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Everything posted by mikeyboy63

  1. Like another poster said above, it doesn't look like you have earned at least 10 credits for a free site yet. You should post at least 10 more times to earn the credits. I say ten times because your posts so far are so short. It'll probably take another 10 short posts to get to 10 credits. It looks like you applied for free hosting in the meantime. Don't be surprised if it's rejected. Start posting. btw, you can see your credits at http://forums.xisto.com/
  2. I just forwarded a paypal spoof email to paypal yesterday. This scam alerts you that there are suspicious activities and charges on your credit card with paypal. They provide a link to their site so you can log in and view your acct. info. Their url is not paypal, though paypal is part of it. I didn't go beyond that point, but I'm sure they would require you to input your credit card info. to verify your identity for security reasons.They're getting very good at spoofing sites. And no, they didn't address me by name. Just a fake acct. number.
  3. There is no scientific reason to make the prediction. It's a religious prediction, and religion is always wrong. So, no, it isn't going to happen. Guaranteed.Also guaranteed: everybody in the media who claim that the end of the world is coming will shut their ignorant mouths in 2013, but not a single one will have the integrity to admit they were on that bandwagon and that they were wrong.
  4. Hmmmmmm. How does one politely say yuck? Honestly, your homepage seems like a blog of updates and bug fixes. It should simply sell your product. Mainly, the grammar isn't good enough. I leave a site when I see misspelled words or poor sentence structure. The map is pointless and too big.Your homepage should be a bit more like your 'features' page. Hit the important points with thumbnail screenshots of the map showing a visitors location, the graphs with short explanations, etc.The service is free!Invisible hit counter available!Know where your visitors come from!etc. Keep it simple and to the point. If you need to get somebody else to write the copy, then do it! Hint: women often excel at writing. Do you know a secretary or English major among your group of friends?Also, your site needs a name with a more attractive logo.Does your site store the stats? I assume so. Include that on your homepage.Do we simply cut n paste a short bit of code onto our pages? Mention that on the homepage, too.Beyond that, I like the concept of your service. I used to use statcounter.com. Similar service. Check their site out to get some design ideas.
  5. When I setup my account here, I received an email with a link to click that would take me to "wherever" I needed to go. I didn't know at the time that something was wrong with that link. I sent an email to support and they told me what to do within a few hours. Now, in the meantime I had figured it out from nosing around, but they did get back to me shortly. After that, everything has been smooth. Xisto is better than Godaddy and several other paid sites that I've used. The fact that php and sendmail are ready to go is amazing.btw, the moderators are on top of things around here. You can often get a quick response from them in the shoutbox! What other host, free or paid, has mods watching a shoutbox!You should chillax and rethink your decision to go elsewhere.
  6. Sorry I don't have the answer exactly, but I know there are several Javascripts available for free at dynamicdrive.com that'll get you going in the right direction, at least. I'm sure I've seen scripts for the retractable sidebar there.
  7. If you're talking about changing the font size within programs like OpenOffice or MS Office, etc., Windows doesn't control those font sizes. You have to change them from within the programs.
  8. Did your laptop come with a Windows Vista disk, a recovery disk, or are you going to attempt to copy the OS from your laptop to your new machine? Putting aside legalities for a second, if you don't have an installation disk then you're probably not going to be able to transfer it over. It's a fairly complicated process. So don't bother calling for permission and don't try to transfer it. Bad juju, baby.A recovery disk is an immediate tipoff that its oem. The disk might not install correctly on a different machine with a different config. If you have an actual Vista CD that doesn't have any prohibitive language on the sleeve, i.e. OEM, and if you received a user's manual, it's probably ok to install on another machine. OEM generally doesn't come with a manual.
  9. imagefilez isn't working. The Xisto - Web Hosting links work fine. The imagefilez link is not broken. I typed it into the address bar directly. The site is down.
  10. I support cloning. It's just like having a twin. Do we outlaw twins? A clone is a normal person. How that person came to be is irrelevant. They're people with Constitutional rights like the rest of us. Just like having kids.If it were possible to clone organs without the rest of the human being, then I support that. I don't support cloning people to harvest their parts or to transplant your brain into the head of a clone, since that's murder. The 'clone' is a person just like everybody else. Religious nonsensical arguments have no place in the discussion. Clones would not have souls, just like humans. To oppose progress on the basis that it will disprove your religious beliefs is a crime against our species. People's religious beliefs will simply change to accept the new truth. You can't disprove a religion. People will simply ignore the proof. That's why religion belongs in the home and the church, but not in science or the law. It's irrationality and schizophrenia.
