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Everything posted by -Sky-

  1. Google Adsense is way better then Adbrite in my opinion, although maybe in other opinions there's are different to others. At this moment I don't know, because my Adsense application keeps getting denied so I have given up trying. I might apply again soon, depends if I can be bother to do it or not.-Sky
  2. Today I was on my temporary server (srcds) and was messing around with the bots etc. It's a little laggy because it is ran on my computer and my upload speed sucks. Anyway, I have a few modifications/addons etc on it. I had Deathmatch, MB_Matrix, and a few others. I got a head shot on one of the bots, causing the server to go into focus/slow motion mode as Matrix does. Look at the picture. See how the bot went backwards? My crosshairscale is that small you can hardly see it. It gives me the advantages of firing. (cl_crosshairscale 3000000000). Next is a map called "breakfloor" I did this one with bots and a few real players last night. Today I was on CS:S (well 30 minutes ago) and we destroyed all the glassfloor, so when we died, we'd respawn fast (because it is deathmatch) and we'd fall and die again and again and again. So, I typed (@rr = @restartround) I use Mani Admin Plugin, to restart the round. Again we did the same thing, but this time we left a big space to get under the wall. So, what do you think of both screenshots? Vote witch screenshot you like best... Let the voting begin! -Sky
  3. Well, they was sued for doing it. Maybe next time they will think on of what they are doing. Seriously though, why sell faulty xBox 360s? There's no meaning for it. They might be running out of money now.
  4. Basically, we must post in the forum maintain our myCENTS value. Every time your CENTS gets deposited to your Xisto Account you when you get lots of dollars in your account, you can begin to purchase a Domain, hosting package etc etc. Just make sure you keep your myCENTS with money. Last time I had my CENTS deposited I had 60.xx cents. Hopefully this time I can reach 100 and get it deposited to my account, but will it only deposit $1 and reset the rest? I hope I get my 100 or 90 cents deposited and not just a little cents. Another question: Is the Credit System V3 the myCENTS system connected to Xisto accounts? I'm not sure if it is or not. We still have the Credit System 2.0 version. I'm guessing that'll be removed too...? -Sky
  5. Just as the title says, Microsoft is being sued for selling and consealing faulty Xbox 360's. They allegedly sold broken, if you will, xbox 360s, then covered up the stats on how many were actually faulty. Under California's consumer protection statues, the suit was filed in Sacramento County Superior Court and the suit is looking to force Microsoft to release all profits given to the sale of the Xbox 360 [failures], as well as make MS announce [publically] and implement a refund program in California. Given this report and suit, could this mean that all states with similar acts, will jump ship with California and start sueing Microsoft for the faulty product they have apparently brought to the assemebly line? I believe we will see massive coverage on this suit because it might put into balance the Sony/Microsoft competition and give a slight edge to the competition. I believe, if found true, this will hurt Microsoft in places that are best left untouched and might actually, if we are lucky, make them stride for a better product in the future. Source: DailyGamesNews
  6. If so, then damn. I was hoping it'd be possible I'll get one soon no doubt. Thanks willie. -Sky
  7. Wow, is this the Windows Media Center theme? It looks pretty much the same of the Windows Media one. Thanks Michael. :)Off-topic: Is there a way to get Vista Home Premium without burning to a disk? I have no disks left. -Sky
  8. Hello guys. :)Is it possible to transfer my myCENTS Account Credit Balance to my PayPal account so I can buy a Counter-Strike: Source Game Server? I need to save and find an easy way to make money online for a 14 slot 100 tickrate game server, for ?14 monthly although I don't have very much in my account balance at this moment. But is it possible to transfer the credits I earn and send to my PayPal? Help with this would be much appreciated. Thank you,-Sky
  9. I used to play San Andreas Multiplayer. Not really interested in GTA SA, III, Vice City, Liberty City etc anymore. I want GTA IV for the PC! -Sky
  10. OOo, I'd like 260 credits? Please Shadow. :DI could probably request for a domain today if I had the credits, then I'd be OK. It'd be for my Central-Gaming site. www[dot]central-gaming[dot]net sounds and seems to suit my site. -Sky
  11. Yeah, I guess. Thanks everyone for replying with help on this. You know I love you all! I'll have to save my credits up again then. Thanks,-Sky
  12. As we all are aware of the Credit System being removed, how will we get a Free Domain Name? When the Credit system gets removed we won't be able to get a free domain will we? -Sky
  13. I and my friend (only had one friend this time.) was shooting a few cans and beer bottles off the wall, for a few minutes and it was getting a little boring...so we went to the U.S Marine HQ and started throwing things over the electric fence, and realised there was no electric running through as the power to the base was down. Just as we climbed up the fence this lad ran up to us and said "You two can't go over there...that's the U.S Marines HQ! You'll be either prosecuted or shot." We both looked at each other and replied to the lad "So? We do this all the time. They know us...they always let us go over." the lad said "Sweet. Can I join you?" we replied "Sure. Only if you can run fast, and climb, AND take pain if shot." the lad answered "Awesome. I'll try take the pain" we replied "I hope so. We're not to be held responsible if you get hurt." All three of us climbed over the fence and was caught by the head-commander. He took us all to the Captain, and said "Captain, I found