the world. There's plenty more, but I will save that for the discussion.
  7. I agree! Here is a funny video about it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I gave up at 34. I was amazed. Hey, so what, I have a lot of time on my hands to name countries then post.
  9. Reply to the topic with a word associated with the word in the previous post. Example:Post 1: ApplePost 2: GreenPost 3: Traffic LightPost 4: RoadStarting word: Blue
  10. How does this system work? Ok, I go to my xisto control panel to get the link. I test it out, and it goes to this weird site. What is with this? Please do explain.Sorry guys, had to post this. THis is the only way I know how to enable email notifications. I looked for about ten minutes. Please tell me how to do that too.
  11. Wow! Thanks, man! I was thinking of a way, and, well this seems great! You don't know how much you helped me. Again thanks, oh and also, very nicely organized and laid out. I look forward to more.
  12. How does the affiliate program work. From the xisto control panel I get the link, but when someone click on it, it goes to a weird site. what do I do?
  13. Cool that you came back. I guess it's your brothers fault. Hey, we benefit from others mistakes. Just joking. lol
  14. Cool. What a great name for a dog! I love does as well. It's cool that you moved that young. Did you like that desiccation?
  15. Very nice into! Hey, we all start somewhere. I'm not the best at anything graphic just yet. It all takes time. I'm sure you'll get all the help you need here, and have a great stay!
  16. Welcome to the forums. I must say that I have been quite satisfied with this host so far, and I haven't even gotten hosting yet. That says a lot. I have never seen a great structure, and members willing to help you in every way. Enjoy your stay!
  17. Hello there. From your username are you familiar with the musical Pippin? Just wondering. Have a great stay!
  18. Hello, and welcome to Xisto. Now, I do know you will hear this a lot, but might as well make this a point that will forever be stated inside your head. Xisto is the best freehost out there! Who else gives out free domains for posting, I mean really? Could this get any better? Have a great stay!
  19. I see many people are saying they played it when they were young, but a know a few people who still play it in there 20's. YIKES! lol
  20. Yes, I recommend Xisto too, but if you want something else I would suggest co.cc Domains They are fast and free, and all you need are the nameservers. lol
  21. Ruben

    Hi, I'm New

    From everything I have heard, it looks like I just might be ok. It's very nice having instruction. From other hosts I know, they will ban you with no warning. Can't wait to become more active!
  22. I really like it! Looks, well, very pro!
  23. Ruben


    Welcome! I'm sure you'll love it here. All the other hosts I have been to just aren't as great as this one!
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