  11. Did you make the new hard drive a slave to the first, or did you install it as a secondary drive? Whichever method you used, do the other method. Your PC seems to be getting confused and trying to boot the new drive. Possibly a resource conflict, so it's easiest to change it. I do remember something like this happening to me years ago, and I used the other method to fix it. If this doesn't work, then it may be true that your primary is about to crash. If you have Windows on disk with the key to install it, then you can install your new drive as the master or primary and install windows on it. Enslave your current master to it and transfer critical files to it. You can then reverse the two drives if you like, but you'll have peace of mind that if you lose your primary, you can switch themm again.If you decide to make both drives bootable, remember to change the jumper pin on the drives to be slave or master or seconsary, etc. depending on your drive and system configuration. In fact, you might check to see first that you have them jumped correctly now. This could be the source of the problem.
  12. There are born leaders and born followers. Anybody advocating any type of non-democratic political system is a follower. Understand this : I am an American. Nobody rules me. I read another suggestion somewhere before that I initially disregarded, but later saw some sense in it. The suggestion was that Congress or Parliament members be regular people drafted into service for a few years. Of course, they couldn't be criminals. It's an interesting idea. These people wouldn't have any political ambitions, no lust for power, and would only serve for a few years and be barred from serving again. This concept might work for one house of govt., like the House of Representatives here in the States, or England's House of Commons. This system isn't really democratic. It's beyond that. It's the people governing themselves. Interesting, at least.
  13. Yeah, that's why I haven't always slept naked... privacy issues. When I have privacy I'm naked.
  14. These aren't my views. I'm quoting a book, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". So it would be the book that's bull. There are several other books along the same lines. One ends with the ominous sentence..."maybe the west is ready for a king. Even America has tired of its failed attempt at democracy." My view is that, regardless of the truths of it historically, the people behind this are elitists who may attempt to create a New World Order by pulling a descendant of Jesus out of obscurity and promote 'his' kingdom in the west. I hope most Christians will see through it and reject it. Caesar was most likely an Atheist using religion to manipulate the masses. There were many Caesars. Most people fought Roman imperialism. Caesar had the smart idea to have his minions study the religions of the various tribes around Europe and the Middle East. Most religions had several common denominators, one being that they had some promise from their god or gods to send a king, or, messiah, or prophet, or demigod to rule over them. Caesar would then try to claim to be that god sent king according to their beliefs so they wouldn't resist him. Caesar liked the idea of Jesus, that there was only one god. However, Jesus was the Messiah, so where did that leave Caesar in his quest to be the leader of this religion? By elevating Jesus to son of god, Caesar could be the prophet. That was Caesar's motive. He didn't want to outrank Jesus. He wanted to create a church and be its leader, the pope. He died before the church was completed. Bear in mind that Jesus was already dead. I said the servant "complained" to Mary. Poor choice of words, but irrelevant to the point, and I'm not quoting the Bible. I'm quoting the other book (loosely). This same story was told to me by a freemason when I was young. I don't support any given religion. I'm quoting a book. Caesar created the Roman Catholic Church. His Apostles went to Jerusalem and gathered together the books contained within the Bible. They're not the originals. They've been edited. The reason Jesus performed certain rites was to confound the Jewish hierarchy. Jesus was a rabbi, but because of his teachings, the Jewish hierarchy would not allow him to rise above that station. It's been over a decade since reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail, so I can't remember some of it. I don't remember the different titles in the Jewish hierarchy, but I know Jesus wanted to rise higher. Just as Catholics have priests, cardinals, popes, etc. the Jewish hierarchy was similar. Jesus was a Jew. There was no Christian church yet. Jesus wanted to be "Pope" of the Jews. I remember one example from the book. When someone was excommunicated from the Jewish community, they were basically 'dead' to the Jewish church. Only a religious figure higher than a rabbi, say a "high priest", was allowed to forgive the person and bring them back into the fold. Bringing them back required a ritual resurrection where a high priest brought the person back from their "death". Jesus performed this ritual for Lazareth, who had been excommunicated. He wasn't truly dead. Jesus was accompanied by a high priest in the Jewish church who was a supporter of Jesus' teachings. This high priest approved of Lazarus' rebirth into the fold. Jesus then told the Jewish Hierarchy "I have raised Lazarus", meaning that Jesus must be a high priest since rabbis aren't allowed to perform the ceremony! Jesus was a very smart guy thinking outside the box, and frustrating Jewish leaders. This is another example of Caesar turning a rite into a miracle of raising the dead. Lazarus wasn't literally dead. I erred in saying Joseph went to England. Jesus brother was named James. It was James who went to England, though obviously it wasn't England at the time. There were no Catholics when James lived. He lived during Jesus time. It was Jesus' older brother. The remains of his church are still there. I'd have to buy the book and read it again to find the exact location. BTW, since James was Jesus' older brother, how was it that his mother Mary was a virgin? The only excuse the church can come up with is Joseph must have been married previously and had a son with his first wife. Weren't Joseph and Mary teenagers? You're correct about the Crusades. I meant to say Spanish Inquisition. Yes the freemasons still exist. They're everywhere. My brother in law is a freemason. The point to all of this is to let Dan Brown fans know where Dan Brown got the background story for the Da Vinci Code. He didn't just make it up. He got the story, or background info., from reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Skull & Bones are another group associated with the freemasons. Most U.S. Presidents over the last 40 years were members of Skull & Bones including both Bush Presidents. I believe Ben Franklin was a freemason, though I may be wrong. And, of course, Leonardo Da Vinci was a freemason.