these kids near the Military Jets. What are we doing with them?" "Captain: Let them go. They are fine to walk around the base." "Commander: Yes sir!" the Captain said "OK boys...if your going to be walking around the base, you need to change your clothes. Put these Military clothes on with these Assault Rifles, and get guarding the base. " We was totally gob-smacked at what the Captain just told us to do...we was speechless.Anyway, we set off walking around, then we spotted a watch tower in the base. We asked the Captain if we could go up in the towers, the tanks, and everything else. He said "of course, but don't mess with anything. We've been getting alot of enemy attacks lately. Be on the lookout for them. If you see them shoot them. If you miss, keep shooting!" So we went up to the huge tower with binoculars...we spotted something in the bushes, so we pressed the warning alarm. The Captain came out and yelled "WHAT IN GODS NAME IS WRONG!" "We told the Captain we spotted an enemy trooper. The Captain said "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, SHOOT THEM!" We started shooting, and made them retreat back to their own base. The Captain was ever so proud of us, and we earned a promotion, to be a commanding officer. We accepted the promotion and stayed with the U.S Marines every day. We did not go back home at all. We called our parents and told them we earned a promotion at the U.S Marines base. Oh they was so proud of us! :PSo we carried on with our new promotion and never gave up.///End of episode 1 of U.S Marines HQ Story/What you think? Hope you like reading. -Sky
  14. Wow OpaQue and Buffalo...you both have been working hard! Nice work.One problem about my myCENTs....I did have 60, but it was decreased for some reason. How come that happened?-Sky
  15. Eh. Xisto have Google ads I think, and we 'could' have donations on, but not really much point. I'm sure OpaQue and Buffalo have lots of money. If your a just started community, like...gaming etc and use a forum software that's licensed and paid for, you'd need donations to help your forum run etc....
  16. Hello, and welcome to Xisto! Please be more precise with your question as I and probably most other members do not understand what you mean. First off, wrong forum. if you need Computer related support please always remember to use **this forum**. Try and give us a little information about your problem, and what is wrong with your computer. Screenshots (print screen PrtScr SysRq button) is very good to add to your help topic as then we can help a little more. Thank you, -Sky.
  17. Yes, but cheating does actually ruin your game, although many players like to cheat for fun. My opinion is to Save your game 100% (No cheats) save another copy of the 100% and cheat on the second copy, making sure you do NOT overwrite your first. Cheats, tips and info for SA players: Hope you like this information. Source to site: GameSpot If you need any support with games like GTA or something you can always when ever you feel, visit my Gaming website. (Link is in my signature. it is a banner. ) -Sky
  18. Is that even possible to last alive for over 24-48 hours with no water? I think if I tried this I'd be just about dehydrating. I can remember me and most my foster parents in their family, we went to Cyprus and I tell you something. It was damn hot! We was going down to the town and the concrete was incredibly hot. I had to go back to our Villa and get my shoes on...never again did I go out bare feet! -Sky
  19. Wow...so how will we know how much Credits we have on the forum? And the Credit System looks the same as it was when I joined. Nothing good about it at the moment. Maybe a new style and some stuff would go nicely. Eh, will the credit system be changing to a new stylish one? -Sky
  20. I've only used Microsoft. I've used Microsoft Office before 2007 even came out. I'm staying with Microsoft applications. And wow, I hope new versions of Office are released soon...I think Office 2007 was made for Vista. Even though we can use it on XP aswell but the style..it looks better on Vista then it does on Windows XP of course we could always get the Vista Transformation Pack on, but I ruined my system when I did that. -Sky
  21. I've used PayPal to send out money, receive money and things and I have never had to pay any kind of "fee". It depends what type of sending method you use. I use "Goods" and it never asks me to pay a little fee. If you want your forum members to donate, go to PayPal click "Merchant Services" then "Donations", or just click this link. You'll be redirected to the Donations page, you must click on the second Donations link yourself. There you can create your Donations thing. -Sky
  22. Thanks Buffalo. @ the bold part: Will do. Yes, I see it changed now. How on earth did I get 54.66, from 9? I'm going to go check my balance now. Thanks, -Sky
  23. Arg, some some reason my balance on Xisto Client Area has not changed...my current balance is $6.91.I have alot of posting to do if I want more money.. How long does it take for my balance to increase? It's been 6.91 for 2 days now, and has not changed. (I think). I wish I had $1,000 in it. -Sky
  24. Yes. I noticed this aswell. I just couldn't be bothered to post about it. The Admins will clean it up when they get the time.As for the credit system as SM said...I hope it's better then the old one. By what I can see it hasn't changed since the last time I looked at it. Is the Credit System having a new look or something? -Sky
  25. It's illegal to provide false credit card information (fraud), but not really illegal just to put "None" or some "fake" details for your address etc. I put "None" in all the time when I register at something and it asks me to enter my address information. It is quite ideal if you don't want sites knowing your address information of where you live too. :PAnd it never gets you into trouble. It's not illegal, so Police, FBI etc can't do anything to you. -Sky
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