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Everything posted by -Sky-

  1. Spill the beans then innosia. And what was the problem? Was Google's server just having a crashed timeout or something?Anyways, glad to hear theres a fix, and some good news. One thing though, I could register with Google on my old GTA site (hosted by SabreHost) but I couldn't this morning on Trap. -Sky
  2. Hello.Me and innosia have tried adding our links to Google's URL crawl page, but Google wont verify. He says it works for the paid Xisto hosting, but not the free. I've tried Yahoo and Google and they both will not verify. I've tried adding the meta tag, and file to the cPanel File Manager and tried re-verifying but theres no use.I've tried refreshing, reloading the page, clearing my cookies but Google says server timeout.Is Xisto blocking Google, or is Google blocking Xisto? Help with be greatly appreciated.Thank you,Sky
  3. Innosia didn't say AVG Light. He said he had AVG. The only problem I had today with AVG is it wouldn't update the virus definition database, I had to restart my computer and try updating again. Finally it worked. Heh, stupid Anti-Virus programs huh?
  4. Wow, that does look interesting. She turns both clockwise and anti-clockwise. I watched her shadow of her foot, and it went one way, to the other. :DNice find Bluebear. -Sky
  5. Hackers don't send you viruses. Some stupid kiddies thinking they can hack do. Just wipe your hard drive (delete your current partition) and reformat your computer. Make sure as soon as you get your Internet connected go to AVG's website and download/buy their software. Get yourself protected by AVG. Normally AVG will detect some viruses, but AVG Internet Security 8.0 detects all new online threats. It'll alert you if you open a virus (.exe) and it will remove the threat. It'll warn you first though. :DThat's what I like about AVG. It does a great job with these things. -Sky
  6. They don't do anything harmful to others computers. One of them can freeze peoples MSN's. (I freeze someone's MSN if our friendship has to end because they are being such an fool. Another one is a DoS tool (very good one aswell). The other is a Counter-Strike: Source DoS tool. (Makes servers pings go up to 2000 then crashes the server.) Another is a key generator (not a hack, but a tool), and the last one is a CS:S Aimbot hack. I only use it on Non-VAC-Secure servers. I hardly use my DoS and MSN freezer actually. I don't really need to use them at the moment. But I am selling them. -Sky
  7. Yes. I now always scan in my Systems Registry then I scan the whole computer. Nothing found still. My AVG actually alerts me of a Trojan.Agent (My hacks) of course, but not other viruses... :lol:AVG need to make it more better in the next patch.-Sky
  8. I know how Karate, Judo, and some of them skills that Jackie Chan does. I'm good at it. What's weired is, I was born with the skills. When I turned 5 I knew them I was never tort them Martial Arts.Well, I know them anyway that's good. What's the other one called? Jujitsu or something. Is that one good?-Sky
  9. Thank you csp4.0. Your information (I put in bold) was helpful, and has solved my problem. I have not yet had to contact Xisto about my problems. They are all fine, except for this one. (Well, now It's fixed). Thanks again. -Sky
  10. Hey.I've actually had this problem now a few times. It's very...how can I put it, erm....it happens not so often but the skin and images never load. The skin stays white, and the images don't load or show at all.My cPanel is working perfectly fine, and my Admin CP is fine too. The other skins (IP.Board Pro, and IPB Classic Blue) skins are never affected like this. I am just wondering, would someone DoSing my site cause this problem? If so I know who's doing it, and he's a member on here too.if you could tell me why Central-Gaming Forums does this, I'd appreciated. Thanks,-Sky
  11. Agreed. I don't know why people even think there smart and making them...It's just pointless. I mean what are they actually archiving with these threats? Nothing. They don't really archive nothing. They are just some sad pathetic script kiddie thinking they are the best with these things. I laugh at their failure into messing up peoples computers all the time!
  12. Hello. Xisto welcomes all of you great new members to our fabulous community of Free webhosting with No Ads! First thing you need to do when you have registered, is make your Introduction in the Introductions forum so we can all meet, and get to know you. Next you have to post a bit till you get 10, or 30 hosting credits. Once you have the required posts (They must be non-spammed quality posts. No 1 liners.) you may apply for hosting. Wait....before you even try to apply, please read the Xisto Readme. Make sure you read every single word of this thread. It will be very useful to you for your future hosted website here with Xisto. The Xisto Board Rules are very important and I highly recommend you read them too. I will post a few helpful links, and what they are for you below. Pre-signup FAQ Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) I believe the Free Web Hosting Service Registration will be of some help aswell as the other threads. it is also highly recommended that you read each and every sentence. Now, I leave it all to you! Get posting and join in with our friendly community and contribute to the service. I give you good luck with your future hosting account here with Xisto, and please don't hesitate to ask questions about Xisto, and suggest new things. It would also help us, if you would kindly spread the word about us around the Internet. Thank you, -Sky
  13. Don't worry crazygirl. You will get your hosting here! Just keep posting around get enough credits, then apply. (Don't get over 40 credits then apply for the 30 credit package. (Even if you have more credits when you apply, they will be reset to something of 00.4 or something.) Don't forget to read the glorious Xisto Readme. -Sky
  14. I agree. But there is an alternative way to stop getting lots of viruses. Just stop downloading porn video's and Keep your Anti-Virus on alert. Even though some others risk their computer being infected by disabling their protection. I never used to believe in AVG Anti-virus 8.0x, because of It's rubbish features etc...but I guess I misunderstood. I am using it now and It's going perfectly well, I never even thought I could count on AVG this much. I've had it now for 2 months, and it hasn't played up on me! -Sky
  15. Agreed.I don't know why people do these terrible things either, but despite the fact they do it for a stupid reason, not only does the target of their victim get infected, but alot of other people's computers aswell. Some can disable your security, your Firewall, Anti-Virus, any malicious scanning and removal software.The most aggravating thing is, viruses are hidden, and when you turn on and log onto your computers username it releases It's self back into the system. I must admit, I have created a Trojan.Agent virus before, and not only did it corrupt an old friends Internet settings, it messed up the entire system. -Sky
  16. Thanks electriic ink. This will come in handy. :lol:Btw, does it work on all video's?
  17. I hope not. I don't know what I'd do if Trap starts restricting features like other free hosts. This host is the only best free service I've found that is best for me. I'd be disappointed if this host gets restrictions. -Sky
  18. Don't worry. I will! I just don't get why AVG 7.5 detects Trojans and other malicious threats and AVG 8.0x doesn't. Besides the fact I actually scan my PC a every week...nothing is detected in scan either.
  19. Thank you Michael. This worked! Much appreciated dude. Now I just need to get everything else I lost back on. For some reason AVG doesn't detect Trojan.Agents.
  20. Hey guys. I have a big big problem with my Windows XP Home Edition. Since the day I was able to remove a Trojan.Agent virus, some of the features/programs in my system folder have been removed/corrupt. For some reason when going to Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices I click "Place volume icon in taskbar" and I get this error... I've tried that, but I cannot install it. Can someone help me? Thanks, -Sky
  21. Thank you for the information velma. If I get a problem I'll use this method. -Sky
  22. I'm utterly noob at making banners tbh. Not very good. I'll ask some friends to make me one, unless someone on here could make one, that'd be awesome. -Sky
  23. Just post around vajs, and wait to get hosting with Trap. You will be impressed! -Sky
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