  15. I sleep naked usually, but sometimes I sleep in my boxers. I used to wear boxers and a flannel shirt, but gave up the shirt, then gave up the shorts. I'm in California and it's usually pretty warm here.
  16. Texting, Myspace, and playing video games doesn't make kids smarter. I've heard too many kids say we had to attack Iraq for what "they" did to "us" on 9/11. Even now, many young people support John McCain to stop those Iranians from destroying the US and Israel with their secret nuclear weapons. Young people are ignorant and a disgrace to the history of our country. Previous generations would be marching on Washington, protesting US imperialism, yet today's generation can't pull themselves away from their XBox 360s long enough to notice what's happening in the world. Texting, Myspace, and Wii are the best thing that's ever happened for those who wish to destroy freedom in this country. The only way to get young people riled is to unplug their game consoles, which won't happen since video games are a great babysitter.Also, do kids have the Constitutional right to bear arms? Of course not. Juveniles do not have Constitutional rights. Their rights are a legal extension of their parents rights. Oddly, but legally, children are regarded as the property of their parents, and therefore gain rights from their parents. It seems, though, that some entities don't realize this and are treating minors as if they do have direct constitutional rights. Hence, corporal punishment has been banned in many states, teachers fear violating the rights of students, and parents fear a visit from social services for spanking or otherwise violating the rights of their kids. The fact that kids don't have direct constitutional rights is why abortion is protected. In order to ban abortion, children (including the unborn) must be granted Constitutional rights. No, young people are not more intelligent. They're more spoiled, and their parents and govts. are responsible for it.Keep in mind that their are many exceptional young people out there. I'm only talking about some kids and parents, and how technology is making them dysfunctional.
  17. I have a Yahoo! email acct., a Hotmail acct, a Gmail acct., an old Excite email acct, as well as a cox.net acct. and Comcast acct. The Cox acct. is in AZ. When I got divorced, I moved back to California, but I still have the Cox acct. since my ex-wife is still there. I can't use it to send though, so I have a Comcast acct now. I only use my Comcast acct. for serious stuff, never give it out on the internet. I don't want any spam to it.
  18. Chances are very good that this girl's family expects her to remain focused on her education and to avoid major distractions. Boys are definitely a major distraction, so that's probably why she doesn't date. To get close to this girl, you must honor her parents' wishes and be clear with her through your brief conversations that you are also all about staying focused on your education and career opps. You might ask her if she's hoping for a sports scholarship "like you are". This is a good conversation starter and puts you in a position to talk about the importance of academics and why you're into sports, that if you can't get a scholarship then sports drop in importance. This way, she may stop seeing you as just a jock. You might also mention your myspace page if you have one, or find out if she has a myspace page. This is a great way to 'chat' with a girl when strict parenting or time constraints are involved. Otherwise, you might go the email route. Tell her that you'd really like to see her competing (in whatever sport she plays), but you don't know her schedule. Can she email her schedule to you? Then give her your email. It's a start, but remember to keep it about her and her interests and be respectful. :DYou didn't mention what country you're in. I can only give advice in the west, i.e. USA, Britain, Canada, and Australia. If you're here, great, but if not, you'll need to take my Yankee advice with caution!
  19. I assume that you just want to create a simple site and that you're not looking to become an html and CSS guru, so I'd recommend downloading a free program called NVU. You can download it from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to create your page in a table. Otherwise, your page elements will move around on a visitors browser depending on their screen resolution and screen size. In other words, if you create your site on a computer with a 15 inch monitor and you write a 5 sentence paragraph on your site, and somebody views your site with a 20 inch monitor, your 5 sentence paragraph will now be a 1 or 2 sentence paragraph stretching across the screen! And if you're typing text around graphics or pictures, the formatting will be a mess. So use a table, and place each unique element in its own cell.Technically, CSS with Divs, absolute positioning, is the simplest way to create a web page. I just think it's more difficult to code CSS if you've never used it. A table is easier. This assumes that you've used tables before, or Excel. If you'd like to do it right, though, I think NVU will code in CSS, but remember to use Divs (dividers) with absolute positioning.
  20. According to the version numbers you posted, you're trying to install an old version of Thunderbird over a more recent version. Are you sure you're upgrading, or did you accidently reverse the version numbers in your post?
