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Everything posted by -Sky-

  1. Thanks for the command bk. That 000webhost banner is a referral banner. It is so if other guests visit from a search engine and want hosting too, they can click both Xisto and my referral, and so I can get some referral cash. -Sky
  2. We have come to the time where we must advertise to get some more members. I have finally and officially opened up Central-Gaming. A gaming website and forum for people who love to play games, discuss games and that lot. Our forum may look boring when your viewing as a guest. We protect our other content on the forum from Guests for a good reason, and it is suppose to attract more members into joining us. So if your a gaming gamer who loves and/or likes to play games, join us now and get to know other gamers and discuss games, (any games that is). Discuss things like, recorded games done by Fraps, screen shots, FAQs, walkthroughs and much much more. Don't hang around looking for other new sites to join and discuss games. Join us now and get to know the community. If you play Counter-Strike: Source or Red Alert 2, and you are in our community, please put in our tag "-̉²-C-G-" (-̉²treme-Central-Gaming-). You do not have to put this in if you don't want to. If you play Red Alert 2 online, join our clan (-c-g-) also. If your registered on Strike-Team - XWIS then talk to "ComRadKeL" (me) on the forum about an invite to the clan on RA2. If you have gaming friends on MSN, or Steam and use Messenger Plus! Live, please type the following: If you want to help support us, please add our link in your signatures in other gaming sites. Thank you all! -Sky
  3. The Domains are only for hosted members and for only members who are hosted with Xisto. I'm not sure if we are allowed to use it for any other host, although I wouldn't think so. -Sky
  4. @ haslip: Xisto Readme. On-Topic: Why would people want to host a warez site on Trap? Not really much point to be honest...what get your hosting account and site setup, advertise for members to join your site, maybe a few members from here that have knowledge about Warez, then we report them to BH and OpaQue? Not worth it at all. Besides the fact that members/people complain for having a virus on their computers probably from downloading illegally obtained files from download sites, warez sites or sites that are not secure. Some sites (if you use AVG) they are either detected as a threat that has active threats on them, or sites that are secure. Just don't download warez from sites and your computer will be fine. -Sky
  5. Then you must be strange... I hate injections, although It's something people hate and we all know that. But I guess we must have them in some points in life to stop being infected by flews and what not. When I went for my first injection I kicked the needle out of the docs hand. I did not like it 1 tiny bit, the way they hold it and walking up to me.
  6. Xisto Terms of Service. The rules topics/files are in the Help section.
  7. Actually I think It's 1 credit per hour, or 1 credit each 10 minutes. That's totally not awesome! I'd rather keep posting then lose more and more credits each hour, but with school and stuff....that's not going to happen. I wish I had 330.10 hosting credits. I could get my domain then. -Sky
  8. Hey guys! I coded a little script exclusively for Xisto (Open Discussion) Forum. Script Name: News Link Description of Script: This "News Link" script puts a header in the top middle of the board under "<% BOARD HEADER %>" and above "<% MEMBER BAR %>". Screenshots: In attachment Script code: <br><script type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/ipb_forum.js"></script><table cellspacing="0" class="newslink"> <tr> <td><td align="center"><b><font color="#FF0000">Central-Gaming latest news: <a href="http://central-gaming.trap17.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14&view=getnewpost">Changes</a></b></p><br/></td> <td align="right" valign="middle"> </td> </tr></table><br>Change "Central-Gaming latest news:" text to your desired name, and change the link to the news forum. Hope you like it OpeQue and BuffaloHELP. This script/modification will work only for Invision Power Board (IPB) 1.3x. This means also it will work on IP.Boards 2.0x. Thank you, -Sky. newslink.bmp
  9. No. The domains are specifically (I think) for Xisto Hosting members. No other services. Once we reach 250 hosting credits I think we must make our application for a domain name. We must first find and search for our domain to see if It's available then cancel the search, type our domain into the application form and wait for it to be denied/approved.I only have 27.something credits. I'm no where near to getting a domain. Theres hardly nothing to talk about since the forum is inactive most of the time, with little few members on.We need to get advertising maybe, and get some more topics/posts being posted. -Sky
  10. Erm...you must be using IP.Board v1.3 Find3r. Xisto is an IP.Board 2.2x, witch the 2.0x versions of the Admin CP are different to x1.3. I'll show you. Home of the Admin Control Panel. Look & Feel (Skin management basically) of the Admin CP. Then the Board Header and Footers section.
