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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Are you trying to migrate to Xisto because you find Xistos forum topics to be bit easier than you expected?

    I dunno about easier. When I first started here I found it not so hard to find topics I was interested in. But in the past few weeks, it's become increasingly difficult. So from that point of view you'd probably say the obvious solution is to move to Xisto.
    But my Xisto site is for my local community association so it's not just me who would be affected by having to change URL. That's why I don't really see it as a viable alternative.

  2. Not reccomended for dialup and no errors??

    I'm on broadband and it was slow. This is how slow:

    14.4K 325.50 seconds
    28.8K 162.85 seconds
    33.6K 139.62 seconds
    56K 83.85 seconds
    ISDN 128K 25.82 seconds
    T1 1.44Mbps 2.42 seconds

    also you dont need links on left anyway your main links are on top homepage,forums,downloads,etc.

    Well if you don't need them, why are they even there?
    Hey mate, if you're gonna ask for people's input about your site, don't get all shirty when they provide it. :)

  3. Good graphics but far too many - your site takes a long time to download fully.You need to tidy your code up - there's a lot of extra closing tags (in total, 22 validator errors and 265 warnings).Your navigation links are too dark against the dark background.Not a big fan of scrolling things particularly when there's more than one and when they're scrolling in different directions. Scrollers are used to catch attention but when there's too many of them they actually distract rather than attract.Your layout breaks if resized to anything smaller than 1024 x 780.You've got loads of meta keywords and search engines don't use those anymore.

  4. If it's a business site, sort out the copyright of your site legally (ie more than just putting ? on your pages) and then if they continue to do it (because it's too late if they've already done it and you didn't have the necessary notices in place), stick your lawyers on them. A threatening letter usually will do the trick. Or maybe your local office of fair trading (if you have one where you are).

    There are various things you can do to try and stop people stealing your code, but none of them are foolproof and in my opinion, you'll spend time & energy that could be better used elsewhere.

  5. I've been thinking about doing something similar recently. My thoughts were that if you wanted to change the background image of an element dynamically (say randomizing a background image) that you'd javascript or PHP or ASP to generate a different internal line of CSS code inside your HTML document, e.g. create an array with a set of URLs and then use your script to print out

    <style type="text/css">	element { background: url(images/randomimage.jpg); }</style>
    Well, something like that anyway.

  6. H3:

    <style>h3 {padding: 0px}</style>
    You might also need to set your margin to 0 as well. Also, don't need to specify px (or em or %) if the value is just 0.
    As far as bolding text goes, it depends why you're boldening it. If you're boldening a whole paragraph, then you'd use the method Truefusion provided, but if you're only boldening a few words or a phrase for emphasis, you're better off using <strong>your words here</strong>. It will look the same on screen, but it means more for people using screen readers and to search engines (ie is given higher importance).

  7. Your link doesn't work, but I think you're talking about emailing the contents of a form filled out by a user. You can definitely do that, but as I'm more familiar with ASP than PHP, I wouldn't really be able to help you out. There are two ways of doing it though: processing the form with another PHP file or processing it with the same file as contains the form. The latter method is called a self-referencing form and is good for recording and printing errors to the screen before the form data is submitted.Just do a search on 'php form email' in Google and you'll come up with lots of info.

  8. Tables are used every you go for organizing pictures and informtaion. Tables are used in search engines, games websites and this site too! They are used even without you knowing.Because their so universal. You can use them to specifically align any given data, be it a falsh movie an image, text or even a combination of everything.

    Tables are used for all those purposes you've mentioned above, but they were never originally intended for most of those purposes. Tables, under the specifications laid down by the W3C, are to be used for displaying 'tabular data', ie information that lends itself to being presented in columns & rows (e.g. stock reports).
    Using tables for presentation is semantically incorrect. The correct element for presenting blocks or divisions of content is the <div> and using CSS you can create layouts identical to the old-fashioned tabled layout.

  9. and as a further suggestion, your site would need a "more credible" design if your intent is selling your products online. -_- there may be takers from Xisto to redesign your site, just ask them to PM you directly to work out the details. :P good luck!

    You might have to be prepared to pay though. I've done some shopping cart customisations myself, but with the state of your site, there's no way I'd do it for free.

  10. What I was going after, is that not 'everyone' is going to link back, but the more people that find that page, the more people are going to link back to it. And the more people to link back to it, the higher in the search engines that page will be so that even more people can find the page and possibly link back to it, starting the circle again.

    It's kinda like what I was saying in my post on the previous page: there is no 'bad' traffic. And yes, the more visitors, the more chances of links, even if it's not on the page the visitor arrives at first (they might link back to another page of the site after looking around for a bit or they might decide to link to the home page).

  11. Now if that is where they are going to, and where they end up wanting to link back to, then that will just keep your page going higher in google for the next people that search for that same thing.

    Your logic's a bit flawed: just because someone has found your page via a search, doesn't necessarily mean they're going to link back to it. They could just read the information they were looking for and then leave.
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