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Everything posted by Ruben

  1. Thanks for your comment, and lol. Let's just hope that the I, Robot doesn't turn out like they do in the movie.
  2. Good point. Shouldn't worry about something that is for sure going to happen. I guess. I mean like I said before, everyone dies sooner or later, so you would be back with them, it would just be a matter of when. Great Points, Guys!
  3. Good Idea! But still, the only thing that gets me is when they're done the whole body walks off the stage. Would the legs actually move for him off the stage?
  4. Any one know how they did this? Please post all your comments. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. No, I never give lies! If I simply don't want to answer it, I don't answer it. Easy as that. Yes, I am really a geek who likes web design. If you ask me my age, I'm not going to lie, I just won't say. >_> I have a friend who when doesn't want to give info, will lie, then write it down. Yes, write it down. If you know him, he's the guy who takes ten minutes when you ask him a lie he made. This way no one can say he was lying. Weird: yes; strange: yes; smart: what do you think? lol
  6. Let's not be backseat moderators. A moderator will take action if needed, also, on my defense, the youtube video pretty much is the topic. I will make sure to contribute back to the comments made. Anyway, why read a discretion I make, when you could just watch the movie?
  7. Hi, and welcome to Xisto! I suggest doing everything everyone mentioned above! Have a great stay!!!! !!!!!
  8. 3 days is better than no domain I guess. Well, I'm glad your happy with it. I can't wait to get mine.
  9. Me too. Their show is awesome! As well as discovery! One Word: EXACTLY! Or in other words: I wonder...
  10. Cool! Thanks for your feedback. Yah, I still need a few more mycents, but looks like a good investment to me.
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ MUST WATCH! Comment... Wait 'till end, final demo, and make sure to view the slo mo.
  12. Good point both of you. I guess I'm going to spend some time with the "online" version now, maybe I'll change my mind. But for the time being I love my apple mail app, for it has everything I need (including stationary). Now, galexcd, if you were to create a app just for google, I too would love that. I have no experience in the matter, but if you were, please PM me about it. :)
  13. Ruben

    Google Tricks

    Oh my goodness! I love them all. This is so hilarious. This is why google beats all.
  14. I didn't even know google had this. lol Guess it looks cool. Not into that kind of stuff, so I guess I won't touch it.
  15. How Do You Access Google Mail? I don't like the web version too much, but love the space, so I use IMAP for it. When on the go the web works great, but on a regular bases for me it doesn't tickle my fancy. :) You?
  16. I agree. Google went a bit wrong with froogle. I mean I don't think anyone hold it against them or anything, because let's face it, they don't advertise it too much, but if one were to use it, you would have to have heard of it someway and like it. I don't like again for exactly the same reasons at the beginning!
  17. Any one here have a domain for saving your mycents? I'm planning on it, and I want to know what you guys think of it.
  18. I really don't like them. I see no reason for why people go crazy for them! Not too much space at all.
  19. Google is so easy to use, I don't see why any other would use yahoo. Although I do have my site on yahoo just for those people who use it. One thing i'll have to give yahoo is it's design. Googles is a bit boring if you know what I mean.
  20. lol. I agree with happyhippie. It makes so much sense.
  21. Wow! How cool it is to see all this opinions. At some times when I think of what others have said, I think that maybe I'm not afraid. Now, overall, I still am, but you guys drive a good point. Thanks for replying everyone!
  22. How do you drop the anti-alias? Great advise.
  23. lol, It's an airplane. Mind giving anything I could do better? lol Thanks!
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