  21. How exactly does Bush or anyone else define winning a war?It seems that they won't declare victory until each Iraqi, without exception, declares their love and total obedience to the Bush Administration. We started a war with this country for no reason, bombing thousands of buildings and homes, killing over 100,000 civilians in an attempt to kill one man and we missed him. Even Al Qaeda kept quiet for the first year since they also despised Saddam Hussien (for being too westernized), but when America was clearly in Iraq indefinitely, Al Qaeda finally said enough is enough.Back in Mohammed's time, Arabs worried about the young, powerful Christian empires of Europe marching down into the Arab World, conquering Arab tribes one by one until all Arab lands would be lost to Europeans. Mohammed was deeply concerned about this, and warned Arab tribes that they needed to unite in order to defend their lands from Western Crusaders. This is why Islam is sworn to defend their lands from Crusaders, to kill Christian and Jewish armies, out of fear that they would be overrun.In over 1400 years, Mohammed's fears have proven correct. Time and again dating back to the Roman occupation of Canaan during Jesus' time, to the Turk's 500 year occupation of much of the middle east, and separate occupations by the French and Britain, Arabs (Muslims) have been fighting for the right to self government. Now, the United States and NATO create the United Nations, and use it as a tool to grab some of the best arable land in the Middle East, Canaan once again. They called it Israel, and millions of white Europeans migrated their, stealing Arab lands. When the Arabs fought back, Israel defended itself admirably, but stole more land, including all Palestinian land, and refuse to free the millions of Palestinians still living there under the Israeli boot.So clearly, as the mother of European Israel, or South Europe, the USA is despised by much of the Arab World. For Bush to believe that all Arabs, including all Iraqis, will accept US military forces (Christian Crusaders) in Iraq is a pipe dream and Bush has always known this. No nation of real men would ever accept a foreign occupier. Americans certainly wouldn't. So, what is Bush's definition of victory? If we leave Iraq with 10 extremists shooting at us, did we lose? What if only one Arab is shooting at us? Under what curcumstances can we leave Iraq and declare victory?
  22. I've had Yahoo! as my start page for many years. I'm wondering if there's a better start page out there. I remember using Excite several years ago, but their home page now looks outdated. Do you design your own start pages? If so, what's on it?
  23. I use Firefox for most browsing. I have IE7 to test my web sites to be sure of compatibility since most peeps use IE.
  24. There's no reason to believe that the U.S. and China will go to war. Taiwan is a diplomatic issue and will eventually be resolved through diplomacy. The most likely nations to launch a nuclear attack are obviously Israel and the USA. The single most likely scenario being an Israeli conventional attack upon Iran, followed by an Iranian conventional retaliation, an Israeli campaign of misinformation claiming that Iran, and possibly even Syria, have nukes, and then an Israeli nuclear strike against Iran and possibly even Syria. These Israeli acts of aggression could pull the Saudis and Egypt into the melee, though unlikely. The fallout from a nuclear attack would kill millions of Iranians, Afghanis, Pakistanis, and depending on the wind directions for several weeks, could even kill hundreds of thousands of Saudis, Israelis and Palestinians.It is highly improbable that the USA would launch a nuclear strike first. There is simply no justification for it anywhere in the world. It's possible that, if Israel was determined to attack Iran, that the USA would launch the attack instead for the purpose of protecting Israel. This is truly possible since the USA is currently occupying Afghanistan and Iraq for the sole purpose of protecting Israel. We (the USA) has already set a precedent for putting Israeli security ahead of our own national security.The other potential flashpoint is Pakistan. Either an exchange with India or an Islamic extremist coup in Pakistan, followed by either an Indian, Israeli, or American nuclear strike against Pakistani military installations and suspected nuclear weapons caches. Since only Russia and possibly China have the range to hit the USA, it's highly unlikely that any of these scenarios would result in a nuclear attack on the US or Europe. However, all of these scenarios represent a nuclear nightmare for the Middle East.
  25. Your homepage needs to be all about games. It's a game site. Push the gaming. Take a cool graphic from afew of your best games and put them on your home page. Get people straight into the games. Don't worry about creating a community. When peeps are hanging there playin games, they'll get around to checkin the forums and chat etc. You're a game site. Push that. Also, I would guess that your site is Renaissance Kingdom since it's the banner across the top. I assume it has value to you, but you need a logo up there. P.S. I know it's not the name of your site, but that's the assumption peeps will make.What's with the osTicket system, dude? Are you expecting complaints? A simple contact form is all you need there.And two words friend- spell checker. It's always a buzzkill to see many misspelled words.It's a nice look to the site. Love how the buttons get a blue light along the bottom. Love the black. You need a killer name for the site, and the landing page needs to get peeps to the games.Out
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