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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. I have no idea what they put in the new 1.0.X versionsThis makes me think why Internet Explorer doesn't come up with updates that often. I mean, Opera, Avant, Firefox, they all have automatic updates... unless the Windows (or Microsoft) Update updates IE for you.

    The new versions are usually fixing security problems. The reason why IE isn't updated that often is because Microsoft either are unable to produce fixes that quickly or simply don't care.

  2. If it doesn't work properly on these, tough, they should upgrade... thats what technology is all about.

    In the real world it doesn't work like that. People will still use whatever they want; you can't force anyone to upgrade. And if you're paying someone to make the website as compatible with as many browsers as possible, then you would expect those people to have some of these older browsers installed.

  3. but I find this a bit cumbersome, not to mention that having it all in one file makes for easier validation, by providing a single link to validate the single CSS file..  Not that validation matters much to the end-user in most cases.

    The jigsaw validator will run through your CSS whether it's in one file or more. The way I link to more than one CSS file is like this:

    <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "your.css";</style>
    and then in your.css, you have this:

    @import url("structure.css");@import url("text.css");

  4. I lived in the UK, in London, for seven years. I think it's a great place to either visit or live. As with most European countries, it's got a lot of historic sites to visit, but it also has some great countryside and scenery. And being quite small, it's not hard to get around and see different things (although it can be on the expensive side).As for friendliness, I didn't find the UK any more or less friendly than anywhere else I've been. It'll depend where you go though. The big cities will be less friendly than smaller places, but that's the same all over the world.

  5. What Spectre is talking about is absolute (/) and relative (../) URLs. The only time you should really use relative URLs is when the links are in the same folder (or in a sub-folder within that folder) as the page accessing them. Whenever you link to anything in a directory above the one you're in, you're better off using absolute URLs which start from the / which is the root of your directory and then work down.

  6. Karl Marx's puppet? LOL.Quite the opposite.

    Was gonna say: George Bush a puppet of the guy who dreamt up socialism? How does that work? :ph34r:

    How is it possible that Japan's gasoline prices have just barely inched up over these past few years, at about 3% per year, while USA prices have doubled or more?

    That's not just a US phenomenon - Australia's petrol prices have nearly doubled in less than a year too.

  7. A better way to do it is to use the <label> tag cos that tag gives a label to each field (good for people with screen readers too). Here's an example of a form I've done:

    <label for="Name"><span>Name:</span><input type="text" name="Name" id="Name" maxlength="100" value="" /></label><label for="Phone"><span>Phone:</span><input type="text" name="Phone" id="Phone" maxlength="15" value="" /></label>label { clear: left; margin-bottom: 5px; }label span { float: left; width: 120px; margin-right: 10px; }input { 	padding: 2px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;	width: 200px;	font-size: 85%;	color: #660000;	vertical-align: middle;	border: 1px solid #660000;}

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