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Everything posted by wwilliams

  1. wwilliams

    C++ Syntax

    c++ is great............ visual studio's has it's on way of doing everything just so you know.... also make sure you learn alot about javascript and html first... you need to have a very good understanding of html and javascript before you can do php. and the language you learn depends on what you want to do... c++ is more for computer programs(you can use it for some intranet or internet programs) php is more for web browser based solutions(you can make desktop / standalone based programs out of it)
  2. first off the website redirects you to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ now and second i love gmail.. 7gigs free and 20 meg attachment limit IMAP and POP3 and several other google apps (including attaching your gmail account to youtube) and all for free... also they let you purchase more space if you want it.. but im only using 30 megs and i have had the account for a few years now
  3. in my opinion NOD 32 is the best and AV-Comparatives test shows that NOD 32 is the best overall here is a link to their last test http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but like everything else people have their on opinions on everything.
  4. lol yeah i heard about this... its not going to get enabled on my account.
  5. i really dont thing you will need to buy a new card to take advantage of 10.1 if the card supports 10... it is the same version of directx just more like an update to it... now when 11 comes out might be a different story
  6. cant have vbulletin installed? thats strange.. they offer php and mysql but will not let you install one of the most popular bulletin boards...
  7. thanks for the info. it looks real promising and i think it will be a great system to switch to. looks like it will make everything easier on the whole admin group to integrate everything under the same billing system.
  8. informative post... is this anywhere in FAQs if not i think it would make a good addition to them
  9. i use notepad ++ in windows and gedit in linux.... i prefer to code everything myself
  10. same here.... i even started with yahoo.... but i have used all of the top free ones plus a few that are not listed but gmail is the best...
  11. i didnt see anything bout jsp support on the feature list.. but they may support it and its just not listededit:found in the forums that they do support jsp so i was wrong... that needs to be added to the feature list on the free services page
  12. i'm glad you have decided to try out ubuntu linux... personally i dont think there is a better linux distro and i have tried serveral i have a few websites that might help you out this one will teach you a little about the shell (command line) http://linuxcommand.org/ this one has a few tutorals that might help you https://www.howtoforge.com/ and this one is the ubuntu community.. best site for help on ubuntu https://ubuntuforums.org/
  13. ive heard good things bout https://www.namecheap.com/ but never used them myself
  14. i second notepad++ for the best windows editor but when im on a linux box i love gedit... only reason i would use something else is if i was using a WYSIWYG editor (which i dont use anyway) another editor i have heard alot about is pspad but i prefer notepad++
  15. yes the mono module for apache lets you run asp and asp.net on a linux server( i see https://www.oracle.com/sun/index.html chilisoft being more popular than mono though)..... but... not all functions work... as you have heard the reason is because asp.net requires the .net framework which is microsoft only if you run php it runs better on linux if you run asp it runs a lot better on microsoft... people will say that it is untrue about php being better on linux but if you run a lot of different php applications you will find issues with running some on a microsoft server... and yes if you need asp web hosting get a paid microsoft windows webhosting that will be your best bet
  16. gmail / google apps for your domain are the best.. ive used a lot of different ones but noone beets google
  17. if you just want to make a website a WYSIWYG editor is a good way to go but if you want to learn how to make a good website yourself learn html then move to php or asp... i prefer php myself... but starting out you might just want to go with a WYSIWYG editor... all up to you and what you want to do edit: if you want a free WYSIWYG editor http://www.w3.org/Amaya/ http://www.kompozer.net/ if you want to learn just the code i like https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
  18. in my classes when i was in college our I.T. teacher showed us a good way to get around the blocked ports for the im clients http://meebo.com/ is great... been using them bout a year or more now... they have alot of good features also (if you create a free account)... everyone should at least give it a shot
  19. one of the best free cad type of programs i have found... very user friendly... actually surprised me when i tried it.
  20. i personally prefer phpBB but like all others have said myBB, phpBB, and SMF are the top free ones... u just need to try all of them and pick your faviorite they all preform very well... but it if is a large community i would suggest to go ahead and buy vbulletin.
  21. try this software... i have heard it is pretty good http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Ubuntu all the way... best community, very stable, and excellent hardware support i use Ubuntu desktop and server distro's website https://www.ubuntu.com/ community's website https://ubuntuforums.org/ edit: added links to website's
  23. i first tried linux because i had heard alot about it and wanted to see it first hand... that was back when i had dial up, and i dont know how many people have tried to use dial up on linux... with a winfax modem.. but after finding out that you had to pay for a driver for linux for the winfax modem i switched back to windows.. then i finaly got dsl and tried out ubuntu and never looked back... we use ubuntu desktop and i have a ubuntu server that i use for a file server/dns server/LAMP server.. never found any other OS i like better than Ubuntu, they have more hardware support and user friendly than any other distro i have found while still having low system requirements and great stability also if you have a problem ubuntuforums.org will be of great help
  24. here is a simple way i have used ifstream to read a .csv file... hope it helps someone #include #include using namespace std;int readFile(){ string line; ifstream readFile; readFile.open ("file.csv"); if (readFile.is_open()) { while (! readFile.eof() ) { getline (readFile,line); cout << line << endl; } readFile.close(); } else cout << "Unable to open file"; return 0;}
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