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Everything posted by Ruben

  1. I too have no imagination, but a happy birthday to you. I may not be the oldest member by far, but I love your system. I joined maybe a month back coming here for a domain for posting. I thought it must have been a scam , but no. You have made an amazing credit system, by far outstanding. I hope you take the day off and enjoy your self, because hey, you deserve it!
  2. Wow, thanks man! I can't believe I didn't even see that, even now, it still thinks it is available for me. Again thanks, I'll wait for the time being.
  3. It's about time we get linux on a phone, and maybe sooner or later; firefox! Thanks for sharing. Believe it or not, I wasn't expecting it on the iPhone. I was thinking more of a blackberry. Anyway, this looks very, very cool!
  4. Hello, and welcome to Xisto. You seem to be a bit open on your info, that's fine, but take the advice above! Looks like you'll be a great contributer, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Any questions feel free to ask them.
  5. My forum: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Until further noice we will be using fschat.com. We are a pecting to get it by Friday. Before it is final,anyone else think it should be different? Keep I'm mind I could turnnout as fs-talksone.com or fscommunity.com or even fs-community.com.Sorry for spelling,i am using a phone.
  7. Please give me (out of ten, ten being the highest) a rating on what you think about the LG Dare from verizon. Pros and Cons would be great too! Thanks.
  8. In your account I see it. IN other info.
  9. It was interesting. I didn't get boring. I liked the old one.
  10. I guess it really depends on how you look at it. I couldn't live without all the fun stuff, but the work stuff I could live without my whole life, and more!
  11. There are some things free in life that you normally have to pay for. Take TLD (top level domains) for an example. You usually have to pay 9 dollars a year, but hear you can post for them. Oh, and don't forget gMail! lol I guess you don't have to pay for that. >_>
  12. Hello contactskn, and welcome to Xisto! I'm sure you'll enjoy contributing, as well as getting many free things for posting that you never thought were possible, like a domain! lol Again welcome to trap 17, and stay ACTIVE.
  13. Amazing! What a great system you have. Your support is even quite substantial. Thanks for the tutorial.
  14. First of all, I want to thank you. Really, I don't think text is enough. I can't donate mycents, so... Tell me, anything you need, I'll do it. lol I'm serious, as long as I don't get into legal trouble, I'll do it. The ones that stood out to be were: fs-talkzone.com (that way people won't think if they join we will stalk them.) and one that sparked my imagination: fs-community.com or fscommunity.com What do you think, you seem to be quite the expert! Oh, and to answer your question. It is very likely. Mycents take some time to add up, so I want to have this for a while. I think this forum will have potential. I have two competators , so I need a good name. There is one that cost money, and the other is over crowded. If there was a business for thinking of domains, you my friend, would be the leader! Thanks again!
  15. I love FSX too. I've had it for a year now, and can finely do ILS landings, understand vectors, etc. I have the time on my life. There is even a whole forum over Flight Simulator: Flight Simulator X Forums
  16. Well, I love it. Then again it might be weird that I enjoy flying. lol Anyway, it's worth every cent. There is so much to do, you can fly online with real controllers, or just crash into a plain near your town. I'm even part of a virtual airline. So many opportunities, i'll tel you that. If you need more info, you can visit a forum all about it: Flight Simulator X Forums
  17. Your suggestions are amazing, and I appreciate you helping. I just can't have an "X" in the name. It is a forum for flight simulator X, but when a newer version comes out, well... I'll have to do this all over again. fstalkforum?? What do you think? fstalkzone?? Anything would be great, I almost have enough mycents.
  18. In most peoples user control panel there is a free domain info box. What is that?
  19. Why I think kids skip school is simple; school is not fun! In the academic classroom there just isn't much thrill. So... the best way to get it is: you guessed it, skipping school. Sometimes I think this all depends on the teacher. I once had a great teacher who made me want to come to her class, but then the next year I had this other teacher who I absolutely hated! Really, sitting so long in one area is harder than it seems. I'm not saying work is any better, but I hope you get the idea.
  20. lol, I appreciate your advise. What do you mean... I have no clue what you mean by that, but again thanks!
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here is the video that you might have seem. Just one question, rvalkass. Your saying that when the legs came out, the whole audience saw that there were two people. Only us at home couldn't see that, right? Again, rvalkass, amazing job on getting it right. Hopefully you will be able to answer my question. Again, impressive job.
  22. Everyone, I need help getting my first TLD name. It will be a .com obviously. I will be getting it from my mycents. Ok, now that that was explained... It is a forum about Microsoft Flight Simulator X. I was thinking fstalkzone.com FS = Flight simulator What do you think? All suggestions welcome.. Site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. To me there was one problem. When I first entered the site it looked jumbled, and I had no clue about what it was about. Now, your work looks great, but it shows that you aren't too into web design. You need to lay it out better, but everything lined up maybe. All for now, hope you like it. :)Overall: 6/10
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