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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. But, the second layout could have used more GIFs than JPGs. Took a while to download, even for me...

    That's funny: the 1st one loaded way slower than the 2nd for me. Both are quite good, but the background image of Words makes the text too hard to read. I'd also personally have the headers a bit bigger especially if it's the major heading on the page. And you might want to consider using lists to present your links as it's a more semantically-correct way of doing so.

  2. I've never used JS, but i'm sure they provide some functions to query a database


    You can't query a database with javascript - it's all client side.


    is this site loading only content based on the querystring and leaving all data which has loaded alone, or you mean it actually reloads the exact same page, and places the content where it belongs? Couse if so (not loading the page again), could you point out how you manage to do that (which i think you must have fixed with JavaScript)?


    It is actually reloading the page each time you click on a link because the links all load up a different querystring. But I guess because the basic page layout isn't changing, it seems like the background never changes (well it seems like that for me - maybe people on slower connections will notice a reloading of the background).


    The links look like this:

    <ul id="links"><li id="news"><a href="?page=news" title="News"><span>news</span></a></li><li id="about"><a href="?page=about" title="About GRiT"><span>about</span></a></li></ul>
    Then the main content area is like this:

    <div id="text"><h1 id="<?echo$qString?>hd"><?echo$qString?></h1><?php include ("$path.inc"); ?></div>
    I've used an if...else and a switch statement at the top of the page to work out what $path is based on the querystring. Each include then contains the HTML that is unique to each page. The links on the left are also generated the same way but they're a bit more complicated cos they're actually reading the directory and then printing the links based on which files it finds (and using the file names as the names for the links). This way the links are automatically generated each time you create a new include and the person who I did the site for doesn't have to worry about adding links into the HTML.

  3. Well I usually work in ASP so not sure how it goes in PHP but a sub (sorry meant sub not function) in ASP works like this:


    Sub WriteHeader(pageTitle,metaDescription)<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><title><% = pageTitle %></title><meta name="description" content="<% = metaDescription%>" /></head> <body>end sub
    Then on your page, do this:


    <% WriteHeader "Your page title","Your meta description" %>
    The bit in the quote marks in the call to the sub gets input into the sub which prints that and the rest of the HTML.

    You also need an include on each page that contains the sub.

  4. I was going to say, if you have Dreamweaver, use find and replace. But if you don't...well, notepad has one, but you can't edit multiple files at once, so I don't know how else to help you...Sorry!

    There are plenty of text-based HTML editors that do allow multiple file search and replace though. Get yourself one and it'll be done in a second.

  5. so if you include for example a file named "meta.php" with all the meta tags defined in it (which i find myself cool) and then include it in each of your pages that need  that given set of meta tags, it should be visible by all the search engine spiders, as its normal html what is displayed.

    I usually create a header include which includes the doctype, title, head section (including meta tags), header & top navigation and the left side navigation too if applicable. Whack that in a function which can then be called from all your pages to dynamically change things like meta description and <title> tag.
    I do the same with my footer.
    So then, most of my pages look like this:

    Header include
    Individual page content
    Footer include

  6. I certanly know that i can use <br /> to do so, i wanted independent <p>'s with different colors to be united without white space between them, not line breaks

    <p class="red">text text text </p><p class="blue">text text text </p><p class="green">text text text </p>/* CSS */p.red, p.blue, p.green { margin: 0; padding: 0; }p.red { background: red; }p.blue { background: blue; }p.green { background: green; }
    You might want to have some padding (other than 0) if you want some space around your text.

  7. Fourth (and final question), how do I make a separate .css file, so that the page is calling that everytime? In the source code of a phpbb forum, there is this message:Well, how do I cut the final CSS code and place it in an external file.

    I've not used phpBB but I would've thought you'd cut the code from the page, paste into your text editor and save it as *.css and then in your page put this:

    <link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="*.css" />

  8. I lost my Photoshop disc, I'm going to install Fireworks instead, I bought a student addition a few years ago.  Hopefully it's pretty much the same...

    Doesn't have nearly as many filters or quite the same selection capabilities as Photoshop but it's still my favourite for producing web graphics. It's not very good at producing print quality files though (ie it sux at making TIFFs) but then it's not designed for that.
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