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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. It isn't quite Pi day here, but I'll be that somewhere it's Pi Day, so happy Pi Day March 14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day
  2. I have created DVD ISOs and rather then burn them to disk (I don't have DVD burner, as of yet) I would like to test them in ISO format in a stardard DVD viewing program like PowerDVD. So I need a FREE software that will allow me to mount the ISO as a readable drive. For those curious these aren't ISOs I've downloaded, rather as the above states ones I have created.
  3. Okay google more for those wondering is https://www.google.com/moon/ anyway, I'll bet that both moon and mars came from a lack of things for a programer to do, or rather a time for programers to do what they will. Appentrly Google engineres have 20% time to persue their own projects, this is probably a brain child of this time.
  4. That was the most amazing thing I've heard. I personaly think the duet sounds like miss piggy and kermit the frog. LOL
  5. You say you want the login in the table with the form. That makes sense, it's the natural way to program, and when I first started php the lack of a goto function drove me crazy. The reason the model you have tried (but can't get to wirk) isn't returning an error is because you set the page up properly. Session_start() must be the first line sent to the browser, so fir example in the following code (I just wrote this there may be errors) <html><head></head><body><?phpif $sessions == TRUE{session_start();};else {echo "<p>session were not requested</p>";};?></body></html>this code will result in an if session == TRUE because it will try to start the session after the browser has recieved code (the <html>... stuff) Umm, you really need to post a little more code, If you use session_start() at the top of the page so it doesn't return an error, then you should be able to set session variables at any point later in the page. It may very well be the way you are calling the variables that results in it not working. That's all I can think of right now, without more code, I'm sorry I can't be of more help
  6. I am looking for a service simmilar to writely (lets you coloberate online ans share documents) except I need it to do pictures, upload images and then preform rudimentry edits like drawing and erasing on them and then save online. I can already use writely for images, I just don't see how to edit them.
  7. Yep Session saver will do exactly what you want as far as reopening on next startup, and will let you save opt sessions. As for mouse gestures I believe there is a program called Mouse Gestures for firefox http://optimoz.mozdev.org/gestures/ I've never tryed this, nor have I used the feature in opera but this might do what you want.
  8. I'm not sure how, but look into how cronjobs work.
  9. If I understand it correctly it can't last on a battery as you aren't buying a camer just the lense. I'd bet it probably doesn't even record on it's own, must supply the cables to got to a VCR or USB/FireWire.
  10. Well I'm not sure how it's done in canada either, but I though An american citizen can request to see pretty much whatever information the government is archving unless it's personaly private like social security numbers and such.
  11. THat is a good point, Zonealarm is supported and recognized by microsoft. That's one of the problems, albeit small problems with outpost and XP. The security center won't recognize it so you might get security warnings.
  12. I was using zonealarm. However my computer was craching something about kernal, someone somewhere said that zone alarm causes this on some systems, removing it fixed the problem. Anyway I use a program called Outpost firewall. THere is a free version somewhere, it's only a tiny bit harder then Zonealarm, if you decide to use it and need help, just post back here.
  13. I don't know how it's done in the USA, but if the government got google to give up their info, wouldn't it then be subject to freedom of information act requests? So any joe could ask to see what I was searching?
  14. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them saying who searches for what, or even something as anomous as this region (Western Canada, Northren europe, etc) tends to search for this more then that. Just the actual context of their search, a list of addresses that can be searched.
  15. THere is one point in the request that I don't quite understand google not compilying with. I compleatly understand (and approve) their resistance to give search histories. However I feel that in an act of good faith they could turn over their internet index/database. Now get this Google claims that this could take up to a week in human hourse to produce. How much data do they really have?
  16. I don't think anybody has mentioned this yet. But any emails I get from google regarding my gmail account or gmail in general alwas come from someone @google.com, not @gmail.com
  17. Frankly Google is as we speak (or type, same thing) is fighting the supreme court to keep information they have gathered private. Now I assume the case has nothing to do with email. But if they are willing to fight to keep information that any intrested party could gather themselves (web crawler information) private then I have no fear of them keeping my emails.You may also note that there is no way to contact the makers of this website (that I can see anyway)
  18. shure you need the DivX encoder, available from divx.com
  19. If I'm not mistaken, modem booster sets a few vital system values. Most internet tweeking devices are built for windows 89-me, as those systems were confugured for dial-up and people with broadband didn't experiance the best results. The guy who played warcraft probably had his set to a braodband setting, and then changing it back to dial-up otimoum settings would have helped. Have you ever read "will speed up your downloads 300%"? Forr dial-up no such program exists. A download accelerator will download multiple parts of the same file, if possable from diffrent servers. Some servers will only send a certian % of their bandwidth for each connection. Therefor you can speed up your connection by splitting your download. The problam with that is that you (and me) being on dialup probably are already using the most your internet can accept. I personaly use the Free Download Manager, but it really is personal preference, as they won't speed up your download.Some ISP's will compress data only if your modem can decompress it. So check to see if your ISP/modem support compression. This won't affect your images much, but a site like this might just load faster.And if you have money to spend, and time to waist, get a second phone line, a second modem, and configure your computer to use both modems at the same time, appentrily it's possable. But I wouldn't know how to do it.
  20. Okay, so I'm trying to figure something out, and part of that is understanding. So In the game of rock, paper, sicssors what is the best first move, and if possable,why?
  21. Right now my CPU die temp is 47C, and the computer doesn't shutdown at die temp, but teh ABS temp is 51C. The computer is set to underclock at 70C (i think) and shutdown at 85C. It's an AMD, and I know AMD's get hotter, but 43 is very cool. By the time windows has loaded my computer is atlease 43C.
  22. I'm not sure if this works on Xisto - Web Hosting but with Xisto you can reset your password if you enter it wrong so many times, or something like that.
  23. I have know Idea where else to put this, but the title pretty much says it all. I was watching the news and saw this segment on a guy who dressess himself based on hits to his website. Here: EDIT: wrong URL http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Here is a page I havn't tryed but it says it only works in IE and Opera (odd combination I think) but it's a start. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/button1.htm
  25. If by credit counter you mean the thing that tells you the number of credits, then I second that motion.
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