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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Wow, all in Chinese. Was it hard typing it all or what?

    Um, they have keyboards with different characters in other countries, you know? :huh:
    Your flash site is pretty cool although I think the style of your navigation for your gallery doesn't really go with the home office type theme.
    Your forum looks like it could do with some more graphics in the header area - looks kinda empty up there. Also, your forum isn't centred on the page in Firefox.

  2. I think that an easy fix to this issue would be to write a jscript that determines the browser type and have a different stylesheet for each browser.

    For the most part, it's only IE that won't do the things you want it to or displays stuff differently (incorrectly) from other browsers. You can use IE conditional comments in your HTML to serve up different styles for IE which means your site won't look broken for people who have javascript turned off.

  3. Even websites that use frames are usually made with tables as well.

    tables = awesome

    Well, no, not really. Tables are old news and their use as a tool for laying out has been contrary to the purpose for which they were originally created - to present tabular data. You should do a bit of Googling on XHTML/CSS and see the possibilities that they provide - now that's awesome.

  4. Wrighting the keywords is a good idea to have on any site, just write what your site is about, and hide it, who cares if someone comes along and highlights it and reads it...

    Search engines do. :huh: What you're describing - hiding keywords by making them the same colour as the background - is a technique that will get you blacklisted with search engines.

  5.   <div width="10%" style="position: absolute; left: 2%; word-wrap:break-word;"> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb </div> <div width="86%" style="position: absolute; left: 14%;word-wrap:break-word;"> bbbb </div>
    That only works in IE/WIN and Safari 1.3+.

  6. I think the use of h1, h2, h3... is the best way to make a coherent structure that will explain itself even without css, which means that will be legible for screen readers... So you better markup your code right and you would help make the web easier for everybody :huh:

    That's exactly right. Why would you create a class for a tag that already exists, helps define the type of content and is preferred by search engines?

    h3 tells the browser to figure out how big the font should be.

    Not if you specify the size for the h3. You can specify the size for any HTML element, you don't have to accept the default size that a browser sets. If you wanted to, you could have your h1, h2, h3 etc. all the same size simply by doing:
    h1, h2, h3 { font-size: 200%; }

  7. Most start out as the "casual drinker" but they almost always find themselves becoming alcoholics with serious problems.

    That's as broad an over-generalisation as I've ever heard. I don't know a single person who doesn't drink alcohol; I also don't a know a single person with a 'serious problem' (or even a mild problem for that matter). What does that tell you about your theory? :huh:

  8. Too lazy to redo your enite site in flash?  well,  sorry, then you will have to deal with the theives.

    Too lazy? Too smart more like it. You know why you hardly see any all-Flash sites around? It's not cos of the work involved, it's cos users just don't like them that much and search engines certainly don't.

  9. I dunno about anyone else, but I personally HATE it when I visit a site and it resizes my browser without asking me or without opening in a new pop-up window. I use Firefox with a lot of tabs open at the full width of my screen - I DON'T WANT someone screwing around with the orientation of my browser. It's like me coming over to your house and moving your furniture around.Why do you need to have the browser window at a certain size anyway?

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