  11. Hello Starchaser, welcome to Xisto Free Webhosting, No Ads! cPanel seems to be alright for me, and probably for everyone else. If cPanel goes down, It's only temporary. If your cPanel keeps failing to connect to your account after 10 tries, then It's a connection problem between you are the server. Make sure your allowing access to Xisto servers etc, and have a good, maybe excellent connection signal "If with Wireless" to your Internet. If for somewhat reason you still cannot connect then again post back. My cPanel is working fine for me, no reason why it's not for you. . -Sky
  12. Thank you for this. But I cannot find .htaccess or any hidden files because I clicked automatically go to the File Manage, on v3. How do I get all the hidden files to be displayed?
  13. That's what you think think about Trap. Trap is actually the FIRST best Free hosting I've had, and the SabreHost (paid) is the first best paid host. Because I am a friend of the owner of SabreHost, actually a very good friend, he let me off $5 for the Elite Volume package and gave me a free .com domain. ^_^Yeah, hopefully when I have finished with development with my webpage I will continue to advertise my site around. -Sky
  14. Thanks for the comment. @ the bold part: No, I'm not Shepard
  15. This topic got my attention about the same thing too. Why is Xisto now called "Open Discussion" and not "Xisto Webhosting, No Ads"? :lol:What's going on OpaQue and BuffaloHELP?
  16. It'd help alot more if you tell us what exactly you are wanting help with. @ miniK: Brilliant script MiniK. This will be very useful for people and their websites/forums etc! -Sky
  17. Yes. These domains are still available. When you meet the required amount of credits go and check to see if your domain is available from Xisto - Domains. If it is available then come back on Xisto, and apply for your domain. A very simple thing you must do. -Sky
  18. Don't worry your cotton socks gjaldon. Xisto owns 110mb, ulmb (UnlimitedMB) and all them other rubbish hosts. Xisto will blow your socks off. I've been with Xisto now for 27 days (since I registered) and the service has been great. Since the day I was hosted It's been fabulous and I cannot move hosts. I must stay with Trap. These dudes have so much great features, services, support, the forums, and network are awesome. I recommend to everyone looking for hosting Xisto WebHosting, No Ads! -Sky
  19. Hello everyone. Since we have this forum that includes GTA (Grand Theft Auto) aswell I have decided to create a topic for everyone to post their pictures of their GTA gameplay, cars/bikes/planes/modded vehicles etc etc. I have done a bit of modding for my game so It's better then the default/original gameplay. I have taken a few camera photo's with my Camera and I will unload them here. Any suggestions of witch other nice good cars I could install, I'd be appreciated if you could post links to them. My Police car and Aston Martin Vanquish. Police car back. Police car back, more view. Police car, sideways. (left) Above my Police car for the roof. Again, above the car with more view. Side of my Police car. Side again, looking at the 911 sign. Full view of my Police car. Like the wheels? Front end of the Police car. Looking at the interior inside the Police car. Front of the Police car, looking at the bumper. Full view at the Police car. Birds eye view, of my Vanquish. Back of my Vanquish. Back again, but with a little more view. At the side of my Vanquish. I love the color Blue. Front of my Vanquish. I know your liking this car even when you look at it! Post your pictures now. -Sky
  20. Nice Tutorial Shadow_x21. I could do this to remotely shutdown a school computer on one of the Staff :lol:They'd be so mad if I did that.
  21. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079116/ This is one great movie. I watched this on Sky+ 6 months ago, and it was good. You should watch it, It's pretty good saying It's on Alcatraz. The escaped convicts didn't even get caught. I don't get why the Warden never went looking for them, when they found a few traces of where they got to. Unless they was suppose to leave a few things at the water. Watch it people, you'll like it. -Sky
  22. Yes. Nabb is right. Once you get on that page login, and/or click here: Change cPanel Password. You then will come to a page like that says: . Click CONFIRM PASSWORD RESET. -Sky
  23. Are you going to save your credits then SM? What would you do with them though?
  24. Have you tried resetting/changing your cPanel password? If you haven't tried that already, I recommend you do.Download Firefox aswell, Internet Explorer can sometimes cause difficulties with web-based control panels, like cPanel.-Sky
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