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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. I hope this mail will again throttle up the no. of people using Yahoo Mail.

    Why? After Hotmail, Yahoo's already the biggest spam magnet on the planet. The more people who use it, the worse it'll get. I'm not particularly excited about the changes as the only thing I use my Yahoo account for is to sign up to things I think there's a high likelihood I might get ancilliary spam from.

  2. How's that done? (please provide an example.) And doesn't that require the client to have the same software?

    You just put the link to your file, so instead of http://ww38.yoursite.com/index.html, you'd have http://ww38.yoursite.com/your.pdf. Yes, the user will need to have the software installed. If your PDF is 600k then you're probably looking at something similar file size-wise in HTML so I wouldn't be too worried about being a resource burden. If, as you say, it's going to take a lot of work to convert, then maybe it's best not to.
    If it's a high level academic paper, it's more than likely your user base will a) be used to viewing/downloading PDFs online; and :P have reasonably fast internet connections (and 600k is nothing really).

  3. As has been said, removing ads from free hosts will probably get your account terminated, but I did find out today how to do it in CSS. If the ads are contained with elements that have a class or ID, in your CSS you set those elements to display:none, e.g.

    div#adcontainer { display:none; }
    You just have to look through your page and find out what names your provider is using to contain the ads. :P

  4. I use Firefox almost all the time, except when working with my Control Panel and FTP (I'm forced to use Internet Explorer since it accepts two seperate lines, one for the loging and the other for the password).

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. I use FF for my cPanel.

  5. Yeah, I got one of those codes.

    Yeah, I got one too so now Opera's ad-free. I only use Opera for mail & webmail and for whatever links I need to open up from emails I'm sent. I use FF primarily because it's got more extensions that can be installed than Opera.

  6. this does not mean however, that I cannot learn and that I am in fact, intellectually challenged .... so why then am I treated as such?


    Was it other students or your teacher/lecturer? If it was other students, then like mentioned, if your primary interest is in learning rather than social interaction, forget about them. If it was teacher, I'd think about maybe making a complaint if he/she is obviously showing favouritism to younger students.

    Having said that, it is an established fact that people's ability to learn diminishes as they get older (can't teach an old dog new tricks), so people automatically make certain allowances for older students (not that I'm saying that it's the correct thing to do).

  7. but with css that geared more towards tables then <div> tags, but if you put the <div> tag within the table then it should word wrap with in the table its self.

    CSS geared towards tables? Where'd you get that from? :P
    And if you're using CSS, why would you enclose your div within a table?
    Even if you were using tables, if a word is too long, like snlildude87 says, it's gonna stretch the width of the table cell regardless of whether you've set a width or not.

  8. And I still can't figure out what everyone's problem is, I've seen my site on three different computers, one laptop and two desktops.  I have absolutely no problem with readability. 

    That's cos you already know what it says. If nearly everyone who posts in this thread tells you that readability is an issue, then what conclusion can you draw from that? Only one: you need to fix that area.
    But to give you some more specifics:
    1. In your main content area, your background is too strong even for the white text to stand out properly.
    2. 'Accidental Design' and 'Newest Work', while quite nice stylistically, aren't very good from a readability point of view cos they don't stand out enough against the background.
    3. You say that all the links have rollovers on them - I still have to roll over them to find out what they are and I don't like that. Unless I remember the position of the links, I have to roll over all of them again to find out the next section I might want to look at.
    Also, you should have a doctype on your site if you want all browsers to be able to parse it properly.

  9. After you have an idea and a nice design. Write up the content that you wan't on you website and plan out everything.

    I actually think you've got these two stages back to front. You need to plan out your site before you start your design as you'll need an idea of how many sections/links etc you're going to have which will have an impact on your design if you're using horizontal navbars.
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