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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Blogs can just be the ramblings of people about what's going on in their lives or they can also be used for people publishing articles and these latter ones are a great way to keep up with what's going on in a particular area of interest.I have an interest in web design and a lot of sites devoted to this topic often have a blog with articles about new techniques or conferences or developments in technology.

  2. I would like to get hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting but i dont want to lose everything i have hosted here, could someone please tell me if it is possible to get my files from here transferred over to Xisto - Web Hosting?

    I've asked this question as well in relation to Xisto and it seems like you can't just transfer your hosting/account. You have to start again which is why I'm still here. Sure you can transfer your files using FTP, but from an account point of view, you're back to square one.

  3. I believe that using the CSS property "max-width" you can do that. Just use the following:

    <table style="max-width:350px;">

    Note that this may not be compatible with every browser since it is defined in CSS2.

    Hope this helps!
    Max-width (or max-height) doesn't work in IE. You need to set a percentage width. Work out roughly what proportion of the screen you want to take up and then no matter what size the screen is, it'll always take up the same proportion.
    So at a viewport of 800px, 350px would be about 45%, so width="45%".

  4. <!--You can name the div whatever you want--><div id="content box">     <p>Text.</p></div>
    You can't have spaces in your ID name. You can with attaching classes to elements because a space indicates that you're attaching an additional class (you can attach more than one class to an element). But because an ID is a unique identifier, there can only be one name.

  5. i think this link can help you what "whyme" said is correct that you can use DHTML as the frontend and then use asp or any other server side script to read all the content.


    You could use some of the functionality outlined in that article, but imho, you'd be better off ditching DHTML menus in favour of a full CSS-driven alternative as the code that needs to be manipulated by the database would be far simpler.

    Check out Suckerfish dropdowns for an excellent CSS example.

  6. I think your header looks a bit odd the way it doesn't fill out the whole area top and bottom (ie you can see the background colour above and below).Your main content area from the nav to the footer is a couple of pixels wider than the header and the footer meaning your right frame border isn't as wide as it is at the top and bottom.I think a thin border on the bottom of your sidebar would be good too.Maybe a bit more padding top and bottom of your content area.

  7. As PHP is free you can install it on your home PC to test scripts and more hosts will support it, especially those with Linux etc servers.

    ASP is free to use on your home PC too as it's already installed with IIS.
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