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Everything posted by Ruben

  1. Here is my first userbar: I like it, do you? All advice and comments wanted. Good AND bad.
  2. No need, SOLVED! YEAY! At first I thought I was crazy! I saved it as png, but I double checked only to learn I needed more detail. THANKS EVERYONE! SOLVED.
  3. In photobucket I won't let me upload my .png photoshop file. :?( I don't know why. It says: "invalid file type.", and in phpBB it says: "expecting extension psd, but is png." Anyone know?
  4. Don't think of it that way! The world has many wonders, and just as much worries, but hey, we all have good in life.
  5. Hey,steffi! welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll have a great time. So far I think this is the best host out there.
  6. Yah, I guess I take it two different way. I'm not afraid of dying, just afraid of if it will be painful. :) I too believe that once life is over here, my soul will keep living. Like a lot of people, I don't believe that I will die once my purpose is complete, I think that I have no huge purpose, and will die whenever "needed." I think that I will live, and with my job (or whatever anyone does) I will help someone by doing that service.
  7. Wow, I love that content you gave us! Heck, I think I'll print it and hang it on the wall (not literally, of course .) I just will always remember that. It was very cool to learn about your condition. Just one question: if you died for 3 minutes, wouldn't you not be living? I mean, if you did live, wouldn't it be like you never died?
  8. Thank you very much! That's great. I very much appreciate your effort for this.
  9. Good point, I wonder if it is painful? Yikes. We may never know.
  10. Exactly, we don't know what is dying, so I like living, and well frankly, I want to stay living.
  11. Heres the problem which took me too long to figure out. lol The file is not writable. Anyone know how to make it writable?
  12. Wow, asdftheking, I think you just gave me a great new prospective. I think I thought about what you said fore about five minutes. Great post, and really, thank you very much for giving up your wonderful opinion.
  13. Not ture. For me it saves it as pdf.
  14. Is anyone here not afraid of dying? I'm very interested to see. I am! I like living.
  15. Thank you very much! Do you know one thing? How do you change the file type it is saved as. I looked at faq's etc, but no luck.
  16. The intro was amazing. The black really complimented the theme of the site, and the images just looked great, although it was weather, but hey, it works. Keep up the good work!
  17. Wow, very elegant. The forum is amazing. Perfectly blended with great organization. The only improvement would be to make a nicer menu bar on the homepage, a nice rollover image would be cool too. Over all: great site! Keep of the amazing work.
  18. Wow, it's great that you can code that, this young! You sure have a future in web design, etc. Great to see you a play a string; I play the viola, yes, I know, very rare. Well, welcome to the forums, have a great stay!
  19. Thank you, but I was looking for strictly free accounts. I will look into this later I know, but as I said before, "strictly free." I will keep all of these in mind! Again, thank you all very much. If I have any questions, I will ask.
  20. I am using mac osx 10.5.5 . When I take a screenshot (shift+4), how do I make it save as png? Notice from rvalkass: Topic titles are important - please be more precise than just "Question". Also, please don't sign off your posts - use your signature for things like that.
  21. Hello, and welcome to Xisto. It's great to have some experience with us. Have a great stay! Ruben
  22. I'm so happy to see that everyone is looking at donating to charity first. Well, almost everyone. lol Thank you guys for posting! I love reading all of them.
  23. Didn't work for me. Here is how I have it. CONTENTS -> RESOURCES -> SHARE -> GIMP -> 2.0 -> PATTERNS Is that right. It's there with .pat, but it won't show up.
  24. How in the world do you add a pattern to gimp? I'm using an apple computer. Thank you very much in advance!
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